
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on BEAM-7926:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 03/Mar/20 22:50
            Start Date: 03/Mar/20 22:50
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: KevinGG commented on pull request #11020: [BEAM-7926] 
Update Data Visualization
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11020#discussion_r387281998

 File path: 
 @@ -238,31 +322,57 @@ def _display_dive(self, data, update=None):
   def _display_overview(self, data, update=None):
+    if (not data.empty and self._include_window_info and
+        all(column in data.columns
+            for column in ('event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info'))):
+      data = data.drop(['event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info'], axis=1)
     gfsg = GenericFeatureStatisticsGenerator()
     proto = gfsg.ProtoFromDataFrames([{'name': 'data', 'table': data}])
     protostr = base64.b64encode(proto.SerializeToString()).decode('utf-8')
     if update:
       script = _OVERVIEW_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format(
-          display_id=update, protostr=protostr)
+          display_id=update._overview_display_id, protostr=protostr)
       html = _OVERVIEW_HTML_TEMPLATE.format(
           display_id=self._overview_display_id, protostr=protostr)
   def _display_dataframe(self, data, update=None):
-    if update:
-      table_id = 'table_{}'.format(update)
-          dataframe_html=data.to_html(notebook=True, table_id=table_id),
-          table_id=table_id)
-      update_display(HTML(html), display_id=update)
+    table_id = 'table_{}'.format(
+        update._df_display_id if update else self._df_display_id)
+    columns = [{
+        'title': ''
+    }] + [{
+        'title': str(column)
+    } for column in data.columns]
+    format_window_info_in_dataframe(data)
+    rows = data.applymap(lambda x: str(x)).to_dict('split')['data']
 Review comment:
   First, we get all the string `data` from the `split` 
 of `dataframe.to_dict`. 
   Now the `rows` is a `list` of `row`s of values.
   Each `row` looks like `[column_1_val, column_2_val, ...]`
   Then we are going to add datatable column index for the values in each `row`.
   The index starts from 1 because we are also going to add a column `0` 
later., so we have `{k+1: v}`.
   Each `row` now becomes `{1: column_1_val, 2: column_2_val, ...}`
   Then we add column `0` (`row[0] = k`) of the datatable with values of int 
based index (which will be the default order column just as the original 
   Each `row` now becomes `{1: column_1_val, 2: column_2_val, ..., 0: 
   Then the list of above `row`s get supplied as string in the Javascript to 
load the data into the table.
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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 397104)
    Time Spent: 51h 50m  (was: 51h 40m)

> Show PCollection with Interactive Beam in a data-centric user flow
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: BEAM-7926
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-7926
>             Project: Beam
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: runner-py-interactive
>            Reporter: Ning Kang
>            Assignee: Ning Kang
>            Priority: Major
>          Time Spent: 51h 50m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Support auto plotting / charting of materialized data of a given PCollection 
> with Interactive Beam.
> Say an Interactive Beam pipeline defined as
> {code:java}
> p = beam.Pipeline(InteractiveRunner())
> pcoll = p | 'Transform' >> transform()
> pcoll2 = ...
> pcoll3 = ...{code}
> The use can call a single function and get auto-magical charting of the data.
> e.g.,
> {code:java}
> show(pcoll, pcoll2)
> {code}
> Throughout the process, a pipeline fragment is built to include only 
> transforms necessary to produce the desired pcolls (pcoll and pcoll2) and 
> execute that fragment.
> This makes the Interactive Beam user flow data-centric.
> Detailed 
> [design|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYWrT6GL_qDCXhRMoxpjinlVAfHeVilK5Mtf8gO6zxQ/edit#heading=h.v6k2o3roarzz].

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