By John Leyden
27th March 2006

A Russian website is selling a DIY spyware kit, called WebAttacker,
for around $15 a throw. The site, which proudly boasts of its
creator's credentials in the scumware industry, also offer technical
supporter to potential buyers.

The kits come in a script kiddie friendly form with code designed to
make the task of infecting computers a breeze. All the buyers need do
is send spam messages inviting potential marks to visit a compromised

Spam samples trapped by internet security firm Sophos use newsworthy
topics to lure unwary users. One presents itself as a warning about
the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, providing links to the bogus website,
purporting to offer health advice. Another plays on claims that
Slobodan Milosevic was murdered.

Surfers visiting these websites will find themselves exposed to
JavaScript code that attempts to take advantage of known web browser
and Windows vulnerabilities to download malware. The exploit downloads
a program that attempts to turn off the firewall and install malware,
generally a password stealer, keylogger or a banking Trojan [1].

"This type of behaviour is inviting the return of script-kiddies,"  
said Carole Theriault, senior security consultant at Sophos. "By
simplifying the task of the potential hacker for a mere tenner, sites
like this one will attract opportunists who aren't necessarily very
skilled and turn them into cyber-criminals." ®


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