
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on BEAM-9650:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 05/May/20 22:25
            Start Date: 05/May/20 22:25
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: pabloem commented on a change in pull request #11582:
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11582#discussion_r420386613

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()
+    try:
+      if element.query is not None:
+        self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq, query, use_legacy_sql)
+        table_reference = self._execute_query(
+            bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results)
+      gcs_location = self.gcs_location_pattern.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+      table_schema = bq.get_table(
+          table_reference.projectId,
+          table_reference.datasetId,
+          table_reference.tableId).schema
+      if self.target_schema is None:
+        self.target_schema = bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(
+            json.dumps(self.schema))
+      if not self.target_schema == table_schema:

Review comment:
       why do you need a target_schema?

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()

Review comment:
       It would be great if the BQ wrapper could be passed a client as an 
argument, so that a mocked-out BQ client could be used.

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()
+    try:
+      if element.query is not None:
+        self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq, query, use_legacy_sql)
+        table_reference = self._execute_query(
+            bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results)
+      gcs_location = self.gcs_location_pattern.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+      table_schema = bq.get_table(
+          table_reference.projectId,
+          table_reference.datasetId,
+          table_reference.tableId).schema
+      if self.target_schema is None:
+        self.target_schema = bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(
+            json.dumps(self.schema))
+      if not self.target_schema == table_schema:
+        raise ValueError((
+            "Schema generated by reading from BQ doesn't match expected"
+            "schema.\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}").format(
+                self.target_schema, table_schema))
+      metadata_list = self._export_files(bq, table_reference, gcs_location)
+      yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('location_to_cleanup', gcs_location)
+      for metadata in metadata_list:
+        yield metadata.path
+    finally:
+      if query is not None:
+        bq.clean_up_temporary_dataset(self.project)
+  def _setup_temporary_dataset(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql):
+    location = bq.get_query_location(self.project, query, use_legacy_sql)
+    bq.create_temporary_dataset(self.project, location)
+  def _execute_query(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results):
+    job = bq._start_query_job(
+        self.project,
+        query,
+        use_legacy_sql,
+        flatten_results,
+        job_id=uuid.uuid4().hex,
+        kms_key=self.kms_key)
+    job_ref = job.jobReference
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    return bq._get_temp_table(self.project)
+  def _export_files(self, bq, table_reference, gcs_location):
+    """Runs a BigQuery export job.
+    Returns:
+      a list of FileMetadata instances
+    """
+    job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+    job_ref = bq.perform_extract_job([gcs_location],
+                                     job_id,
+                                     table_reference,
+                                     bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON,
+                                     include_header=False)
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    metadata_list = FileSystems.match([gcs_location])[0].metadata_list
+    return metadata_list
+class _PassThroughThenCleanupWithSI(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform that invokes a DoFn after the input PCollection has been
+    processed.
+    DoFn should have arguments (element, side_input, cleanup_signal).
+    Utilizes readiness of PCollection to trigger DoFn.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cleanup_dofn, side_input):
+    self.cleanup_dofn = cleanup_dofn
+    self.side_input = side_input
+  def expand(self, input):
+    class PassThrough(beam.DoFn):
+      def process(self, element):
+        yield element
+    main_output, cleanup_signal = input | beam.ParDo(
+      PassThrough()).with_outputs(
+      'cleanup_signal', main='main')
+    _ = (
+        input.pipeline
+        | beam.Create([None])
+        | beam.ParDo(
