Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.
Jamshed Iqbal
One comes across several interesting comments from the people who have been 
defending Mr. Zakir Naik on Indian Muslims Blog. Most of my brothers and 
sisters are impressed by his “immense knowledge” without knowing that his kind 
of knowledge (database or retention) has nothing to do with religion at all. In 
other words the knowledge he and his fans boast of is irreligious in its very 
essence, for any true religion is an ever-flowing fountain of “wisdom” not 
However, Mr. Naik is not an only man basking under this false impression but, 
it is pity that most of our so-called Muslim scholars are making the profits of 
same deceptive notion. And it is about this “subtle subversion” that Muslim 
world or Muslim identity has suffered a great deal. Therefore in this article, 
I would talk about a whole range of “scholars” of this nature and use the name 
of Mr. Naik as an “all-purpose unit” to bring my point home.
A wise man may have some knowledge but “it does not necessitate that every 
knowledgeable man is wise”. For knowledge comes with analysis but wisdom with 
synthesis. Analysis demands scattering the whole into parts and pieces, on the 
contrary, synthesis demands uniting and reassembling the parts, once again, 
into a whole.
Men of knowledge without wisdom are far more harmful for human family than mad 
men. For knowledge without wisdom lacks comprehensiveness of vision, feelings, 
beauty and empathy. Therefore it is not beneficial at all, and in religious 
terms, it is irreligious! How?

A man of knowledge studies the composition of the atom from a disinterested 
desire for knowledge, and incidentally places it in the hands of powerful 
lunatics as the means of destroying the human race.
In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined 
with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily 
present in specialists in the pursuit of any kind of knowledge.
The point is “so-called men of knowledge lack comprehensive vision that is 
necessary to make them wise”. Ask, for example, a man of science to define 
human being! If he is sociologist he will tell you that, “man is a social 
animal for he cannot live without society”. Ask the same question to a 
physicist and he would brief you about “material composition of a human being” 
and reduce it to material hump. Raise this question before a chemist and get 
ready to listen that “man is nothing but product or composition of different 
chemicals”. A chemist would also open your eyes by telling that “man is a 
chemical animal and his emotions and character is mainly controlled by chemical 
balance or imbalance”. Go to a biologist to listen, “human being is an organism 
composed of different organs”. See a human being have been dissected into piece 
and lost! Even if all of these definitions cannot include what makes a human 
being a human being!
Definitions, I mean to say, are the foundations of analytical thinking and they 
always fail to spot the core—the essence. For example, in above definition of 
human person, what makes human person a human person is nowhere, as no 
definition could be holistic! Moreover, in definition, metaphor or simile, as 
logic demands, is not allowed to make analytical thinking free from feelings 
but religious wisdom or morality is absurd or impossible without feelings! 
There is no room for aesthetics (beauty) in analysis and morality or wisdom 
gushes from these two springs as well!
I think Islam is very clear about this point as:
“Allah is beautiful and loves beauty”. Allah (The Supreme Reality) is truth and 
truth cannot be revealed unto those whose whole effort is demystification and 
Has analysis anything to do with “love”? Isn’t beauty a mystery so beyond the 
logic (Allah Him/Herself)? Have analytical sciences, from so-called 
Enlightenment Age onwards, not been trying to demystify the mysterious 
phenomenon of existence or being? Was it not an organized effort to obliterate 
God from human consciousness? Has sciences (knowledge not wisdom) not been 
consciously trying to omit suggestiveness from natural phenomena to make it 
dull and ugly!
There have a tendency among Quranic scholars—the tendency to count! For example 
word (or Ism-e-Zat) Allah has been used so many times in Quran. Mr. Zakir Naik, 
and others of course, can safely claim 10 GB memory containing these types of 
calculations. But, so far as I know, no one has told that how many similes and 
metaphors are used in Quran. How many attributes of Allah (the beneficent the 
merciful) reflect rationality and others feelings or emotions?
Mr. Zakir Naik could not deny that Prophet Mohammad’s (May peace by upon him) 
holy life is an evergreen epic of compassion and empathy—the gift “to feel” 
with others! Remember once my Lord was running for milking the sheep to feed a 
crying cat when West was not familiar with “animal rights”! Was it analysis or 
feeling—feeling with and for the whole creation?
Islam is known to be the highest point of Abrahamic tradition and Prophet 
Abraham dived into the fire! A rationalist or an analyst (or a man of 
knowledge) would never think that fire could behave otherwise!
In short the whole range of knowledge mounted up by sciences is of analytical 
nature, and therefore today, world is rich with knowledge but poor in wisdom. 
For if it were rich in wisdom we would have been living in paradise! The main 
problem with our age is that our age far surpasses all previous ages in 
knowledge (rotted data) but there is a correlative “famine” of wisdom. Since 
wisdom includes not only intellect but also feelings, and this world is mostly 
steered by those whose knowledge is wide but feelings are too narrow! Therefore 
they have made it a hell of hatred!
One of my brothers, Mr. Wasif, wrote about Zakir Naik’s comments about Sufi 
saints. According to him Zakir Naik says:

