kunal642 commented on a change in pull request #3245: [CARBONDATA-3398] Handled 
show cache for index server and MV
URL: https://github.com/apache/carbondata/pull/3245#discussion_r292374118

 File path: 
 @@ -62,216 +68,397 @@ case class CarbonShowCacheCommand(tableIdentifier: 
-  override protected def opName: String = "SHOW CACHE"
+  override def processMetadata(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
+    if (tableIdentifier.isEmpty) {
+      /**
+       * Assemble result for database
+       */
+      getAllTablesCache(sparkSession)
+    } else {
+      /**
+       * Assemble result for table
+       */
+      val carbonTable = 
+      Checker
+        .validateTableExists(tableIdentifier.get.database, 
tableIdentifier.get.table, sparkSession)
+      val numberOfIndexFiles = CacheUtil.getAllIndexFiles(carbonTable).size
+      val driverRawResults = getTableCacheFromDriver(sparkSession, 
carbonTable, numberOfIndexFiles)
+      val indexRawResults = if 
+        tableIdentifier.get.table)) {
+        getTableCacheFromIndexServer(carbonTable, 
+      } else { Seq() }
+      val result = driverRawResults.slice(0, 2) ++
+                   driverRawResults.drop(2).map { row =>
+                     Row(row.get(0), row.getLong(1) + row.getLong(2), 
+                   }
+      val serverResults = indexRawResults.slice(0, 2) ++
+                          indexRawResults.drop(2).map { row =>
+                            Row(row.get(0), row.getLong(1) + row.getLong(2), 
+                          }
+      Seq(Row("DRIVER CACHE", "", "")) ++ result.map {
+        row =>
+          Row(row.get(0), bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(1)), row.get(2))
+      } ++ (serverResults match {
+        case Nil => Seq()
+        case list =>
+          Seq(Row("-----------", "-----------", "-----------"), Row("INDEX 
CACHE", "", "")) ++
+          list.map {
+          row => Row(row.get(0), bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(1)), 
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  }
   def getAllTablesCache(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
     val currentDatabase = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.getCurrentDatabase
     val cache = CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache
-    if (cache == null) {
-      Seq(
-        Row("ALL", "ALL", 0L, 0L, 0L),
-        Row(currentDatabase, "ALL", 0L, 0L, 0L))
-    } else {
-      var carbonTables = mutable.ArrayBuffer[CarbonTable]()
-      sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.listTables(currentDatabase).foreach {
-        tableIdent =>
+    val isDistributedPruningEnabled = CarbonProperties.getInstance()
+      .isDistributedPruningEnabled("", "")
+    if (cache == null && !isDistributedPruningEnabled) {
+      return makeEmptyCacheRows(currentDatabase)
+    }
+    var carbonTables = mutable.ArrayBuffer[CarbonTable]()
+    sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.listTables(currentDatabase).foreach {
+      tableIdent =>
+        try {
+          val carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(tableIdent)(sparkSession)
+          if (!carbonTable.isChildDataMap && !carbonTable.isChildTable) {
+            carbonTables += carbonTable
+          }
+        } catch {
+          case _: NoSuchTableException =>
+            LOGGER.debug("Ignoring non-carbon table " + tableIdent.table)
+        }
+    }
+    val indexServerRows = if (isDistributedPruningEnabled) {
+      carbonTables.flatMap {
+        mainTable =>
           try {
-            val carbonTable = 
-            if (!carbonTable.isChildDataMap) {
-              carbonTables += carbonTable
-            }
+            makeRows(getTableCacheFromIndexServer(mainTable)(sparkSession), 
           } catch {
-            case ex: NoSuchTableException =>
-              LOGGER.debug("Ignoring non-carbon table " + tableIdent.table)
+            case ex: UnsupportedOperationException => Seq()
+    } else { Seq() }
-      // All tables of current database
-      var (dbDatamapSize, dbDictSize) = (0L, 0L)
-      val tableList = carbonTables.flatMap {
+    val driverRows = if (cache != null) {
+      carbonTables.flatMap {
         carbonTable =>
           try {
-            val tableResult = getTableCache(sparkSession, carbonTable)
-            var (indexSize, datamapSize) = (tableResult(0).getLong(1), 0L)
-            tableResult.drop(2).foreach {
-              row =>
-                indexSize += row.getLong(1)
-                datamapSize += row.getLong(2)
-            }
-            val dictSize = tableResult(1).getLong(1)
-            dbDictSize += dictSize
-            dbDatamapSize += datamapSize
-            val tableName = if (!carbonTable.isTransactionalTable) {
-              carbonTable.getTableName + " (external table)"
-            }
-            else {
-              carbonTable.getTableName
-            }
