An open letter to the Muslim Community At Large:

My name is Nafisa Cooper; President and Founder of Sista2Sista Inc. a
Nonprofit organization that has been in existence for several years.
For those of you who have not heard of our organization we are a
resource, referral and advocacy service for Muslims in Crisis. We
primarily deal with Muslim victims of Domestic and family violence.
Now that we are past the introductions I am writing this letter with
the intent to convey to all who are in receipt of this email to take
a moment and inshaAllah look at what we are doing as a community to
In regard to the media frenzy over the "so called " Honor Killing of
Sister Aasiyah Hasan; the reaction of the Muslim Community At large;
the call for action from so many Muslim leaders and organizations to
address the domestic violence epidemic (cause that is what it really
There are questions that come to my mind; one which is "When will we
understand that until we accept the responsibility to properly
educate our own community (Islamically) and educate the secular
community on the clear distinctions of what is religiously or
culturally driven behaviors such as this that we are not solving the
For so many victims and families affected by Domestic Violence in our
community the sudden rush to take action will inshaAllah be a
blessing to fostering better services for victims. Alhamdulillah May
Allah make these endeavors a success, amin. However, we still have to
accept the responsibility to take proper actions to stop the
association of these horrific crimes as being a part of Islam.
Take a serious look at what can happen if we(The Muslim Community)
really allow the media to continue the road they seem to always
travel when it comes to us! What this could lead to! (think about it!)
On another personal note of mine… I feel that the sudden rush to take
action by so many influential bodies within our community is
wonderful when we look at the cause. This is really a good thing,
however my being the person that I am tend to look at things always
on a critical level; I cannot seem to stop wondering why now! Why not
six months ago or two years ago? This is not the first incident such
as this that has made national news or impacted our community for
that matter.  Could it be the status of this couple? Could it be the
fact that once again we are caught up in the hype of something?, it
makes me wonder and question the intentions of many of us and May
Allah forgive me and have mercy upon me if I am wrong for saying
this, amin.  I just want those who are stepping up to the plate to
realize that the real work now begins and that because this is making
such headlines now… where will we be six months or a year from now
for that matter. How many of us will still be struggling to fight the
epidemic?  I read this morning in an article from sound vision that
the brother was not even a practicing Muslim…. (Allahu Alim) I am not
one to say that he is or was because I don't know but the point I am
trying to make with this is we are so caught up on the details of
what happened that we still have yet to deal with our real underlying
issues….. Our community needs to be properly educated!  We need to
accept responsibility for our own problems! We need to make what is
available to us more effective for us! We need to stop acting like
opportunists and begin to do the real work! We need to understand
that we are responsible for setting the record straight and we need
to become accountable for our communities actions and become more
proactive than reactive!
I am challenging all of those who say they are committed to making
changes and fighting this problem to keep your commitments! There are
so many people who need to know that the help is available.

Wa salaam

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