Kissing Upon meeting

            There is a trend of the youth kissing one another on the cheeks, 
upon every meeting and every day, and this trend has spread amongst the elders 
and in the masjid and in the rows, is this in opposition to the sunnah or is 
there no harm in it, or is it a bidda' or is it a sin, or is it permissible? We 
would like the legislative ruling in detail (regarding this matter)and likewise 
the (ruling of) kissing upon the shoulder?

            What is legislated upon meeting is to give salaam and to shake 
hands, and if the meeting is after a journey then what is legislated is 
hugging, for it is confirmed from the authority of Anas, may Allah be pleased 
with him, he said:

            "The companions of the prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam when they 
used to meet each other they would shake hands with each other, and if they 
returned from a journey they would hug."

            as for kissing of the cheeks then we do not know in the sunnah that 
which points to it.

            And tawfeeq is with Allah, and may Allah send salaam upon our 
prophet Muhammad his family and companions.

            Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts

            Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, Q.3 Fatwa No. 20222
            Translated by Umm Mujaahid Naheeda bint Abdul Khaaliq bin Muhammad 

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