
Vladimir Sitnikov updated CALCITE-4199:
The current codebase uses jsr305 javax.annotation.Nullable / NonNull which 
helps to catch bugs while developing Calcite and libraries.

Unfortunately, the current annotation is not enforced, and it lacks support for 
jsr305.jar is probably abandoned (see 
https://github.com/google/guava/issues/2960), so we should probably migrate to 
something else.

https://checkerframework.org/ is a solid framework for machine verification 
which is tailored to Java.

The releases are quite frequent: 
Their annotations are recognized by major IDEs.

So I see the following options:
a) Leave the code as is
b) Annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations
c) Migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin

I've created a PR to verify which changes would be needed, verify if CI is able 
to type check in a reasonable time, and so on: 

My findings regarding checkerframework so far are:
0) It does detect NPEs (which were hidden in the current code), and it does 
detect initialized files in the constructors
1) Checkerframework takes ~2 minutes for linq4j, and 17min for core in GitHub 
Actions CI
2) "non-nullable by default" is quite close to the current Calcite conventions.
3) There are cases when javadoc comments says "or null", however, the code 
reads much easier if {{@Nullable}} nullable appears in the signature
4) If a third-party library supplies invalid type annotations, there's a way to 
fix that. For instance, Guava's Function is annotated as "always nullable", and 
we can overrule that (so the nullability is taken from generic signature rather 
than "always nullable"). The override files are placed to 
5) Generic-heavy code might be challenging (they are always like that), 
however, in the most obscure cases there's always a way to suppress the warning
6) I've filed a Gradle improvement so it schedules recently modified files 
first for the compilation: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/14332


h2. Option a: leave the code as is

Typically, Calcite code does have decent documentation if {{null}} is 
permissible, however, I often need to check the existing calls in order to 
figure out if {{null}} is expected.

Note: nullability does not mean just "null vs non-null" value, but it is 
related to other common pitfalls like "failing to initialize the value in 
constructor", "calling non-final method in the constructor"

h2. Option b: annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations

* Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so the resulting code is easy 
to reason about. For instance, it requires that {{boolean equals(@Nullable 
Object other)}} overloads must explicitly declare {{@Nulable}} annotation. That 
might sound too verbose at first, however, it helps to read the code: you don't 
need to analyze class/interface declarations in order to figure out if nulls 
are expected or not.
* Checkerframework supports nullability with generics. For instance, {{class 
Wrapper<T>}} means T can be used as either non-nullable or nullable. {{class 
Wrapper<T>}} means T is always nullable (all implementations can assume T is 
always nullable), and {{class Wrapper<T extends @NonNull Object>}} (nonnull is 
redundant in this case and can be omitted) means T can't be null.
* Checkerframework supports nullability with arrays. {{@Nullable Object[]}} is 
non-nullable array with nullable elements, {{Object @Nullable []}} is nullable 
array with non-nullable elements.
* The verifier sees untested code
* checkerframework has a coherent set of verifiers, and it is pluggable
* checkerframework compiler understand lots of different nullability 
annotations, so we could use jsr305 nullability annotations instead of the ones 
from checkerframework
* Nullability annotations might make it easier to contribute: one has to reason 
about nulls anyway, and the annotations make it simpler.

