>From The Sunday Times

February 15, 2009

Labour bares its appeaser's teeth to unbending Muslims


Has Jacqui Smith for once done something right? Was our beleaguered
"second home" home secretary wise to drive away from our shores the
unappealing Dutch politician Geert Wilders? Surely the government has a
duty to keep out any troublemakers it chooses, if that appears to be in
the national interest. 

Those who mutter indignantly that the eccentric Wilders is a
democratically elected politician in a European Union country miss the
point. At a time of real danger no one cares about niceties like that,
not even those who are protesting about it. Besides, all kinds of wholly
undesirable people have been elected to European parliaments. Being an
elected European politician is not the best of calling cards. 

Those who insist that freedom of speech within the law must be absolute
are also missing the point; there are times when public order trumps
free speech, as the wildest of libertarians must agree. Careless talk
can cost lives and grown-up governments have a duty of pragmatism. 

So if the home secretary rightly judged that Wilders is a man likely and
possibly anxious to stir up serious trouble, then she was right to have
him put on the next plane home at Heathrow last Thursday. But did she
judge rightly? Or was she guilty of the poor judgment, moral funk and
cultural appeasement that we have come to expect of new Labour? 

Wilders was told in a letter from the Home Office that he is not welcome
here because his statements about Muslims and their beliefs "threaten
community harmony and therefore public safety". He may not be entitled
to know what that means, but we certainly are. Yet the government has
been very coy about explaining. 

What I think it means was that some British Muslims - enough to cause
trouble and bad publicity for the government - would get upset and angry
if both Wilders and his film appeared; there were protests worldwide
when his film was released in Holland last year and, reportedly, threats
of organised protest here. So Wilders was kept away because of tacit
threats from some British Muslims who won't accept criticism of any
kind. I don't think the ban had much to do with the equally, but
differently, agitated feelings of the non-Muslim majority: if Smith had
considered them, she might have realised that it was equally
inflammatory not to let Wilders in. 

Admittedly Wilders is not the kind of visitor most people would want. It
is difficult to avoid thinking the man must be as aggressively silly as
his preposterous cockscomb hairdo; he has urged the Dutch government to
ban the Koran as "fascist" and he is facing prosecution there for
incitement to hatred and discrimination. He seems to be entirely the
wrong man to make a balanced, thoughtful case about anything. But
freedom of speech is not only for the sensible. And there seems to be no
suggestion that his film Fitna breaks any laws here. Indeed it has, in
his absence, been shown to a tiny audience in the House of Lords,
without any interference from the police. 

Many of those who so passionately denounced Wilders's film here last
week haven't actually seen it. We can only suppose, therefore, that
their indignation was fuelled by a desire to display anti-racist
credentials. David Miliband, our gaffe-prone young foreign secretary,
was quick to point out that Fitna is " a hate-filled film designed to
stir up religious and racial hatred and is contrary to our laws". But he
then had to admit that he hadn't seen it either. 

I have seen the film, twice. It is very short and anyone can find it
easily on the internet. It did not strike me as contrary to our laws,
stringent though they now are, and no one but Miliband seriously makes
that claim. 

It is unsophisticated and one-sided and likely to upset people, yet I do
not think it is factually untruthful. It juxtaposes certain texts from
the Koran, commanding the faithful to kill infidels, apostates,
homosexuals and so on and to take over the world, with news footage of
Islamist terrorists carrying out these commands and film of Islamist
supporters cheering them on. 

Admittedly the film does not try to distinguish between Islamist
terrorists and ordinary law-abiding Muslims, or to show how Muslims have
lived together peacefully with others all over the world for centuries.
So Fitna is extremely unbalanced and, in that sense, misleading.
However, what the film does show are precisely the things, I believe,
that deeply worry a lot of non-Muslims. 

Again and again we are told that Islam is a religion of peace and
equality; how does that tally with some of what the Koran says? 

What makes such anxieties really toxic is the feeling that they are
suppressed and ignored by our government. Critics of Islam, however
reasonable, know they are likely to fall foul of the many new Labour
laws against freedom of expression, in particular against incitement to
religious hatred, which was enacted under Muslim pressure. 

Yet despite these laws, which silence critics of Islam, Muslims are
allowed to teach views that are illegal in public mosques. The awkward
truth is that certain teachings in the Koran are against the law in this
country - teachings about homosexuality and the position of women, for
example. In some places the Koran and some other Muslim teachings are
sexist, homophobic and likely to incite religious hatred. 

To call the Koran "fascist" as Wilders has done is stupid, empty and
needlessly offensive. However, to say that some of its teachings, taken
literally, are unacceptable in this country is merely to report a fact. 

Wilders's visit was a disastrously missed opportunity. Keeping him out
will anger many of the silent majority. Had he been allowed in, his
silliness would have been exposed. More importantly, thoughtful and
sophisticated British Muslims offered to debate his film. They could
have discussed publicly what Muslims believe and whether they take
literally the bloodthirstier parts of the Koran - although how they
square these theological circles is beyond me, as is the mystery of how
Christians dispense with the nastiest bits of Exodus and Leviticus. But
this was a perfect moment for British Muslims to educate the public
about themselves. 

And it was an opportunity for the government to prove that it is not
prepared to appease any threatening minority, but will stand up for
freedom and tolerance. But it was an opportunity this government was
incapable of taking. It doesn't even understand the importance of it. 

The author can be reached at: < minette.mar...@sunday-times.co.uk
<mailto:minette.mar...@sunday-times.co.uk>  >


Editorial: The flying Dutchman



Comment from someone regarding this subject:

Labour bares its appeaser's teeth to unbending Muslims



Courtesy: This mail was received from Br Arif Bhuiyan, UK <
arif196...@yahoo.co.uk >

With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman


The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad <http://muhammad.net/>
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >

IMPORTANT: This article is being circulated to inform our Muslim
brothers and sisters as to the current affairs affecting the Muslims;
circulation of this article should therefore not be misconstrued as
anything but the sharing of such information.



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