-            Seq((currentDatabase, tableName, indexSize, datamapSize, dictSize))
+            makeRows(getTableCacheFromDriver(sparkSession, carbonTable), 
           } catch {
-            case ex: UnsupportedOperationException =>
-              Seq.empty
+            case ex: UnsupportedOperationException => Seq()
-      }.collect {
-        case (db, table, indexSize, datamapSize, dictSize) if !((indexSize == 
0) &&
-                                                                (datamapSize 
== 0) &&
-                                                                (dictSize == 
0)) =>
-          Row(db, table, indexSize, datamapSize, dictSize)
+    } else { Seq() }
+    val (driverdbIndexSize, driverdbDatamapSize, driverdbDictSize) = 
+      driverRows)
+    val (indexAllIndexSize, indexAllDatamapSize, indexAllDictSize) = 
+      indexServerRows)
+    val (indexdbIndexSize, indexdbDatamapSize) = 
+      currentDatabase)
+    val driverDisplayRows = if (cache != null) {
       val tablePaths = carbonTables.map {
         carbonTable =>
-      // Scan whole cache and fill the entries for All-Database-All-Tables
-      // and Current-Database-All-Tables
-      var (allIndexSize, allDatamapSize, allDictSize) = (0L, 0L, 0L)
-      var dbIndexSize = 0L
-      cache.getCacheMap.asScala.foreach {
-        case (key, cacheable) =>
-          cacheable match {
-            case _: BlockletDataMapIndexWrapper =>
-              allIndexSize += cacheable.getMemorySize
-              if (tablePaths.exists { path => key.startsWith(path) }) {
-                dbIndexSize += cacheable.getMemorySize
-              }
-            case _: BloomCacheKeyValue.CacheValue =>
-              allDatamapSize += cacheable.getMemorySize
-            case _: AbstractColumnDictionaryInfo =>
-              allDictSize += cacheable.getMemorySize
-          }
+      val (driverIndexSize, driverDatamapSize, allDictSize) = 
+        .toList)
+      if (driverRows.nonEmpty) {
+        val rows = (Seq(
+          Row("ALL", "ALL", driverIndexSize, driverDatamapSize, allDictSize),
+          Row(currentDatabase, "ALL", driverdbIndexSize, driverdbDatamapSize, 
+        ) ++ driverRows).collect {
+          case row if row.getLong(2) != 0L || row.getLong(3) != 0L || 
row.getLong(4) != 0L =>
+            Row(row(0), row(1), bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(2)),
+              bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(3)), 
+        }
+        Seq(Row("DRIVER CACHE", "", "", "", "")) ++ rows
+      } else {
+        makeEmptyCacheRows(currentDatabase)
+    } else {
+      makeEmptyCacheRows(currentDatabase)
+    }
-      Seq(
-        Row("ALL", "ALL", allIndexSize, allDatamapSize, allDictSize),
-        Row(currentDatabase, "ALL", dbIndexSize, dbDatamapSize, dbDictSize)
-      ) ++ tableList
+    //      val (serverIndexSize, serverDataMapSize) = 
+    val indexDisplayRows = if (indexServerRows.nonEmpty) {
+      val rows = (Seq(
+        Row("ALL", "ALL", indexAllIndexSize, indexAllDatamapSize, 
+        Row(currentDatabase, "ALL", indexdbIndexSize, indexdbDatamapSize, 
+      ) ++ indexServerRows).collect {
+        case row if row.getLong(2) != 0L || row.getLong(3) != 0L || 
row.getLong(4) != 0L =>
+          Row(row.get(0), row.get(1), bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(2)),
+            bytesToDisplaySize(row.getLong(3)), 
+      }
+      Seq(Row("INDEX SERVER CACHE", "", "", "", "")) ++ rows
+    } else {
+      Seq()
+    driverDisplayRows ++ indexDisplayRows
-  def getTableCache(sparkSession: SparkSession, carbonTable: CarbonTable): 
Seq[Row] = {
+  def getTableCacheFromDriver(sparkSession: SparkSession, carbonTable: 
+      numOfIndexFiles: Int = 0): Seq[Row] = {
     val cache = CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache
-    val allIndexFiles: List[String] = CacheUtil.getAllIndexFiles(carbonTable)
-    if (cache == null) {
-      var comments = 0 + "/" + allIndexFiles.size + " index files cached"
+    if (cache != null) {
+      val childTableList = getChildTableList(carbonTable)(sparkSession)
+      val parentMetaCacheInfo = collectDriverMetaCacheInfo(carbonTable, 
false)(sparkSession) match {
+        case head :: _ => head
+        case Nil => ("", 0, 0L, "")
+      }
+      val parentDictionary = getDictionarySize(carbonTable)(sparkSession)
+      val childMetaCacheInfos = childTableList.flatMap {
+        childTable =>
+          val tableArray = childTable._1.split("-")
+          val dbName = tableArray(0)
+          val tableName = tableArray(1)
+          if (childTable._2
+            .equalsIgnoreCase(DataMapClassProvider.BLOOMFILTER.getShortName)) {
 Review comment:
   removed the specific check. There are 2 places where this kind of check 
still exists in case of index server because i dont have the TableDataMap 
object to differentiate between Bloom and others. Index server only returns the 
provider name

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