* Nullability annotations add an extra burden on developers. Checkerframework 
documentation is good, however, it might be challenging to figure out the 
proper annotations especially when generics and/or inheritance is involved
* Verification takes significant time, which is especially sad for local 
development. For instance, {{core}} verification takes 17-20 minutes. Note: 
extra time is spent only in case checkerframework verification is activated, 
and the verification itself is NOT required for regular Calcite operation (e.g. 
development, testing, etc). The nullability verification is similar to code 
style checks like Checkstyle: it can be executed as a completely separate task.
* IDEs do not have full support of checkerframework annotations. For instance, 
they can't infer nullability from generic signatures, so the code might look OK 
in IDE, and it would fail verification. At the same time, IDE might show false 
positives (warning in IDE while the verification passes)
* Other languages might miss nullability inference from checkerframework 
annotations. For instance, Kotlin compiler can infer nullability from jsr305 
annotations, however, it does not understand checkerframework yet
* Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so does not know if certain 
methods are used in a specific order only. One of the cases is {{Enumerator}} 
interface with {{current}}, {{moveNext}}, and {{close}} methods. Checker 
assumes the clients might call the methods in any order, so it enforces that 
null-checks must be placed in all the methods. It might sound like "adding 
verbosity to make checker happy"
* Checkerframework is not suitable for test code, as it would take significant 
effort to write nullability annotations, and it would make test code much 
harder to write. For instance, checkerframework knows nothing on JUnit's 
{{@Before...}} annotations, so it assumes the fields are not initialized in the 
test methods
* Nullability annotations might sound like adding a new language. For instance, 
the difference between {{<T> public T get()}}, {{<@Nullable T> public T 
get()}}, {{<T> public @Nullable T get()}}, {{<T extends @Nullable Object> 
public T get()}}, {{<@PolyNull T> public @PolyNull T get()}} might be not that 
easy to understand.
* Java's type system is unsound, so it is hard to write code without 
suppression. For instance: {{Map.get(...)}} sometimes permits nulls (HashMap), 
and sometimes it does not (ImmutableMap). That is one of the reasons 
{{Map.get(...)}} and {{Map.remove(..)}} are annotated to require non-nullable 
* Nullability annotations might make it harder to contribute: checkerframework 
might be unfamiliar to the contributors
* There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
might be added, so the code might start failing

h2. Option b: migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin

* Better IDE support than the one of checkerframework
* Standard library contains lots of collection manipulation code, so 
typical-for-Calcite Itarables.transform. Lists.transform, and so on would be 
easier to read and write. Streams in Java are still too verbose, especially for 
one-time mapping.
For instance,
    return columns.stream()
        .map(columnOrdinal -> table.getRowType().getFieldNames()
    return columns.map { columnOrdinal ->
or even
    return columns.map { table.getRowType().getFieldNames().get(it) }
* Faster (?) compilation times. Even though Kotlin is slower to compile than 
regular Java, Kotlin is way faster than checkerframework compiler. So 
edit-compile cycle would likely be much faster
* Some type annotations would work for Kotlin as well. For instance, 
{{@CheckReturnValue}} would work in IDEs even for Kotlin code
* It might attract contributors. StackOverflow 2020 survey suggests [Kotlin is 
the 4th loved (and 6th wanted) programming 
* Kotlin integrates with Java nicely: Java classes can extend Kotlin classes 
and vice versa
* Kotlin is safe and pleasant to use for test code as well. For instance, 
{{lateinit var}} enables to have non-nullable reference and initialize it in 
* Migration to Kotlin can be fully backward compatible with Java (see OkHttp 
* Kotlin advanced deprecation features simplify migrations for the clients. For 
instance, {{@Deprecated}} annotation in Kotlin can suggest the replacements, so 
IDEs would suggest replacing the deprecations. With Java we have to guess the 
* Better "public API" support: Kotlin code fails to compile if a public class 
inherits from a private (or package-private) one.

* Kotlin might make it harder to contribute: Kotlin might be unfamiliar to the 
* There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
might be added, so the code might start failing
* Kotlin standard library becomes an extra 1MiB dependency

The current codebase uses jsr305 javax.annotation.Nullable / NonNull which 
helps to catch bugs while developing Calcite and libraries.

Unfortunately, the current annotation is not enforced, and it lacks support for 
jsr305.jar is probably abandoned (see 
https://github.com/google/guava/issues/2960), so we should probably migrate to 
something else.

https://checkerframework.org/ is a solid framework for machine verification 
which is tailored to Java.

The releases are quite frequent: 
Their annotations are recognized by major IDEs.