“Sufism is an alien plant in the soil of Islam”
These are actually the words of Allama Mohammad Iqbal (1877-1938) who, no 
doubt, was an extraordinarily profound and inspiring poet—but as a philosopher, 
he used to wear several hats of intellect like Herbert Spencer in Western 
philosophical tradition. Actually, as I think, his poetry and thought begins in 
trivial metaphors, pretty metaphors, then culminates into “grace metaphors” and 
finally goes on to profoundest thinking that we have. Mr. Zakir Naik should 
note that in his profundity—Iqbal himself is a Sufi! For example:

Ik Danish-e-burhani, ik Danish-e-ruhani
Hai Danish-e-burhani hairat ki frawani
(One the one hand there is an argumentative/logical wisdom, and, on the other 
hand spiritual wisdom! But argumentative/logical wisdom is nothing but surplus 
of wonder…….)
Qadhe khirad froze keh Frang dad mara
Hama aftab lekin asar-e-sahar na darid
(The shining wine cup of rationality offered by the West is the full Sun but 
powerless/impotent to bring into being lime light of the morning)
Iqbal used to call himself a disciple (mureed hindi) of Jalal-ud-Din Rumi—the 
great Persian Sufi poet! Therefore, he was highly impressed by Persian 
influence on Islamic culture, community and thought. For example, in his famous 
chapter, The Muslim Community, in The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in 
Islam, Iqbal writes:

“The conquest of Persia gave to the Musalmans what the conquest of Greece gave 
to the Romans. But for Persian, our culture would have been absolutely one 
It is doubtless that Mr. Zakir Naik is advocating and pushing exclusively 
soulless, fanatical and chauvinistic Saudi (Wahhabi) version of Islam that has 
become a disgusting scar on the face of highly inclusive Islamic teachings! It 
is duty of Wahabism to wage war against teachings of great Sufi saints who kept 
the divinely prophet-consciousness alive not by preaching the truth but living 
like truth! Naik’s grudge towards Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) is a 
clear sign that he is an agent of un-Islamic Saudi state employed to save her 
from Hussain who exposes and challenges Yazid of every age!
Wahhabism is troubled by Sufism for it is a message of inclusiveness and 
tolerance! Wahhabism wages war against it for it is a message of freedom and 
core of Islam that is, in its essence anti- hierarchy and anti-establishment! 
Wahhabism is afraid of Sufism for it shows a beautiful face of Islam but 
Saudi’s allies (especially United States) are funding her to prove it ugly and 
dangerous for peaceful coexistence!
Mr. Zakir Naik and all his friends are stakeholders in the highly lucrative and 
hideous business of a great conspiracy “Defame & Destroy”. For it is duty of 
Wahhabism to promote blameful and reproachably bigoted religiosity for 
facilitating its funders to wipe Muslims from the face of the earth by 
declaring them potentially dangerous creatures!
May Allah save my innocent brothers and sisters in Islam from felling a prey to 
a vicious alliance! May Allah help us to show our non-Muslim brothers and 
sisters that Wahhabism is not the real face of Islam! Islam is one of the most 
inclusive religions wherein “ink of a scholar is holier than blood of a martyr” 
and “killing one human person is killing humanity”! Islam—that is a religion of 
heart, love, empathy and compassion!
Jamshed Iqbal is a student and teacher of English literature and philosophy

saiyed shahbazi

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