
> >Oops, this is indeed FORTRAN code in Java clothes. There is quite _a lot_ of 
> >work to make it look like Java... :(
> >Personally, I'd rather not commit it as is, because it is unmaintainable (it 
> >does not match anything in CM in terms of design and programming style).
> Yes, but committing it this as is with an objective to "javaize" it
> would allow to:
>  - have a reference test harness to check changes do not introduce
>    regressions
>  - allow non-committer to help by providing small patches instead
>    of always reworking the complete code (Dietmar is not a committer
>    yet)
>  - allow monitor what changes are introduced slightly
>  - avoid delaying to much the availability of the feature so most
>    people can test it
>  - avoid delaying release to much as once the API is fixed (and in
>    fact it depends on the optimization framework which is already
>    defined), the implementation can be changed afterwards in 3.1
> I agree the last point can lead to the code never been changed at
> all, but the other points are important too.

The point of view of a maintainer will be that your last point will swamp
any other considerations.
It is not consistent that we "nit-pick" some small pieces of code while it
would be OK to commit that big scary one. [No offense to Dietmar, as this
was an important first step: It is really invaluable to be able to run the
tests as one is going through incremental changes.]

I'm willing to start adapting the code. If there are other candidates,
that's fine too. But I certainly do not want to spend time converting it
while somebody else is working on overlapping changes.

It is understandable that people would be happy to play with a new toy. But
they can also live without it (as they did until now) for some more time.
[Or they can patch their local copy.]


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