Police: Convicted Britain Cab Driver Assaulted 500 Women
Saturday, March 14, 2009

A cab driver convicted Friday of sex attacks on a dozen women is believed to be 
Britain's most prolific sex attacker.

John Worboys was found guilty of 19 charges of drugging and sexually assaulting 
12 female passengers. In one case he raped his victim. He was cleared of two 
counts of drugging women, but is thought to have attacked more than 500 during 
his 13-year career as a trusted licensed taxi driver.

A senior detective told The Times: "The truth is we'll never know how many 
women Worboys attacked but it could easily be hundreds and hundreds."

Worboys, dressed in a grey suit and tie, put his face in his hands and shook 
his head as he stood in the dock. As the guilty verdict for rape was read out 
he said: "Oh my God," and wiped away tears before Justice Penry-Davey told him 
to expect a "very substantial term of imprisonment." He then looked at a friend 
in the public gallery and shook his head in disbelief.

The former porn actor and stripper, who performed under the name of Terry the 
Minder at gay venues, was arrested by police in the summer of 2007 but was 
freed to attack scores more women, at least 30 while he was on bail.

Senior officers have discovered that 12 women had gone to the Metropolitan 
Police before Worboys was charged to complain about a black cab driver trying 
to drug, sexually assault or generally pester them, but their claims were never 

Since his arrest, 75 more women have come forward to tell police they believe 
that Worboys attacked them too, including four from Dorset, where he had an 
apartment and would sometimes take his taxi.

He was charged with attacking 14 women in a 16-month period after looking for 
potential victims coming out of nightclubs and bars, Croydon Crown court was 



Taxi driver rapist John Worboys is Britain's most prolific sex attacker
March 14, 2009

The driver of a black cab convicted yesterday of sex attacks on a dozen women 
is believed to be Britain's most prolific sex attacker.

John Worboys was found guilty of 19 charges of drugging and sexually assaulting 
12 female passengers. In one case he raped his victim. He was cleared of two 
counts of drugging women, but is thought to have attacked more than 500 during 
his 13-year career as a trusted licensed taxi driver.

A senior detective told The Times: "The truth is we'll never know how many 
women Worboys attacked but it could easily be hundreds and hundreds."

Worboys, dressed in a grey suit and tie, put his face in his hands and shook 
his head as he stood in the dock. As the guilty verdict for rape was read out 
he said: "Oh my God," and wiped away tears before Mr Justice Penry-Davey told 
him to expect a "very substantial term of imprisonment". He then looked at a 
friend in the public gallery and shook his head in desbelief.

The former porn actor and stripper, who performed under the name of Terry the 
Minder at hen parties and gay venues, was arrested by police in the summer of 
2007 but was freed to attack scores more women, at least 30 while he was on 

Senior officers have discovered that 12 women had gone to the Metropolitan 
Police before Worboys was charged to complain about a black cab driver trying 
to drug, sexually assault or generally pester them, but their claims were never 

Since his arrest, 75 more women have come forward to tell police they believe 
that Worboys attacked them too, including four from Dorset, where he had a flat 
and would sometimes take his taxi.

He was charged with attacking 14 women in a 16-month period after looking for 
potential victims coming out of nightclubs and pubs, Croydon Crown court was 

Johanna Cutts, QC, for the prosecution, said that his intent "was to ensure 
that they were completely at his mercy and then to sexually molest them".

She added: "Having each girl alone in his cab was a start but this defendant, 
we say, wanted to ensure that there would be no struggle, no difficultly in 
achieving his aim. How did he do that? He did it by drugging them."

Once Worboys, 51, identified a victim he would offer her a cheap fare home 
before regaling her with a story about how he had won tens of thousands of 
pounds at a casino and inviting her to join him in a celabratory drink.

Worboys kept his "tool kit", which included powerful prescribed and 
over-the-counter sedatives, a bag of cash, alcoholic drinks, including 
champagne, wine, whisky, gin and vodka, condoms and gloves. He would crush the 
pills before putting them in the drinks and then drive around waiting for the 
drugs to take effect. Journeys that should have taken minutes in the early 
hours of the morning took more than an hour.