So I see the following options:
a) Leave the code as is
b) Annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations
c) Migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin

I've created a PR to verify which changes would be needed, verify if CI is able 
to type check in a reasonable time, and so on: 

My findings regarding checkerframework so far are:
0) It does detect NPEs (which were hidden in the current code), and it does 
detect initialized files in the constructors
1) Checkerframework takes ~2 minutes for linq4j, and 13+min (unknown yet, 13m 
produces 100 errors and stops) for core
2) "non-nullable by default" is quite close to the current Calcite conventions.
3) There are cases when javadoc comments says "or null", however, the code 
reads much easier if {{@Nullable}} nullable appears in the signature
4) If a third-party library supplies invalid type annotations, there's a way to 
fix that. For instance, Guava's Function is annotated as "always nullable", and 
we can overrule that (so the nullability is taken from generic signature rather 
than "always nullable"). The override files are placed to 
5) Generic-heavy code might be challenging (they are always like that), 
however, in the most obscure cases there's always a way to suppress the warning
6) I've filed a Gradle improvement so it schedules recently modified files 
first for the compilation: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/14332


h2. Option a: leave the code as is

Typically, Calcite code does have decent documentation if {{null}} is 
permissible, however, I often need to check the existing calls in order to 
figure out if {{null}} is expected.

Note: nullability does not mean just "null vs non-null" value, but it is 
related to other common pitfalls like "failing to initialize the value in 
constructor", "calling non-final method in the constructor"

h2. Option b: annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations

* Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so the resulting code is easy 
to reason about. For instance, it requires that {{boolean equals(@Nullable 
Object other)}} overloads must explicitly declare {{@Nulable}} annotation. That 
might sound too verbose at first, however, it helps to read the code: you don't 
need to analyze class/interface declarations in order to figure out if nulls 
are expected or not.
* Checkerframework supports nullability with generics. For instance, {{class 
Wrapper<T>}} means T can be used as either non-nullable or nullable. {{class 
Wrapper<T>}} means T is always nullable (all implementations can assume T is 
always nullable), and {{class Wrapper<T extends @NonNull Object>}} (nonnull is 
redundant in this case and can be omitted) means T can't be null.
* Checkerframework supports nullability with arrays. {{@Nullable Object[]}} is 
non-nullable array with nullable elements, {{Object @Nullable []}} is nullable 
array with non-nullable elements.
* The verifier sees untested code
* checkerframework has a coherent set of verifiers, and it is pluggable
* checkerframework compiler understand lots of different nullability 
annotations, so we could use jsr305 nullability annotations instead of the ones 
from checkerframework
* Nullability annotations might make it easier to contribute: one has to reason 
about nulls anyway, and the annotations make it simpler.

* Nullability annotations add an extra burden on developers. Checkerframework 
documentation is good, however, it might be challenging to figure out the 
proper annotations especially when generics and/or inheritance is involved
* Verification takes significant time, which is especially sad for local 
development. For instance, {{core}} verification takes 13+minutes. Note: extra 
time is spent only in case checkerframework verification is activated, and the 
verification itself is NOT required for regular Calcite operation (e.g. 
development, testing, etc). The nullability verification is similar to code 
style checks like Checkstyle: it can be executed as a completely separate task.
* IDEs do not have full support of checkerframework annotations. For instance, 
they can't infer nullability from generic signatures, so the code might look OK 
in IDE, and it would fail verification. At the same time, IDE might show false 
positives (warning in IDE while the verification passes)
* Other languages might miss nullability inference from checkerframework 
annotations. For instance, Kotlin compiler can infer nullability from jsr305 
annotations, however, it does not understand checkerframework yet
* Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so does not know if certain 
methods are used in a specific order only. One of the cases is {{Enumerator}} 
interface with {{current}}, {{moveNext}}, and {{close}} methods. Checker 
assumes the clients might call the methods in any order, so it enforces that 
null-checks must be placed in all the methods. It might sound like "adding 
verbosity to make checker happy"
* Checkerframework is not suitable for test code, as it would take significant 
effort to write nullability annotations, and it would make test code much 
harder to write. For instance, checkerframework knows nothing on JUnit's 
{{@Before...}} annotations, so it assumes the fields are not initialized in the 
test methods
* Nullability annotations might sound like adding a new language. For instance, 
the difference between {{<T> public T get()}}, {{<@Nullable T> public T 
get()}}, {{<T> public @Nullable T get()}}, {{<T extends @Nullable Object> 
public T get()}}, {{<@PolyNull T> public @PolyNull T get()}} might be not that 
easy to understand.
* Java's type system is unsound, so it is hard to write code without 
suppression. For instance: {{Map.get(...)}} sometimes permits nulls (HashMap), 
and sometimes it does not (ImmutableMap). That is one of the reasons 
{{Map.get(...)}} and {{Map.remove(..)}} are annotated to require non-nullable 
* Nullability annotations might make it harder to contribute: checkerframework 
might be unfamiliar to the contributors
* There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
might be added, so the code might start failing

