

[...truncated 32.52 KB...]
c85513200d84: Pulling fs layer
55769680e827: Pulling fs layer
f5e195d50b88: Pulling fs layer
94cdd3612287: Pulling fs layer
e01b42ee5411: Pulling fs layer
044dee574de1: Pulling fs layer
f6d53d5a5c86: Pulling fs layer
94cdd3612287: Waiting
f5e195d50b88: Waiting
f6d53d5a5c86: Waiting
044dee574de1: Waiting
dd8c6d374ea5: Download complete
c85513200d84: Verifying Checksum
c85513200d84: Download complete
dd8c6d374ea5: Pull complete
55769680e827: Verifying Checksum
55769680e827: Download complete
94cdd3612287: Verifying Checksum
94cdd3612287: Download complete
044dee574de1: Verifying Checksum
044dee574de1: Download complete
c85513200d84: Pull complete
f6d53d5a5c86: Verifying Checksum
f6d53d5a5c86: Download complete
e01b42ee5411: Verifying Checksum
e01b42ee5411: Download complete
f5e195d50b88: Verifying Checksum
f5e195d50b88: Download complete
55769680e827: Pull complete
f5e195d50b88: Pull complete
94cdd3612287: Pull complete
e01b42ee5411: Pull complete
044dee574de1: Pull complete
f6d53d5a5c86: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:94b9f9d23d2269fae3e842a0acb7abbc7659a5fd55ad9cd5f7ab691184d587c9
Status: Downloaded newer image for python:3.7
[bookkeeper_postcommit_master_python] $ /bin/bash -xe 
+ docker pull python:3.6
3.6: Pulling from library/python
50e431f79093: Already exists
dd8c6d374ea5: Already exists
c85513200d84: Already exists
55769680e827: Already exists
f5e195d50b88: Already exists
bcd75869ea17: Pulling fs layer
f02a073bb16c: Pulling fs layer
d317a9591eb3: Pulling fs layer
579334b3a1fd: Pulling fs layer
579334b3a1fd: Waiting
d317a9591eb3: Verifying Checksum
d317a9591eb3: Download complete
bcd75869ea17: Verifying Checksum
bcd75869ea17: Download complete
579334b3a1fd: Verifying Checksum
579334b3a1fd: Download complete
f02a073bb16c: Verifying Checksum
f02a073bb16c: Download complete
bcd75869ea17: Pull complete
f02a073bb16c: Pull complete
d317a9591eb3: Pull complete
579334b3a1fd: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:0b6aeeb47c4a5e0051bb41c7a7f300b69e68af873081f8f2f7fbcd8d5c47e264
Status: Downloaded newer image for python:3.6
[bookkeeper_postcommit_master_python] $ /bin/bash -xe 
+ docker pull python:3.5
3.5: Pulling from library/python
50e431f79093: Already exists
dd8c6d374ea5: Already exists
c85513200d84: Already exists
55769680e827: Already exists
f5e195d50b88: Already exists
bcd75869ea17: Already exists
3386eda7b540: Pulling fs layer
bacc6e46d58b: Pulling fs layer
09e6d0583787: Pulling fs layer
09e6d0583787: Verifying Checksum
09e6d0583787: Download complete
bacc6e46d58b: Download complete
3386eda7b540: Verifying Checksum
3386eda7b540: Download complete
3386eda7b540: Pull complete
bacc6e46d58b: Pull complete
09e6d0583787: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3383c5937c893e3908458ebbcd11132e540f8e40028835669826b77436cea2ce
Status: Downloaded newer image for python:3.5
[bookkeeper_postcommit_master_python] $ /bin/bash -xe 
+ docker pull python:2.7
2.7: Pulling from library/python
50e431f79093: Already exists
dd8c6d374ea5: Already exists
c85513200d84: Already exists
55769680e827: Already exists
f5e195d50b88: Already exists
98dd55ce22b7: Pulling fs layer
34b9c4f52c1f: Pulling fs layer
ae7288a3eebb: Pulling fs layer
c401e71550f0: Pulling fs layer
c401e71550f0: Waiting
ae7288a3eebb: Verifying Checksum
ae7288a3eebb: Download complete
98dd55ce22b7: Download complete
34b9c4f52c1f: Verifying Checksum
34b9c4f52c1f: Download complete
c401e71550f0: Verifying Checksum
c401e71550f0: Download complete
98dd55ce22b7: Pull complete
34b9c4f52c1f: Pull complete
ae7288a3eebb: Pull complete
c401e71550f0: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:8c8db4ba95cf2821d110d6e8d6f908b0f02085bcfa0ba273d933ed34ece0da18
Status: Downloaded newer image for python:2.7
[bookkeeper_postcommit_master_python] $ /bin/bash -xe 
+ ./stream/clients/python/scripts/
+++ dirname ./stream/clients/python/scripts/
++ cd ./stream/clients/python/scripts
++ pwd
+ NOXSESSION=lint,lint_setup_py,unit
+++ dirname 
++ cd 
++ pwd
+ NOXSESSION=lint,lint_setup_py,unit
+ [[ 3.7 == 3* ]]
++ cat
+ TEST_COMMANDS='find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf
pip install nox
+ docker run -v 
 -w /opt/bookkeeper -e PY_VERSION=3.7 -e NOXSESSION=lint,lint_setup_py,unit 
python:3.7 /bin/bash -c 'find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs 
rm -rf
pip install nox
Collecting nox
  Downloading nox-2019.11.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (38 kB)
Collecting argcomplete<2.0,>=1.9.4
  Downloading argcomplete-1.11.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (36 kB)
Collecting colorlog<5.0.0,>=2.6.1
  Downloading colorlog-4.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB)
Collecting virtualenv>=14.0.0
  Downloading virtualenv-20.0.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.6 MB)
Collecting py<2.0.0,>=1.4.0
