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Seek knowledge Directly from Scholars--- Now from the comfort of your home 
Al-hamdulillah, After successful  launch of Aqeedah Course, which was greatly 
admired by the students, Now we are pleased to offer you the Fiqh Course FQ110.
Click HERE to register now before all seats are gone. Many students were not 
able to register for our previous course due to the limited seats. 
Fiqh Course - FQ110 -
Explanation of Ad-Durrar Al-Bahiyyah of
Imaam Muhammed Ash-Shawkaani 
Explained by- Shaykh WasiUllaah Abbas
Teacher in the Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), Makkah
Professor, Ummul-Quraa University, Makkah  
To begin your OIC experience please  visit  choose 
your classes, and register today!
 If you have any question please post it here  or email us at
Quench your thirst for knowledge, Your journey starts NOW. Please Click HERE to 


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