Asa and peace,

Insha'Allaah you're all well :)

In TWO days time I'm going to be taking part in a 20 mile charity walk from 
West London to East London (Saturday 7th March - Southall to Green Street) on 
with 12 confirmed walkers alhamdulillah!!!!!! All proceeds from the walk will 
go towards Interpal.

I have at present raised around about £400 of my £1500 target with many people 
still donating and making pledges. Please try and get your pledges and 
donations in in the next couple of days, any amount is for the sake of Allaah, 
pennies, pounds etc.

With the atrocities that have been committed against the Palestinians many of 
the basic amenities which we take for granted, such as shelter, water, 
electricity, flour, milk, food and medicine and even paper has been stripped 
from them.

Interpal ( is an amazing charity! They help to raise aid and 
funds specifically for those people in need and are specifically involved with 
taking over food packages as well as raising funds to help Palestinians rebuild 
their lives.

Our walk is with the aim of raising at least £4000 amongst us through our 
friends and families, and some of us have our own personal targets. Again this 
is all in the way of Allaah swt, anything more than this figure would be 
absolutely amazing :)

Please donate at: and spread the word :)

Many thanks.


Aisha :)

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