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                            Call For Papers

         21th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
                           December 5-9, 2005
                            Tucson, Arizona


                         Submission      Acceptance
                         Deadline        Notification
      Technical Track    May  29, 2005   Aug. 14, 2005
      Tutorials          June  1, 2005   Jul. 15, 2005
      Workshop           June  1, 2005   Jul. 15, 2005
      Case Studies       June 15, 2005   Aug. 15, 2005
      Technology Blitz   Sep.  9, 2005   Oct. 16, 2005
      Works in Progress  Sep.  9, 2005   Oct.  2, 2005

See for detailed submission information!

ACSAC is an internationally recognized forum where practitioners,
researchers, and developers in information system security meet to
learn and to exchange practical ideas and experiences.

If you are developing practical solutions to problems relating to
protecting commercial enterprises' or countries' information
infrastructures, consider submitting your work to the Annual Computer
Security Applications Conference, to be held December 2005 in Tucson,

We are soliciting submissions in a number of different categories:
  o  Technical Track:   peer-reviewed papers
  o  Technology Blitz:  cutting-edge technology presentations *NEW FEATURE*
  o  Case Studies:      practical experience reports from applying security
  o  WIP:               works in progress reports
  o  Tutorials:         in depth seminars on current security topics
  o  Workshop:          on up to date hot topic

We are especially interested in submissions that address the
application of security technology, the implementation of systems, and
lessons learned.  Some example topics are:

     * Access control
     * Applied cryptography
     * Audit and audit reduction
     * Biometrics
     * Certification and accreditation
     * Database security
     * Denial of service protection
     * Defensive information warfare
     * Electronic commerce security
     * Enterprise security
     * Firewalls and other boundary control devices
     * Forensics
     * Identification and authentication
     * Information survivability
     * Insider threat protection
     * Integrity
     * Intellectual property rights protection
     * Incident response planning
     * Intrusion detection and event correlation
     * Malware
     * Middleware and distributed systems security
     * Mobile and wireless security
     * Modeling and simulation related to security
     * Operating systems security
     * Product evaluation criteria and compliance
     * Privacy
     * Risk/vulnerability assessment
     * Security engineering and management
     * Software assurance

Important submission information:

                         Submission      Acceptance
                         Deadline        Notification
      Technical Track    May  29, 2005   Aug. 14, 2005
      Tutorials          June  1, 2005   Jul. 15, 2005
      Workshop           June  1, 2005   Jul. 15, 2005
      Case Studies       June 15, 2005   Aug. 15, 2005
      Technology Blitz   Sep.  9, 2005   Oct. 16, 2005
      Works in Progress  Sep.  9, 2005   Oct.  2, 2005

See for detailed submission information!

Program Committee ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    * Christoph Schuba, Sun Microsystems, Inc. (PC Chair)
    * Charles Payne, Adventium Labs (PC Co-chair)
    * Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan (PC Co-chair)

    * Terry Benzel, USC - ISI
    * Konstantin Beznosov, University of British Columbia
    * Germano Caronni, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    * Ramaswamy Chandramouli, National Institute of Standards and Technology
    * Marc Dacier, Eurecom Institute
    * Ernesto Damianti, University of Milan
    * Gary Ellison, InterTrust Technologies Corp.
    * Dieter Gollmann ,Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg
    * Steven J. Greenwald, Independent Consultant
    * Wesley Higaki, Symantec Corporation
    * Trent Jaeger, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    * Tom Keefe, Oracle Corp.
    * James Kempf, DoCoMo Labs USA
    * Carl Landwehr, University of Maryland
    * Peng Liu, Pennsylvania State University
    * Tom Longstaff, Carnegie Mellon University
    * Bryan Lyles, Telcordia Technologies
    * Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania State University
    * John McDermott, Naval Research Laboratory
    * Paul Van Oorschot, Carleton University (Canada)
    * Jong-Sou Park, Hankuk Aviation University
    * Vern Paxson, International Computer Science Institute
    * Andre dos Santos, Georgia Tech
    * Sami Saydjari, Cyber Defense Agency, LLC
    * Giovanni Vigna, University of California Santa Barbara
    * Simon Wiseman, QinetiQ
    * Diego Zamboni, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory

Case Studies  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    * Steven Rome, Booz Allen Hamilton (Case Studies Chair)

    The Case Studies Track is a complementary part of the technical
    conference. It is an opportunity for professionals to share
    information that is current without writing a detailed technical
    paper. It is open to anyone in the community such as vendors,
    network providers, systems integrators, government
    civil/federal/military programs or users across the spectrum of
    computer security applications.