+            self.cleanup_dofn,
+            self.side_input,
+            beam.pvalue.AsSingleton(cleanup_signal)))
+    return main_output
+class ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest:
+  '''
+  Class that defines data to read from BQ.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      query=None,
+      use_legacy_sql=False,
+      table=None,
+      flatten_results=False):
+    '''
+    Only one of query or table should be specified.
+    :param query(str): SQL query to fetch data.
+    :param use_legacy_sql(boolean):
+      Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for this query.
+      The default value is :data:`False`. If set to :data:`True`,
+      the query will use BigQuery's updated SQL dialect with improved standards
+      compliance.
+      This parameter is ignored for table inputs.
+    :param table(str):
+      The ID of the table to read. The ID must contain only letters
+      ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. Table should
+      define project and dataset (ex.: ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``).
+    :param flatten_results(boolean):
+      Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results.
+      The default value is :data:`True`.
+    '''
+    self.flatten_results = flatten_results
+    self.query = query
+    self.use_legacy_sql = use_legacy_sql
+    self.table = table
+    self.validate()
+  @classmethod
+  def validate(cls):
+    if cls.table is not None and cls.query is not None:
+      raise ValueError(
+          'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.'
+          ' Please specify only one of these.')
+    elif cls.table is None and cls.query is None:
+      raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified')
+class ReadAllFromBigQuery(PTransform):
+  """Read data from BigQuery.
+    PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->Rows
+    This PTransform uses a BigQuery export job to take a snapshot of the table
+    on GCS, and then reads from each produced JSON file.
+    It is recommended not to use this PTransform for streaming jobs on
+    GlobalWindow, since it will not be able to cleanup snapshots.
+  Args:
+    gcs_location (str, ValueProvider): The name of the Google Cloud Storage
+      bucket where the extracted table should be written as a string or
+      a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider`. If
+      :data:`None`, then the temp_location parameter is used.
+    project (str): The ID of the project containing this table.
+    validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source
+      gets initialized (e.g., is table present?).
+    coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table
+      rows. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is
+      _JsonToDictCoder, which will interpret every row as a JSON
+      serialized dictionary.
+    schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be
+      created. This can be either specified as a 'bigquery.TableSchema' object
+      or a single string  of the form 'field1:type1,field2:type2,field3:type3'
+      that defines a comma separated list of fields. Here 'type' should
+      specify the BigQuery type of the field. Single string based schemas do
+      not support nested fields, repeated fields, or specifying a BigQuery
+      mode for fields (mode will always be set to 'NULLABLE').
+    kms_key (str): Experimental. Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when
+      creating new temporary tables.
+   """
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location=None,
+      project=None,
+      validate=False,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      flatten_results=True,
+      kms_key=None):
+    if gcs_location:
+      if not isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode, ValueProvider)):
+        raise TypeError(
+            '%s: gcs_location must be of type string'
+            ' or ValueProvider; got %r instead' %
+            (self.__class__.__name__, type(gcs_location)))
+      if isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode)):
+        gcs_location = StaticValueProvider(str, gcs_location)
+    if schema is None:
+      raise ValueError("Should provide schema.")
+    self.coder = coder
+    self.gcs_location = gcs_location
+    self.project = project
+    self.validate = validate
+    self.flatten_results = flatten_results
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.schema = bigquery_tools.get_dict_table_schema(schema)
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+  def _get_destination_uri(self, temp_location):
+    """Returns the fully qualified Google Cloud Storage URI pattern where the
+    extracted table should be written to.
+    """
+    file_pattern = '{}/bigquery-table-dump-*.json'
+    if self.gcs_location is not None:

