Al-Jazeera - Pro-Israel Arab Network
December 11, 2008

"I wish all Arab media were like Al-Jazeera," - Gideon Ezra, former deputy head 
of Israeli General Security Service, quoted in 'Foreign Policy (FP)', 
July/August 2006 issue.

Kathy Shaidle's article Al-Jazeera's Newest (Jewish) Star was published in the 
anti-Islam Jewish FrontPage Magazine on March 26, 2008 - in which she blasted 
Avi Lewis 40, former host with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) - for 
joining Al-Jazeera, the Middle Eastern broadcaster that serves as "the leading 
purveyor of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism". However, her outburst was 
nothing but to create Al-Jazeera's image as 'anti-Israel' and 'Jew-hating' 
Arab-Muslim propaganda outlet.

Avi Lewis comes from a very powerful Canadian political family, known for it 
sympathy for anti-Muslim movements in Nigeria, Sudan, Indonesia, Islamic Iran, 
and occupied Palestine. Both his father, Stephen Lewis (former Canadian 
ambassador in Washington), and grandfather, David Lewis, were leaders of 
Canada's opposition New Democratic Party (NDP).

Avi Lewis demonized Islam and Muslims in his interview at CBC with notorious 
Dutch parliamentarian Ayyan Hirshi Ali in June, 2007, who has since been 
expelled from the country for passport forgery. Avi introduced her as "Somali 
Muslim woman, subjected to genital mutilation and promised in arranged marriage 
with a Canadian". Hirshi co-authored the script of Muslim-hating film 
Submission with Theo Van Gough. The film featured sexualized images of a Muslim 
woman with verses of Holy Qur'an written on her naked body.

The Qatar-based Al-Jazeera was launched 12 years ago to counter the 
Zionist-controlled anti-Arab western mass-media outlets, such as, CNN, BBC, 
Sky, and FoxNews - but with the passage of time, its original aims have long 
been hijacked, especially in its subsidary, Al-Jazeera International (AJI) - 
which controls and Al-Jazeera Rnglish TV - by 
pro-Israeli management and news reporters - who heavily depend on distorted and 
anti-Muslim major western news agencies, such as, Reuters, Associated Press 
(AP) and Agence France Presse (AFP). AP gets its news of Zionazi fascism from 
its West Jerusalem office, which is staffed with known American Zionist Jews 
and European Jew settlers.

Many of Al-Jazeera's original pro-Palestinian staff  have been either fired or 
neutralized. One of them is Khalid Amayreh, a professional journalist and 
political analyst from West Bank. In his article published in 'The Electronic 
Intifada', dated September 15, 2006 - wrote:
  "This writer, who has been working for, has dicovered 
by chance, efforts by some senior western editors at AJI to minimize and avoid 
as much as possible the publication of articles, especially news and feature 
stories, portraying Israel in a bad light or otherwise exposing Israeli 
occupation practices against Palestinian people."
AJI's senior editor, Vince Ryan and the Editor-in-Chief, Russell Merryman - are 
both hard-line pro-Israel Zionists. In February, 2006 - Dave Marash 66 (a Jew), 
former reporter for ABCNews' "Hotline" joined Washington-based Al-Jazeera 
English (AJE) as anchorman. AJE has four news hubs - in Washington, Qatar, 
London and Kuala Lumpur. AJE's military analyst is former US Marine captain 
Josh Rushing. Will Stebbins 42, the former foreign correspondent with AP TV 
News, is Chief of 125-member Washington bureau. Amy Marash (Dave's wife), who 
earlier worked for MSNBC, is AJE producer.

AJE is habitual in cut & paste when it comes to its Zionist-controlled news 
sources. It still call Muslim resistance groups, "militants" or "terrorists" - 
anti-USrael Muslims, "Fundamentalist" or "radical Muslim" or "anti-Semites" or 
"extremists" or "Jihadis", etc. It always toe-in to the "official story" when 
it comes to projecting Muslims as "bad guys". For example, even today - it 
blamed Pakistan and Muslims for Mumbai's terrorist attacks - without mentioning 
the fact that several Hindus political analysts and some local newspapers have 
pointed their fingers toward a Mossad-BJP alliance behind the attacks.

Al-Jazeera was launched in November, 1996 by Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin 
Khalifa at the cost of US$150 million. English channel began its broadcast on 
November 15, 2006.


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