--- On Tue, 2/24/09, yusef1...@gmail.com <yusef1...@gmail.com> wrote:
From: yusef1...@gmail.com <yusef1...@gmail.com>
Subject: American Muslim Leadership Program
To: "Khadijah Rivera" <vpieda...@yahoo.com>, "siri carrion" <sma...@yahoo.com>, 
"Shinoa" <telami...@yahoo.com>, "Saeed Al Dhaheri" <sa...@zhic.ae>, "Curtis 
Sharif" <cssha...@yahoo.com>, "Danny Salgado, Jr." <jazir...@yahoo.com>, 
"aswadstone" <aswadst...@aol.com>, "Wilfredo A. Ruiz, Esq." 
<wruiz...@yahoo.com>, "Nylka Vargas Alok" <ay...@hotmail.com>, "Tahanie 
Aboushi" <tahani...@yahoo.com>, "Bahador A. Zabihiyan" <b.zabihi...@gmail.com>, 
"Sakinah binti Hunt" <honesty_...@hotmail.com>, benalhas...@gmail.com, 
c...@cair-net.org, "Michaela Corning" <one1micha...@hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 10:39 PM

The American Muslim Leadership Program, was a success.

AL Hajji Yusef Maisonet


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  American Muslim Leadership Program

    Dr. Raffas , Dr. Bassen , Dr. Bassam Alzain , Director Khalid Marzouki , 
with Khalid Ahmed



  Twenty One American Sisters made this historical trip to Al AIN , UAE to 
attend this program,of leadership and cultural exchange thanks to Brother 
Khalid Ahmed and also to Khalid Marsouki the director of the program, they were 
so impress by how the brothers program went so well last year that they wanted 
to see how the American sisters would take advantage of this program,we had 
sisters from all corners of America and little by little they came to 
Washington D.C. ,Abimbola Bishi , Intisar Rashid , Lola Al-Uqdah , Michaela 
Elizabeth Corning , Anton Patricia , Shaakira Raheem , Erica Charves , Khadijah 
Shareef , Tahanie Aboushi , Vita Milagros Rivera , Zarinah Zakiyyah Shakir , 
Joann Skinner , Angelique Lynn Godley , Loretta Al-Uqdah , Shirley Cooper , 
Shelia Watson , Maryam Rashid Washington , Malika Rushdan , Shinoa Matos , 
Aseelah Rashid and Khadijah Rashid.


  We visited while in Washington D.C. with the second Muslim Congressman Andre 
Carson of Indianapolis and with members of the ACMY American Congress of Muslim 
Youth and were able to share some good points of being involved in the American 
Process of changing for the better and getting to know a little about the 
Political vision that America is going. Our stay in Washington D.C. was very 
short as we got ready to depart to the UAE. We departed Thursday Dec. 11 at 
10:00pm we flew Qatar Air Lines , the economy class felt like first class 
beautiful Airline its was a 12 hour flight to Doha, Qatar and another 55 
minutes to Abu Dhabi, UAE, they were waiting on our arrival and they welcome 
the sisters like Queens , no waiting on lines all passports taken care of 
baggage everything, they just had to drive to AL AIN about an hour away, on 
arrival to AL AIN the sisters just had to decide who was going to be their room 
mates in Villas to accommodate 3 sister per
 Villa everything that they will need for the next 30 days was 
provided. The next morning after an Emirate style breakfast they were taken to 
Oasis Hospital for check ups and to issue them insurance cards for any medical 
needs that they would experience while attending the School. The United Arab 
Emirates was founded in 1971 by the late Shaykh Zayed Bin Sultan  Al Nahyan( 
may his soul rest in peace). The Eastern Arabia peninsula has been 
predominately Muslim since the time of the Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon 
him)there are over 170 nationalities in the Emirates population.


  Zayed House of Islamic Culture was reestablished by presidential decree in 
2005 as center for Islamic culture a place for exchange and promotion of the 
values and ideas of Islamic culture, Zayed house is an independent government 
entity funded by the Crown Prince. And their goal is to teach moderate Islam to 
the American Muslims and to have an intercultural exchange with their friends 
and brothers and sisters in America.

    The visits that they have graciously attended have served to strengthens 
the friendship that these two countries share for the world (Peace). The 
sisters represented all aspects of Islam in America Latinos , Caucasian , 
Africans and Afro American sisters and myself that attended the Imam Training 
Program have to give it up for the sisters , they are learning all the 
knowledge they can get , and as Khalid Ahmed says we have to continue to 
educate our brothers and sisters in the United States Of America to make this 
world a better place for our children.

    Imam Yusef Maisonet





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