  Downloading py-1.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (83 kB)
Collecting importlib-metadata<2,>=0.23; python_version == "3.7"
  Downloading importlib_metadata-1.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (30 kB)
Collecting six<2,>=1.9.0
  Downloading six-1.14.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB)
Collecting distlib<1,>=0.3.0
  Downloading (571 kB)
Collecting appdirs<2,>=1.4.3
  Downloading appdirs-1.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (12 kB)
Collecting filelock<4,>=3.0.0
  Downloading filelock-3.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (7.6 kB)
Collecting zipp>=0.5
  Downloading zipp-3.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.9 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: distlib
  Building wheel for distlib ( started
  Building wheel for distlib ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for distlib: filename=distlib-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl 
  Stored in directory: 
Successfully built distlib
Installing collected packages: zipp, importlib-metadata, argcomplete, colorlog, 
six, distlib, appdirs, filelock, virtualenv, py, nox
Successfully installed appdirs-1.4.3 argcomplete-1.11.1 colorlog-4.1.0 
distlib-0.3.0 filelock-3.0.12 importlib-metadata-1.6.0 nox-2019.11.9 py-1.8.1 
six-1.14.0 virtualenv-20.0.15 zipp-3.1.0
Running session lint
Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python in .nox/lint
pip install flake8
pip install .
flake8 bookkeeper tests
bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (107 > 79 characters)
bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (101 > 79 characters)
bookkeeper/admin/ E501 line too long (87 > 79 characters)
bookkeeper/admin/ E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)
bookkeeper/admin/ E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (81 
> 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (86 
> 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (81 
> 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (86 
> 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (81 
> 79 characters)
tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/ E501 line too long (86 
> 79 characters)
tests/integration/bookkeeper/kv/ F401 'pytest' imported but 
tests/integration/bookkeeper/kv/ E501 line too long (89 > 
79 characters)
Command flake8 bookkeeper tests failed with exit code 1
Session lint failed.
Running session lint_setup_py
Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python in .nox/lint_setup_py
pip install docutils Pygments
python check --restructuredtext --strict
running check
 UserWarning: The version specified ('4.11.0-SNAPSHOT') is an invalid version, 
this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. 
Please see PEP 440 for more details.
  "details." % version
Session lint_setup_py was successful.
Running session unit-3.7
Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python3.7 in .nox/unit-3-7
pip install mock pytest pytest-cov
pip install -e .
py.test --quiet --cov-append --cov-report= --cov=bookkeeper 
--cov-config=.coveragerc tests/unit
...................................................................F     [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
____________________________ test_get_routing_hash _____________________________

    def test_get_routing_hash():
        router = BytesHashRouter()
>       hash_key = router.getRoutingKey("foo")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <bookkeeper.common.router.router.BytesHashRouter object at 
key = 'foo'

    def getRoutingKey(self, key):
>       return mmh3.hash64(key, seed=__SEED__, signed=True)[0]
E       TypeError: hash64() got an unexpected keyword argument 'signed'

bookkeeper/common/router/ TypeError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of 
from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3,and in 3.9 it will stop 
    elif isinstance(msg_or_dict, collections.Mapping):

DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of 
from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3,and in 3.9 it will stop 
    (collections.MutableMapping, message.Message))):

DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of 
from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3,and in 3.9 it will stop 
    if isinstance(value, (collections.MutableSequence, tuple)):

-- Docs:

=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/unit/bookkeeper/common/router/
1 failed, 67 passed, 3 warnings in 5.00s
Command py.test --quiet --cov-append --cov-report= --cov=bookkeeper 
--cov-config=.coveragerc tests/unit failed with exit code 1
Session unit-3.7 failed.
Ran multiple sessions:
* lint: failed
* lint_setup_py: success
* unit-3.7: failed
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user

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