Review comment:
       Note that this function runs at con struction time. This is before 
RuntimeValueProviders receive their value (this will work fine for string-type 
arguments, but won't work for runtime valueproviders).

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()
+    try:
+      if element.query is not None:
+        self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq, query, use_legacy_sql)
+        table_reference = self._execute_query(
+            bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results)
+      gcs_location = self.gcs_location_pattern.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+      table_schema = bq.get_table(
+          table_reference.projectId,
+          table_reference.datasetId,
+          table_reference.tableId).schema
+      if self.target_schema is None:
+        self.target_schema = bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(
+            json.dumps(self.schema))
+      if not self.target_schema == table_schema:
+        raise ValueError((
+            "Schema generated by reading from BQ doesn't match expected"
+            "schema.\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}").format(
+                self.target_schema, table_schema))
+      metadata_list = self._export_files(bq, table_reference, gcs_location)
+      yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('location_to_cleanup', gcs_location)
+      for metadata in metadata_list:
+        yield metadata.path
+    finally:
+      if query is not None:
+        bq.clean_up_temporary_dataset(self.project)
+  def _setup_temporary_dataset(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql):
+    location = bq.get_query_location(self.project, query, use_legacy_sql)
+    bq.create_temporary_dataset(self.project, location)
+  def _execute_query(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results):
+    job = bq._start_query_job(
+        self.project,
+        query,
+        use_legacy_sql,
+        flatten_results,
+        job_id=uuid.uuid4().hex,
+        kms_key=self.kms_key)
+    job_ref = job.jobReference
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    return bq._get_temp_table(self.project)
+  def _export_files(self, bq, table_reference, gcs_location):
+    """Runs a BigQuery export job.
+    Returns:
+      a list of FileMetadata instances
+    """
+    job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+    job_ref = bq.perform_extract_job([gcs_location],
+                                     job_id,
+                                     table_reference,
+                                     bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON,
+                                     include_header=False)
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    metadata_list = FileSystems.match([gcs_location])[0].metadata_list
+    return metadata_list
+class _PassThroughThenCleanupWithSI(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform that invokes a DoFn after the input PCollection has been
+    processed.
+    DoFn should have arguments (element, side_input, cleanup_signal).
+    Utilizes readiness of PCollection to trigger DoFn.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cleanup_dofn, side_input):
+    self.cleanup_dofn = cleanup_dofn
+    self.side_input = side_input
+  def expand(self, input):
+    class PassThrough(beam.DoFn):
+      def process(self, element):
+        yield element
+    main_output, cleanup_signal = input | beam.ParDo(
+      PassThrough()).with_outputs(
+      'cleanup_signal', main='main')
+    _ = (
+        input.pipeline
+        | beam.Create([None])
+        | beam.ParDo(
+            self.cleanup_dofn,
+            self.side_input,
+            beam.pvalue.AsSingleton(cleanup_signal)))
+    return main_output
+class ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest:
+  '''
+  Class that defines data to read from BQ.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      query=None,
+      use_legacy_sql=False,
+      table=None,
+      flatten_results=False):
+    '''
+    Only one of query or table should be specified.
+    :param query(str): SQL query to fetch data.
+    :param use_legacy_sql(boolean):
+      Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for this query.
+      The default value is :data:`False`. If set to :data:`True`,
+      the query will use BigQuery's updated SQL dialect with improved standards
+      compliance.
+      This parameter is ignored for table inputs.
+    :param table(str):
+      The ID of the table to read. The ID must contain only letters
+      ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. Table should
+      define project and dataset (ex.: ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``).
+    :param flatten_results(boolean):
+      Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results.
+      The default value is :data:`True`.
+    '''
+    self.flatten_results = flatten_results
+    self.query = query
+    self.use_legacy_sql = use_legacy_sql
+    self.table = table
+    self.validate()
+  @classmethod
+  def validate(cls):
+    if cls.table is not None and cls.query is not None:
+      raise ValueError(
+          'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.'
+          ' Please specify only one of these.')
+    elif cls.table is None and cls.query is None:
+      raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified')
+class ReadAllFromBigQuery(PTransform):
+  """Read data from BigQuery.
+    PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->Rows
+    This PTransform uses a BigQuery export job to take a snapshot of the table
+    on GCS, and then reads from each produced JSON file.
+    It is recommended not to use this PTransform for streaming jobs on
+    GlobalWindow, since it will not be able to cleanup snapshots.
+  Args:
+    gcs_location (str, ValueProvider): The name of the Google Cloud Storage
+      bucket where the extracted table should be written as a string or
+      a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider`. If
+      :data:`None`, then the temp_location parameter is used.
+    project (str): The ID of the project containing this table.
+    validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source
+      gets initialized (e.g., is table present?).
+    coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table
+      rows. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is
+      _JsonToDictCoder, which will interpret every row as a JSON
+      serialized dictionary.
+    schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be

Review comment:
       I don't think you need a schema?

