Anton Roskvist created ARTEMIS-3646:

             Summary: OpenWire clients leave incorrect queue metrics when 
messages are sent to DLQ
                 Key: ARTEMIS-3646
             Project: ActiveMQ Artemis
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Anton Roskvist

{color:#1d1c1d}Messages getting sent to DLQ from an OpenWire client leaves 
incorrect queue metrics behind. 

All metrics above end up with negative values, even if the consumers are later 
disconnected or if the messages are retried and successfully consumed.

I am able to reproduce this easily with an Artemis broker running 
"out-of-the-box"-config and using the following clients:
[]   (AmqJmsConsumer.jar and 

# java -jar shaded-jars/AmqJmsProducer.jar -url "tcp://localhost:61616" -user 
USER -pw PASSWORD -queue TEST -count 100

# java -jar shaded-jars/AmqJmsConsumer.jar -url "tcp://localhost:61616" -user 
USER -pw PASSWORD -queue TEST -count 1 -rollback 100 -t 10

Using Artemis clients from the same tools results in no such issue. I am seeing 
the issue with other OpenWire clients also



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