He would stop his taxi and get in the back to chat to the women, clumsily 
bringing the conversation around to sex. He told the court that he simply 
wanted female attention because his mother had died when he was 13 and he was 
starved of "cuddles".

He would ask if they would have sex for £1,000, as a woman once told him she 
had. He would also offer them money to perform sex acts. It was, he repeatedly 
told the jury, "just my banter" and he did not mean anything by it.

Worboys would persuade them to have a drink, which he had spiked with a 
powerful sedative drug and then assault them on the back seat of his cab before 
taking them home.

The claims of 12 women who went to the police between 2003 and February last 
year would have been looked at by officers from the Met's much vaunted Sapphire 
Units - dedicated teams deployed across London to deal only with rape and 
sexual assault allegations. But they failed to link the attacks.

A senior officer told The Times: "We are really in a lot of trouble over this. 
Some heads are on the block. Some women were not treated well by police, some 
were told to 'F*** off, black cab drivers don't do that sort of thing'. Others 
were not taken seriously because they were drunk."

Some officers were influenced by a police chiefs' report in 2006 that found 
little evidence of date-rape drug attacks.

The officer added: "We have been told time and again that drug-assisted rape 
doesn't happen. Well it does. We should have identified this series of attacks 

Now, after a seven-month review, control of Sapphire Units is being taken away 
from borough level and being placed under the umbrella of the Homicide and 
Serious Crime Command at Scotland Yard. The Met says that the move is 

When police arrested Worboys in July 2007 after he was caught on CCTV dropping 
a student off, police partly bungled the operation and he was freed on bail 
before a decision was made not to take the matter further. This case has been 
voluntarily sent to the Independent Police Complaints Commission by the Met.

Although senior officers accept that the 12 attacks should have been linked 
after he was arrested for assaulting the student they say that it would have 
been difficult to do so beforehand.

Since then the policy at Sapphire Units has been changed and all serious sexual 
offences are now referred to the Crown Prosecution Service.

In February last year, after three attacks were finally linked, the case was 
handed to the Homicide and Serious Crime Command headed by Detective Chief 
Inspector Tim Grattan-Kane. Within six days Worboys was in custody, only hours 
after targeting his last victim on Valentine's Day last year.

Officers made a public appeal to discover if any women had been attacked. A 
counsellor at a rape crisis centre remembered one woman mentioning being 
assaulted by a black cab driver and called police. After the victim positively 
identified Warboys police went to his house in Rotherhithe, southeast London, 
and arrested him as he lay in bed.

They had to make sure that he did not read the appeal and get rid of his rape 
kit and destroy any forensic evidence.

Adjourning sentencing until April for psychiatric reports, Justice Penry-Davey 
told Worboys: "You have heard already that I do not intend to sentence you 
today. I am putting the case back for a pre-sentencing report and also a 
psychiatric report. You must be under no illusion that this case requires and 
will get a very substantial term of imprisonment.

"You must not understand from my putting the case back that any more lenient 
course could be taken. It is important I know as much as possible about you 
before I decide what the appropriate sentence is going to be."

Speaking outside the court yesterday, Detective Inspector Dave Reid, said: "I 
want to praise the courage of every single one of the women who came forward to 
police during this inquiry. It has been a major inquiry for the Metropolitan 

"In particular I would like to thank all 14 women who gave evidence in the 
crown court over the past eight weeks."

Det Insp Reid will now be writing to all 85 women who came forward, telling 
them of the conviction and praising their courage. The Met has now set up a 
freephone number for women who believe they may have been attacked by John 
Worboys. The number is 0800 121 4441.




Those Muslim who claim that some parts of Islam no longer need to be followed 
today (like traveling without a mahram or being alone with a non-mahram) need 
to pay special attention to this story and realize that all of Islam's rules 
need to be followed more today than ever before.

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