
We need your help to educate the public on an important topic !

ZonEMvS has launched a campaign unlike any in history to electronically 
distribute as many as free copies of Sahih-Bukhari Hadith Books

through the Internet.

As you know, Hadith Books can be downloaded for free and also some Quran 
Recitations by Popular Qari's are available at this URL

...and here is where you can be part of this project.

After downloading the Hadith Books,please forward this E-mail to your Muslim as 
well as non-Muslim friends, peers and family members....

As you know, a lot of media outlets have portrayed incorrect interpretations of 
Islamic Books and it is important that such false

perceptions be immediately corrected.

Muslims as well as non-Muslims need to study this book often and

thoroughly to understand the true messages of this book.You can help us 
tremendously in this noble cause....

Forward this E-mail to everyone you know and use all other legal means to let 
others know...

The question to ask yourself is that how many copies will YOU be

resposnible for downloading and free distribution....

Get the reward and be part of this project unlike any undertaken

in history before !!!

Again, please forward this email to as many people as you can !!!

Sahih Bhukari Shareef

Book Name : Sahih Bhukari Shareef

Editor : Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismail Bhukari

Translated By : Moulana Mohammad Dawood Raaz

Language : Urdu

Volume : 8 Volumes

 Price : Seeking Blessings

 All Files have been Uploaded in RapidShare


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