h2. Option b: migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin

* Better IDE support than the one of checkerframework
* Standard library contains lots of collection manipulation code, so 
typical-for-Calcite Itarables.transform. Lists.transform, and so on would be 
easier to read and write. Streams in Java are still too verbose, especially for 
one-time mapping.
For instance,
    return columns.stream()
        .map(columnOrdinal -> table.getRowType().getFieldNames()
    return columns.map { columnOrdinal ->
or even
    return columns.map { table.getRowType().getFieldNames().get(it) }
* Faster (?) compilation times. Even though Kotlin is slower to compile than 
regular Java, Kotlin is way faster than checkerframework compiler. So 
edit-compile cycle would likely be much faster
* Some type annotations would work for Kotlin as well. For instance, 
{{@CheckReturnValue}} would work in IDEs even for Kotlin code
* It might attract contributors. StackOverflow 2020 survey suggests [Kotlin is 
the 4th loved (and 6th wanted) programming 
* Kotlin integrates with Java nicely: Java classes can extend Kotlin classes 
and vice versa
* Kotlin is safe and pleasant to use for test code as well. For instance, 
{{lateinit var}} enables to have non-nullable reference and initialize it in 
* Migration to Kotlin can be fully backward compatible with Java (see OkHttp 
* Kotlin advanced deprecation features simplify migrations for the clients. For 
instance, {{@Deprecated}} annotation in Kotlin can suggest the replacements, so 
IDEs would suggest replacing the deprecations. With Java we have to guess the 
* Better "public API" support: Kotlin code fails to compile if a public class 
inherits from a private (or package-private) one.

* Kotlin might make it harder to contribute: Kotlin might be unfamiliar to the 
* There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
might be added, so the code might start failing
* Kotlin standard library becomes an extra 1MiB dependency

