As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu

(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings!)

Welcome to the e-mail list of the Islam Q&A website.

1.     She used her neighbour's Internet and discovered her talent in
writing; should she use this talent? 
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I used my neighbour's Internet (DSL network) without their knowledge,
and whilst using it I did a psychological test on an Internet website,
and I discovered that my talent is writing.  
Is it permissible for me to use this talent (writing) even though I
acquired it in a way that is not permissible, as I believe, to earn
money and write books, especially since I do not know who they (the
neighbours) are? Is there any way out from this by giving charity on
their behalf and so on?  
May Allaah reward you with good. 

Praise be to Allaah. 

We have previously spoken about the ruling on using someone else's
Internet connection. Please see the answer to question number 99544
<> . 

If we assume that your using this Internet connection affected its speed
and harmed your neighbour, then this is a sin that you must ask
forgiveness for. But it does not mean that you cannot make use of
talents in writing or benefit from them, whether it is said that you had
this talent before or you acquired it by using the Internet -- which is
unlikely -- but if you give something in charity on behalf of the people
whose rights you transgressed against, that is something good in sha

We do not advise you to use that talent in writing that you have
discovered in the Internet, because this is something that may not have
good consequences, because there is a lot of nonsense on the Internet,
the traps of the shaytaan are widespread in it and his tricks are
hidden. Strive to write essays or books that will be of benefit to you
and your brothers, focus more on calling people to Allaah, enjoining
what is good and forbidding what is evil, and teaching useful books to
your sisters and the people around you. Let your focus in writing be
that which is of benefit and which brings you closer to Allaah, and you
will be happy when you see it in the record of your good deeds on the
Day of Resurrection. 

We ask Allaah to bless and guide us and you. 

And Allaah knows best.


Islam Q&A


2.     Intimacy with a woman who is menstruating.
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I read somewhere that during the period of menstrual cycle, the part
below the waist of a woman is haram to do intercourse with, while the
part above the waist is halal and there is nothing wrong taking part in
sex with husband with upper part only? Is this correct in the light of
true ahadeeth?

Praise be to Allaah.   

What you have read is not correct. The correct view is that the man may
be intimate with his wife when she is menstruating in all ways apart
from intercourse.

 The evidence for that has already been explained in the answer to
question no. 36722
<;> .

 Many of the scholars were of the view that it is haraam for a man to be
intimate with his wife during her menses with regard to the area between
the navel and the knees, and they quoted evidence for that, but this
view has some flaws, for example : 

1 - The report narrated by Abu Dawood (213) from Mu'aadh ibn Jabal who
said: "I asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) what it is permissible for a man to do with his wife when she
is menstruating. He said, 'Whatever is above the izaar (waist wrapper),
but refraining from that is better.'"  

This hadeeth is da'eef, and was not proven from the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him). 

Abu Dawood said: It is not strong. It was classed as da'eef by
al-'Iraaqi as it says in 'Awn al-Ma'bood. And it was classed as da'eef
by al-Albaani in Da'eef Abi Dawood, 36. 

2 - Ahmad (87) narrated from 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab that he asked the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), "What can a man do
with his wife when she is menstruating?" The Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whatever is above the

Ahmad Shaakir said in Tahqeeq al-Musnad (86): its isnaad is da'eef
(weak) because there is a missing link in it.  

3 - Abu Dawood (212) also narrated from Haraam ibn Hakeem that his
paternal uncle asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), "What is it permissible for me to do with my wife
when she is menstruating?" He said, "Whatever is above the izaar." 

The scholars differed concerning this hadeeth. Ibn al-Qayyim narrated in
Tahdheeb al-Sunan that some of the huffaaz regarded it as da'eef, and he
concurred with that. It was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh
Abi Dawood, 197. 

Even if the hadeeth is saheeh, it does not constitute evidence that this
is not permissible to engage in intimacy between the navel and the
knees, because it is possible to reconcile between this hadeeth and
other ahaadeeth which state that such intimacy is possible in one of the
following ways: 

1-     It means that this is mustahabb to avoid the site of
menstruation, not that it is obligatory to do so.

2-     It may be interpreted as applying to the one who is not able to
control himself, because if he is allowed to be intimate with the area
between the thighs, for example, he may not be able to control himself
and may have intercourse in the vagina, so he would be doing something
haraam, either because he is lacking in religious commitment, or because
his desire is too strong. So the ahaadeeth which indicate that it is
permissible apply to the one who can control himself and the ahaadeeth
which indicate that it is not allowed apply to the one who fears that he
may fall into haraam. 

>From al-Sharh al-Mumti' by Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, 1/416-417 

And Allah knows best

We ask Allah the Most High, the All-Powerful, to teach us that which
will benefit us, and to benefit us by that which we learn. May Allah
grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and
companions! (Ameen)

Answered By: Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

 With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad <>
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >





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