breautek commented on issue #1491:

   I understand where you're coming from. AFAIK the MacOS bar is never 
semi-transparent so it doesn't make sense for the webview to ever overlay 
underneath it.
   It does somewhat makes sense though if you think about the nuances of 
bringing iOS/iPadOS app to MacOS via catalyst because in iOS/iPadOS you usually 
do have a statusbar semi transparent and the webview is generally consumes that 
space for a seamless UI look, using safe-area-insets to push user content into 
safe area space.
   I'm not knowledged enough of the underlying Apple SDK to determine if this 
can be improved so I'll leave that to other committers to analyse if it is 
possible to make catalyst builds not have a webview that is hiding under the 
macOS bar, and whether that is something that should be implemented.
   It is good to know that it does respond to CSS safe area insets though, 
which is something that all applications should be using today. It is also 
possible that Apple is expecting apps to utilise the safe area insets so that 
your app will be more cross-platform compatible.

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