Forwarded from: security curmudgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

: By Brian Krebs
: Staff Writer
: March 15, 2006
: Most federal agencies that play key roles in the war on terror are doing 
: a dismal job of protecting their computers and information networks from 
: hackers and viruses, according to portions of a report to be released by 
: a key congressional oversight committee Thursday.

Taken from another list I am on. We have all seen these A - F type grades 
for various agencies over the years. I'm surprised there hasn't been a big 
public article tracking the grades year to year with commentary.

Federal Computer Security Grades, 2001-2005

Agency                                        2005   2004   2003   2002   2001
Department of Agriculture                      F      F      F      F      F
Agency for International Development           A+     A+     C-     F      F
Department of Commerce                         D+     F      C-     D+     F
Department of Defense                          F      D      D      F      F
Department of Education                        C-     C      C+     D      F
Department of Energy                           F      F      F      F      F
Environmental Protection Agency                A+     B      C      D-     D+
General Services Administration                A-     C+     D      D      D
Department of Health and Human Services        F      F      F      D-     F
Department of Homeland Security                F      F      F
Department of Housing and Urban Development    D+     F      F      F      D
Department of the Interior                     F      C+     F      F      F
Department of Justice                          F      B-     F      F      F
Department of Labor                            A+     B-     B      C+     F
National Aeronautics and Space Administration  B-     D-     D-     D+     C-
Nuclear Regulatory Commission                  D-     B+     A      C      F
National Science Foundation                    A      C+     A-     D-     B+
Office of Personnel Management                 A+     C-     D-     F      F
Small Business Administration                  C+     D-     C-     F      F
Social Security Administration                 A+     B      B+     B-     C+
Department of State                            F      D+     F      F      D+
Department of Transportation                   C-     A-     D+     F      F
Department of the Treasury                     D-     D+     D      F      F
Department of Veterans Affairs                 F      F      C      F      F
All Agencies                                   D+     D+     D      F      F

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