Mentality of some Muslim Brothers "Let me expound on the mentality of some of our brothers as well. I know of a brother who has NO JOB, just got married with the intention of using his wife's wealth, and when asked why he has no job, he says he wants to be a business man. What in the bleep is wrong with this picture??? Some of the youth are out of their minds. What kind of a Muslim man has no job? What kind of Salafee man leaches off of his wife? What kind of a Muslim man can actually look in another brother's eyes with that kalaam and feel confident and proud? This is not an isolated incident here but this is the thinking of a lot of brothers. It's amazing! I am simply dumbfounded by it. Brothers have no job because they do not want to flip burgers or work in a supermarket because of the haraam! Guess what, if you cannot find any other job and you have exhausted all of your resources looking then you have no choice. Your FAMILY has to EAT. You still must fulfill your obligation to your wife and kids. Let's cut that welfare student of knowledge stuff out. The scholars work. I do not know of one scholar or student here in KSA or anywhere else without a J.O.B. Now here's the even funnier part. These same brothers wonder why their wives don't obey them. They want to break out the ahadeeth then. They want to come with the supportive wife kalaam. They are mistreating the women and talking about rights?! Those brothers have the right to be divorced by their wives. The time has come for the Muslims to grow up and wake up. These brothers need to be called out by the community for their behavior. I am not talking about those who are genuinely making an effort and struggling. We all come on hard times once and a while. If you are struggling then I ask Allaah to make it easy for you because indeed after the hardship comes ease (for those who are actually making an effort to better themselves). I am referring to the actual losers and thugs and we know who they are." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment: This article was originally about salafee brothers but since this problem exists among the Muslims of other schools of thought also so the term salafee has been switched with the term Muslim.