
Fatwas on - Giving da’wah without knowledge/ Buying cigarettes for father/
Woman advising her husband


*Giving da’wah without knowledge*

*Q- Which of the two is better: Taking out time to give da’wah or using the
time to seek knowledge?*

*A –* Seeking knowledge is better and a priority. It is possible that a
student of knowledge can give da’wah while seeking knowledge. And it is not
possible to give da’wah while one has no knowledge. Allah says:

“Say (O Muhammad): “This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure
knowledge...” *(Qur’an, 12:108)*

So how can one give da’wah without knowledge? And no one has ever given
da’wah without knowledge, and whoever does so without knowledge, will not

– Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen;

Kitab-ul-’Ilm, pg. 145, no. 43

*Buying cigarettes for father*

*Q- Is it permissible for me to buy tobacco (cigarettes) for my father, as
he orders me to do so?*

*A –* It is not permissible for you to buy anything for your father, which
will be used in Haraam, be it cigarettes, opium, drugs (narcotics), alcohol,
etc. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There is no
obedience to (any of) the creation while committing a sin against the

And he (peace be upon him) also said: “Certainly, obedience is in (all that
is) good.”

So, you should advise and offer him an excuse from buying them with good

–        The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts; Fatawa,
vol. 13, pg. 64, no.3201

*Woman advising her husband*

*Q- If a woman advised her husband who is lazy in performing the prayers in
the mosque and she shows her anger towards him, is she being sinful because
of his greater right over her?*

*A –* There is no sin upon a woman if she advises her husband when he does
something that Allah has forbidden, such as being lazy in performing the
prayers with congregation. In fact, she will be rewarded. The advice should
be in a good and kind way because then it will be more likely to be

–        Sheikh Bin Baz

    * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and
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