The Missionaries create trouble where ever they go. They have no regard for 
life, safety or well being of the people. They only have one agenda, convert by 
any means.


Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Israel
Published: May 20, 2008
JERUSALEM: Orthodox Jews set fire to hundreds of copies of the New Testament in 
the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in the Holy Land.

Or Yehuda Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon said missionaries recently entered a 
neighborhood in the predominantly religious town of 34,000 in central Israel, 
distributing hundreds of New Testaments and missionary material.

After receiving complaints, Aharon said, he got into a loudspeaker car last 
Thursday and drove through the neighborhood, urging people to turn over the 
material to Jewish religious students who went door to door to collect it.

The books were dumped into a pile and set afire in a lot near a synagogue, he 

The Israeli Maariv daily reported Tuesday that hundreds of Jewish religious 
school students took part in the book-burning. But Aharon told The Associated 
Press that only a few students were present, and that he was not there when the 
books were torched. Not all of the New Testaments that were collected were 
burned, but hundreds were, he said.

He said he regretted the burning of the books, but called it a "commandment" to 
burn materials that urge Jews to convert.

"I certainly don't denounce the burning of the booklets," he said. "I denounce 
those who distributed the booklets."

Jews worship from the Old Testament, including the Five Books of Moses and the 
writings of the ancient prophets. Christians revere the Old Testament as well 
as the New Testament, which contains the ministry of Jesus.

Calev Myers, an attorney who represents Messianic Jews, or Jews who accept 
Jesus as their savior, demanded in an interview with Army Radio that all those 
involved be put on trial. He estimated there were 10,000 Messianic Jews, who 
are also known as Jews for Jesus, in Israel.

Police had no immediate comment.

Israeli authorities and Orthodox Jews frown on missionary activity aimed at 
Jews, though in most cases it is not illegal. Still, the concept of a Jew 
burning books is abhorrent to many in Israel because of the association with 
Nazis torching piles of Jewish books during the Holocaust of World War II.

Earlier this year, the teenage son of a prominent Christian missionary was 
seriously wounded when a package bomb delivered to the family's West Bank home 
went off in his hands.

Last year, arsonists burst into a Jerusalem church used by Messianic Jews and 
set the building on fire, raising suspicions that Jewish extremists were behind 
the attack. No one claimed responsibility, but the same church was burned down 
25 years ago by ultra-Orthodox Jewish extremists.

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