Vanunu a traitor ?? or a Hero !!

Israel and Iran
one has nuclear-power
the other does not (yet)

Israel and Iran
one sells nuclear power
the other tries to purchase

Israel and Iran
one has done 8 wars in 60 years
the other only one in 200 years

Israel and Iran
one has the backing of the Devil
the other fights against the Devil

Israel and Iran
one was build by the colonialists
the other kicked them out

Israel and Iran
one produces and sells pornography
the other has strictly forbidden it

Israel and Iran
one considers God as his own property
the other serves God and shares him too.

Israel and
one wants to nuke-bomb the other
the other wants to dismantle the first.
( before this happens )

Raja Chemayel
no-clear-nuclear scientist
2 of April


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