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()
+    try:
+      if element.query is not None:
+        self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq, query, use_legacy_sql)
+        table_reference = self._execute_query(
+            bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results)
+      gcs_location = self.gcs_location_pattern.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+      table_schema = bq.get_table(
+          table_reference.projectId,
+          table_reference.datasetId,
+          table_reference.tableId).schema
+      if self.target_schema is None:
+        self.target_schema = bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(
+            json.dumps(self.schema))
+      if not self.target_schema == table_schema:
+        raise ValueError((
+            "Schema generated by reading from BQ doesn't match expected"
+            "schema.\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}").format(
+                self.target_schema, table_schema))
+      metadata_list = self._export_files(bq, table_reference, gcs_location)
+      yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('location_to_cleanup', gcs_location)
+      for metadata in metadata_list:
+        yield metadata.path
+    finally:
+      if query is not None:
+        bq.clean_up_temporary_dataset(self.project)
+  def _setup_temporary_dataset(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql):
+    location = bq.get_query_location(self.project, query, use_legacy_sql)
+    bq.create_temporary_dataset(self.project, location)
+  def _execute_query(self, bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results):
+    job = bq._start_query_job(
+        self.project,
+        query,
+        use_legacy_sql,
+        flatten_results,
+        job_id=uuid.uuid4().hex,
+        kms_key=self.kms_key)
+    job_ref = job.jobReference
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    return bq._get_temp_table(self.project)
+  def _export_files(self, bq, table_reference, gcs_location):
+    """Runs a BigQuery export job.
+    Returns:
+      a list of FileMetadata instances
+    """
+    job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+    job_ref = bq.perform_extract_job([gcs_location],
+                                     job_id,
+                                     table_reference,
+                                     bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON,
+                                     include_header=False)
+    bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref)
+    metadata_list = FileSystems.match([gcs_location])[0].metadata_list
+    return metadata_list
+class _PassThroughThenCleanupWithSI(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform that invokes a DoFn after the input PCollection has been
+    processed.
+    DoFn should have arguments (element, side_input, cleanup_signal).
+    Utilizes readiness of PCollection to trigger DoFn.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cleanup_dofn, side_input):
+    self.cleanup_dofn = cleanup_dofn
+    self.side_input = side_input
+  def expand(self, input):
+    class PassThrough(beam.DoFn):
+      def process(self, element):
+        yield element
+    main_output, cleanup_signal = input | beam.ParDo(
+      PassThrough()).with_outputs(
+      'cleanup_signal', main='main')
+    _ = (
+        input.pipeline
+        | beam.Create([None])
+        | beam.ParDo(
+            self.cleanup_dofn,
+            self.side_input,
+            beam.pvalue.AsSingleton(cleanup_signal)))
+    return main_output
+class ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest:
+  '''
+  Class that defines data to read from BQ.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      query=None,
+      use_legacy_sql=False,
+      table=None,
+      flatten_results=False):
+    '''
+    Only one of query or table should be specified.
+    :param query(str): SQL query to fetch data.
+    :param use_legacy_sql(boolean):
+      Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for this query.
+      The default value is :data:`False`. If set to :data:`True`,
+      the query will use BigQuery's updated SQL dialect with improved standards
+      compliance.
+      This parameter is ignored for table inputs.
+    :param table(str):
+      The ID of the table to read. The ID must contain only letters
+      ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. Table should
+      define project and dataset (ex.: ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``).
+    :param flatten_results(boolean):
+      Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results.
+      The default value is :data:`True`.
+    '''
+    self.flatten_results = flatten_results
+    self.query = query
+    self.use_legacy_sql = use_legacy_sql
+    self.table = table
+    self.validate()
+  @classmethod
+  def validate(cls):
+    if cls.table is not None and cls.query is not None:
+      raise ValueError(
+          'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.'
+          ' Please specify only one of these.')
+    elif cls.table is None and cls.query is None:
+      raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified')
+class ReadAllFromBigQuery(PTransform):
+  """Read data from BigQuery.
+    PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->Rows
+    This PTransform uses a BigQuery export job to take a snapshot of the table
+    on GCS, and then reads from each produced JSON file.
+    It is recommended not to use this PTransform for streaming jobs on
+    GlobalWindow, since it will not be able to cleanup snapshots.
+  Args:
+    gcs_location (str, ValueProvider): The name of the Google Cloud Storage
+      bucket where the extracted table should be written as a string or
+      a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider`. If
+      :data:`None`, then the temp_location parameter is used.
+    project (str): The ID of the project containing this table.
+    validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source
+      gets initialized (e.g., is table present?).
+    coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table
+      rows. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is
+      _JsonToDictCoder, which will interpret every row as a JSON
+      serialized dictionary.
+    schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be
+      created. This can be either specified as a 'bigquery.TableSchema' object
+      or a single string  of the form 'field1:type1,field2:type2,field3:type3'
+      that defines a comma separated list of fields. Here 'type' should
+      specify the BigQuery type of the field. Single string based schemas do
+      not support nested fields, repeated fields, or specifying a BigQuery
+      mode for fields (mode will always be set to 'NULLABLE').
+    kms_key (str): Experimental. Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when
+      creating new temporary tables.
+   """
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location=None,
+      project=None,
+      validate=False,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      flatten_results=True,
+      kms_key=None):
+    if gcs_location:
+      if not isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode, ValueProvider)):
+        raise TypeError(
+            '%s: gcs_location must be of type string'
+            ' or ValueProvider; got %r instead' %
+            (self.__class__.__name__, type(gcs_location)))
+      if isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode)):
+        gcs_location = StaticValueProvider(str, gcs_location)
+    if schema is None:
+      raise ValueError("Should provide schema.")
+    self.coder = coder
+    self.gcs_location = gcs_location
+    self.project = project
+    self.validate = validate
+    self.flatten_results = flatten_results
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.schema = bigquery_tools.get_dict_table_schema(schema)
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+  def _get_destination_uri(self, temp_location):
+    """Returns the fully qualified Google Cloud Storage URI pattern where the
+    extracted table should be written to.
+    """
+    file_pattern = '{}/bigquery-table-dump-*.json'