Technology Blitz Committee  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    * Paul Jardetzky, Devicescape Software, Inc. (TBC Chair)

    * Jeremy Epstein, webMethods
    * LouAnna Notargiacomo, Mitre Corporation
    * Timothy Roscoe, Intel Corporation
    * Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan

    In 2005 we are introducing a new type of session that we call the
    Technology Blitz session. In three parallel tracks, it will feature
    short talks (10 min.+ 5min Q&A) on hot, up to date topics.

Works In Progress  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    * Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM Software Group (WiP Chair)

    The Works In Progress (WIP) session packs as many 5 minute
    presentations as it can into one fast paced and popular session.
    These talks highlight the most current work in both business and
    academia, emphasizing goals and value add, accomplishments to date,
    and future plans. Special consideration is given to topics that
    discuss real life security experience, including system
    implementation, deployment, and lessons learned.

Tutorials  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    * Daniel Faigin, The Aerospace Corporation, USA. (Tutorials Chair)

    Tutorials are full (6 hour) or half (3 hour) day classes on how to
    apply or use a particular technology to address a security need. A
    typical tutorial submission includes an abstract of the tutorial, a
    brief (1-2 page) outline, an instructor bio, an indication of
    length, and notes on prerequisites and textbooks. Tutorial
    instructors receive an honorarium and expenses. If you would like
    to indicate a topic you would like to see, you may do that as well;
    please suggest an instructor if you can.


    * Harvey Rubinovitz, Mitre Corporation (Workshop Chair)

    ACSAC workshops are on up to date topics that attendees usually
    rate to provide a useful and exciting forum for information
    technology professionals (e.g., standards developers, software
    developers, security engineers, security officers) to exchange
    ideas, concerns, and opinions.


Conferenceship Program

ACSAC offers a conferenceship program to enable students to attend the
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. This program will
pay for the conference and tutorial expenses, including travel, for
selected students. Additional information about this program is
available on the Student Awards page or you may contact the Student
Papers Chair.

Future Updates:

To be added to the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
Mailing List, click here.

ACSAC does not accept "speaking proposals" in the form of a biography
and a one paragraph description of a topic. Depending on a proposal's
technical content, it may be acceptable as a case study. If a full
paper is available, it may be acceptable as a technical paper. If a
presentation by a group of related speakers is contemplated, a
proposal for this session may be acceptable as a panel or forum. If a
proposal for a half day or full day seminar is appropriate, it may be
acceptable as a tutorial. If a one or two page technical writeup is
available that describes work that is not yet completed, it may be
acceptable as a works in progress. Finally, if your have an interest
in a full day interactive dialogue, exchanging ideas, opinions and
concerns between multiple presenters and attendees, consider being a
workshop presenter.

For More Information see hyperlinks on

     * For general conference information, see the menu at left
     * For refereed papers information: see our paper submission page
     * For technology blitz information: see our paper submission page
     * For case studies information: see our case studies page
     * For publicity information: contact the Publicity Chair
     * For student paper/award information: see our student awards page
     * For tutorial information: see our tutorial page
     * For works in progress information: see our works in progress page
     * For the issues workshop: see our issues workshop page

About the Sponsor

Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) had its genesis in the
first Aerospace Computer Security Applications Conference in
1985. That conference was a success and evolved into the Annual
Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). Several years ago
the word "Aerospace" was dropped from the name to promote a wider
range of government and commercial applications. ACSA was incorporated
in 1987 as a non-profit association of computer security professionals
who have a common goal of improving the understanding, theory, and
practice of computer security. ACSA continues to be the primary
sponsor of the annual conference.

In 1989, ACSA began the Distinguished Lecture Series at the annual
conference. Each year, an outstanding computer security professional
is invited to present a lecture of current topical interest to the
security community. In 1991, ACSA began a Best-Paper by a Student
Award, presented at the Annual conference. This award is intended to
encourage active student participation in the annual conference. The
award winning student author receives an honorarium and all expenses
to the conference.

ACSA continues to be committed to serving the security community by
finding additional approaches for encouraging and facilitating
dialogue and technical interchange. ACSA is always interested in
suggestions from interested professionals and computer security
professional organizations on how to achieve these goals.

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notification list at You can unsubscribe 
there if you wish.

You can help ACSAC reach people who might benefit from this information. 
Feel free to forward this message with a personal note to your friends and 
colleagues. They can sign up at the above URL.

ACSAC is sponsored by Applied Computer Security Associates, a 
not-for-profit all-volunteer Maryland corporation. Our postal address is 
2906 Covington Road, Silver Spring, MD  20910-1206.

Bellua Cyber Security Asia 2005 -

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