> Add nullability annotations to the methods and fields, ensure consistency 
> with checkerframework
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CALCITE-4199
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-4199
>             Project: Calcite
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>    Affects Versions: 1.25.0
>            Reporter: Vladimir Sitnikov
>            Priority: Major
> The current codebase uses jsr305 javax.annotation.Nullable / NonNull which 
> helps to catch bugs while developing Calcite and libraries.
> Unfortunately, the current annotation is not enforced, and it lacks support 
> for generics.
> jsr305.jar is probably abandoned (see 
> https://github.com/google/guava/issues/2960), so we should probably migrate 
> to something else.
> https://checkerframework.org/ is a solid framework for machine verification 
> which is tailored to Java.
> The releases are quite frequent: 
> https://github.com/typetools/checker-framework/releases
> Their annotations are recognized by major IDEs.
> So I see the following options:
> a) Leave the code as is
> b) Annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations
> c) Migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin
> I've created a PR to verify which changes would be needed, verify if CI is 
> able to type check in a reasonable time, and so on: 
> https://github.com/apache/calcite/pull/1929
> My findings regarding checkerframework so far are:
> 0) It does detect NPEs (which were hidden in the current code), and it does 
> detect initialized files in the constructors
> 1) Checkerframework takes ~2 minutes for linq4j, and 17min for core in GitHub 
> Actions CI
> 2) "non-nullable by default" is quite close to the current Calcite 
> conventions.
> 3) There are cases when javadoc comments says "or null", however, the code 
> reads much easier if {{@Nullable}} nullable appears in the signature
> 4) If a third-party library supplies invalid type annotations, there's a way 
> to fix that. For instance, Guava's Function is annotated as "always 
> nullable", and we can overrule that (so the nullability is taken from generic 
> signature rather than "always nullable"). The override files are placed to 
> src/main/config/checkerframework
> 5) Generic-heavy code might be challenging (they are always like that), 
> however, in the most obscure cases there's always a way to suppress the 
> warning
> 6) I've filed a Gradle improvement so it schedules recently modified files 
> first for the compilation: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/14332
> ---
> h2. Option a: leave the code as is
> Typically, Calcite code does have decent documentation if {{null}} is 
> permissible, however, I often need to check the existing calls in order to 
> figure out if {{null}} is expected.
> Note: nullability does not mean just "null vs non-null" value, but it is 
> related to other common pitfalls like "failing to initialize the value in 
> constructor", "calling non-final method in the constructor"
> h2. Option b: annotate (gradually?) the code with checkerframework annotations
> Pros:
> * Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so the resulting code is 
> easy to reason about. For instance, it requires that {{boolean 
> equals(@Nullable Object other)}} overloads must explicitly declare 
> {{@Nulable}} annotation. That might sound too verbose at first, however, it 
> helps to read the code: you don't need to analyze class/interface 
> declarations in order to figure out if nulls are expected or not.
> * Checkerframework supports nullability with generics. For instance, {{class 
> Wrapper<T>}} means T can be used as either non-nullable or nullable. {{class 
> Wrapper<T>}} means T is always nullable (all implementations can assume T is 
> always nullable), and {{class Wrapper<T extends @NonNull Object>}} (nonnull 
> is redundant in this case and can be omitted) means T can't be null.
> * Checkerframework supports nullability with arrays. {{@Nullable Object[]}} 
> is non-nullable array with nullable elements, {{Object @Nullable []}} is 
> nullable array with non-nullable elements.
> * The verifier sees untested code
> * checkerframework has a coherent set of verifiers, and it is pluggable
> * checkerframework compiler understand lots of different nullability 
> annotations, so we could use jsr305 nullability annotations instead of the 
> ones from checkerframework
> * Nullability annotations might make it easier to contribute: one has to 
> reason about nulls anyway, and the annotations make it simpler.
> Cons:
> * Nullability annotations add an extra burden on developers. Checkerframework 
> documentation is good, however, it might be challenging to figure out the 
> proper annotations especially when generics and/or inheritance is involved
> * Verification takes significant time, which is especially sad for local 
> development. For instance, {{core}} verification takes 17-20 minutes. Note: 
> extra time is spent only in case checkerframework verification is activated, 