Review comment:
       FWIW it may be good to make this a constant somewhere

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py
@@ -1641,3 +1644,314 @@ def process(self, unused_element, signal):
         | _PassThroughThenCleanup(RemoveJsonFiles(gcs_location)))
+class _ExtractBQData(DoFn):
+  '''
+  PTransform:ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest->FileMetadata that fetches BQ data into
+  a temporary storage and returns metadata for created files.
+  '''
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      gcs_location_pattern=None,
+      project=None,
+      coder=None,
+      schema=None,
+      kms_key=None):
+    self.gcs_location_pattern = gcs_location_pattern
+    self.project = project
+    self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder
+    self.kms_key = kms_key
+    self.split_result = None
+    self.schema = schema
+    self.target_schema = None
+  def process(self, element):
+    '''
+    :param element(ReadAllFromBigQueryRequest):
+    :return:
+    '''
+    element.validate()
+    if element.table is not None:
+      table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(element.table)
+      query = None
+      use_legacy_sql = True
+    else:
+      query = element.query
+      use_legacy_sql = element.use_legacy_sql
+    flatten_results = element.flatten_results
+    bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper()
+    try:
+      if element.query is not None:
+        self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq, query, use_legacy_sql)
+        table_reference = self._execute_query(
+            bq, query, use_legacy_sql, flatten_results)
+      gcs_location = self.gcs_location_pattern.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)

Review comment:
       I believe this location looks something like 
`gs://bucket/dir/hexstring1/hexstring2*.json`. right? Is that the appropriate 
URI format [expected by 

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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 430934)
    Time Spent: 11h 10m  (was: 11h)

> Add consistent slowly changing side inputs support
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: BEAM-9650
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-9650
>             Project: Beam
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: io-ideas
>            Reporter: Mikhail Gryzykhin
>            Assignee: Mikhail Gryzykhin
>            Priority: Major
>          Time Spent: 11h 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Add implementation for slowly changing dimentions based on [design 
> doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LDY_CtsOJ8Y_zNv1QtkP6AGFrtzkj1q5EW_gSChOIvg/edit]

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