> and the verification itself is NOT required for regular Calcite operation 
> (e.g. development, testing, etc). The nullability verification is similar to 
> code style checks like Checkstyle: it can be executed as a completely 
> separate task.
> * IDEs do not have full support of checkerframework annotations. For 
> instance, they can't infer nullability from generic signatures, so the code 
> might look OK in IDE, and it would fail verification. At the same time, IDE 
> might show false positives (warning in IDE while the verification passes)
> * Other languages might miss nullability inference from checkerframework 
> annotations. For instance, Kotlin compiler can infer nullability from jsr305 
> annotations, however, it does not understand checkerframework yet
> * Checkerframework verifies one method at a time, so does not know if certain 
> methods are used in a specific order only. One of the cases is {{Enumerator}} 
> interface with {{current}}, {{moveNext}}, and {{close}} methods. Checker 
> assumes the clients might call the methods in any order, so it enforces that 
> null-checks must be placed in all the methods. It might sound like "adding 
> verbosity to make checker happy"
> * Checkerframework is not suitable for test code, as it would take 
> significant effort to write nullability annotations, and it would make test 
> code much harder to write. For instance, checkerframework knows nothing on 
> JUnit's {{@Before...}} annotations, so it assumes the fields are not 
> initialized in the test methods
> * Nullability annotations might sound like adding a new language. For 
> instance, the difference between {{<T> public T get()}}, {{<@Nullable T> 
> public T get()}}, {{<T> public @Nullable T get()}}, {{<T extends @Nullable 
> Object> public T get()}}, {{<@PolyNull T> public @PolyNull T get()}} might be 
> not that easy to understand.
> * Java's type system is unsound, so it is hard to write code without 
> suppression. For instance: {{Map.get(...)}} sometimes permits nulls 
> (HashMap), and sometimes it does not (ImmutableMap). That is one of the 
> reasons {{Map.get(...)}} and {{Map.remove(..)}} are annotated to require 
> non-nullable argument.
> * Nullability annotations might make it harder to contribute: 
> checkerframework might be unfamiliar to the contributors
> * There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
> might be added, so the code might start failing
> h2. Option b: migrate (gradually?) the code to Kotlin
> Pros:
> * Better IDE support than the one of checkerframework
> * Standard library contains lots of collection manipulation code, so 
> typical-for-Calcite Itarables.transform. Lists.transform, and so on would be 
> easier to read and write. Streams in Java are still too verbose, especially 
> for one-time mapping.
> For instance,
> {noformat}
>     return columns.stream()
>         .map(columnOrdinal -> table.getRowType().getFieldNames()
>             .get(columnOrdinal))
>         .collect(Collectors.toList());{noformat}
> becomes
> {noformat}
>     return columns.map { columnOrdinal ->
>         table.getRowType().getFieldNames().get(columnOrdinal)
>     }
> {noformat}
> or even
> {noformat}
>     return columns.map { table.getRowType().getFieldNames().get(it) }
> {noformat}
> * Faster (?) compilation times. Even though Kotlin is slower to compile than 
> regular Java, Kotlin is way faster than checkerframework compiler. So 
> edit-compile cycle would likely be much faster
> * Some type annotations would work for Kotlin as well. For instance, 
> {{@CheckReturnValue}} would work in IDEs even for Kotlin code
> * It might attract contributors. StackOverflow 2020 survey suggests [Kotlin 
> is the 4th loved (and 6th wanted) programming 
> language|https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2020#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-languages-loved]
> * Kotlin integrates with Java nicely: Java classes can extend Kotlin classes 
> and vice versa
> * Kotlin is safe and pleasant to use for test code as well. For instance, 
> {{lateinit var}} enables to have non-nullable reference and initialize it in 
> {{@Before..}}.
> * Migration to Kotlin can be fully backward compatible with Java (see OkHttp 
> [migration|https://square.github.io/okhttp/upgrading_to_okhttp_4/] 
> [case|https://cashapp.github.io/2019-06-26/okhttp-4-goes-kotlin])
> * Kotlin advanced deprecation features simplify migrations for the clients. 
> For instance, {{@Deprecated}} annotation in Kotlin can suggest the 
> replacements, so IDEs would suggest replacing the deprecations. With Java we 
> have to guess the alternatives
> * Better "public API" support: Kotlin code fails to compile if a public class 
> inherits from a private (or package-private) one.
> Cons:
> * Kotlin might make it harder to contribute: Kotlin might be unfamiliar to 
> the contributors
> * There's a risk of human error while migrating the code: a wrong assertion 
> might be added, so the code might start failing
> * Kotlin standard library becomes an extra 1MiB dependency

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