[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-10127?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=15041173#comment-15041173 ]
alastair edited comment on CB-10127 at 12/4/15 7:07 AM: -------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Joe. We have a full certificate (godaddy) installed on a loadbalancer sitting in front of the web server. At the load balancer I see a request log entry like this when I try to hit our search API: {noformat} -|| |-|-|-|0|-|-|- {noformat} If I hit the same API from a debug build (or from a web browser) then I see something like: {noformat} -||GET /search/|-|500|-|630|__qca=P0-486270448-1413890794900; __gads=ID=4c9430a67ce354fd:T=1413890795:S=ALNI_MZJ9xMO5FaXMqDiahGyDxGbwK1j6w; __utma=262668686.1107313830.1413890795.1429871657.1432219877.13; _ga=GA1.2.1107313830.1413890795; s_pers=%20s_nr%3D1447763757684%7C1450355757684%3B%20s_fid%3D20981839DE6951B9-08F4A8FCAC70E413%7C1512138812792%3B; crtg_newsquest2=; struqpref=80b23372-6d09-4167-b353-21c7635d0c27|http://localhost:8000/|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36 {noformat} In the app, I've added some temporary code to let me debug the problem - the code looks like this (node JS app): {noformat} request({ method: 'GET', url: apiUrl // , withCredentials: false } , function(error, response, body){ if (error) { return console.log('====>Rental====> error returned from search API using REQUEST=' + error); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return console.log('====>Rental====> invalid status code on request ' + response.statusCode + ' response is ' + util.inspect(response, false, null)); } console.log('====>Rental====> body using REQUEST=' + body); } ); {noformat} It's a node JS app that is using the request module - I'm getting statuscode 0 back and the above code gives me this in my logcat: {noformat} I/chromium( 4721): [INFO:CONSOLE(173)] "====>Rental====> invalid status code on request 0 response is { offset: 0, I/chromium( 4721): readable: true, I/chromium( 4721): _events: I/chromium( 4721): { close: [ [Function], [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): ready: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): error: [ [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): end: [ [Function], [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): data: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): statusCode: 0, I/chromium( 4721): request: I/chromium( 4721): { _events: I/chromium( 4721): { error: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): complete: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): pipe: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): end: [ [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): data: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): _maxListeners: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): callback: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): method: 'GET', I/chromium( 4721): readable: true, I/chromium( 4721): writable: true, I/chromium( 4721): explicitMethod: true, I/chromium( 4721): _qs: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): lib: { stringify: [Function], parse: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): useQuerystring: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): parseOptions: {}, I/chromium( 4721): stringifyOptions: {} }, I/chromium( 4721): _auth: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): hasAuth: false, I/chromium( 4721): sentAuth: false, I/chromium( 4721): bearerToken: null, I/chromium( 4721): user: null, I/chromium( 4721): pass: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _oauth: { request: [Circular], params: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _multipart: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): boundary: '5f571cc9-17ab-4a3a-8df7-38e29d241aff', I/chromium( 4721): chunked: false, I/chromium( 4721): body: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _redirect: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): followRedirect: true, I/chromium( 4721): followRedirects: true, I/chromium( 4721): followAllRedirects: false, I/chromium( 4721): allowRedirect: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): maxRedirects: 10, I/chromium( 4721): redirects: [], I/chromium( 4721): redirectsFollowed: 0, I/chromium( 4721): removeRefererHeader: false }, I/chromium( 4721): _tunnel: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): proxyHeaderWhiteList: I/chromium( 4721): [ 'accept', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-charset', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-language', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-ranges', I/chromium( 4721): 'cache-control', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-language', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-length', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-location', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-md5', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-range', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-type', I/chromium( 4721): 'connection', I/chromium( 4721): 'date', I/chromium( 4721): 'expect', I/chromium( 4721): 'max-forwards', I/chromium( 4721): 'pragma', I/chromium( 4721): 'referer', I/chromium( 4721): 'te', I/chromium( 4721): 'transfer-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'user-agent', I/chromium( 4721): 'via' ], I/chromium( 4721): proxyHeaderExclusiveList: [] }, I/chromium( 4721): headers: {}, I/chromium( 4721): setHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): hasHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): getHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): removeHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): localAddress: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): pool: { 'https:': {} }, I/chromium( 4721): dests: [], I/chromium( 4721): __isRequestRequest: true, I/chromium( 4721): _callback: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): uri: I/chromium( 4721): { protocol: 'https:', I/chromium( 4721): slashes: true, I/chromium( 4721): auth: null, I/chromium( 4721): host: 'api.XXXXXX.com', I/chromium( 4721): port: 443, I/chromium( 4721): hostname: 'api.XXXXXX.com', I/chromium( 4721): hash: null, I/chromium( 4721): search: '?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): query: 'minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): pathname: '/search/', I/chromium( 4721): path: '/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): href: 'https://api.XXXXXX.com/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1' }, I/chromium( 4721): proxy: null, I/chromium( 4721): tunnel: true, I/chromium( 4721): setHost: true, I/chromium( 4721): originalCookieHeader: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): _disableCookies: true, I/chromium( 4721): _jar: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): port: 443, I/chromium( 4721): host: 'api.XXXXXX.com', I/chromium( 4721): path: '/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): httpModule: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): get: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): Agent: { [Function] defaultMaxSockets: 4 }, I/chromium( 4721): STATUS_CODES: I/chromium( 4721): { '100': 'Continue', I/chromium( 4721): '101': 'Switching Protocols', I/chromium( 4721): '102': 'Processing', I/chromium( 4721): '200': 'OK', I/chromium( 4721): '201': 'Created', I/chromium( 4721): '202': 'Accepted', I/chromium( 4721): '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information', I/chromium( 4721): '204': 'No Content', I/chromium( 4721): '205': 'Reset Content', I/chromium( 4721): '206': 'Partial Content', I/chromium( 4721): '207': 'Multi-Status', I/chromium( 4721): '300': 'Multiple Choices', I/chromium( 4721): '301': 'Moved Permanently', I/chromium( 4721): '302': 'Moved Temporarily', I/chromium( 4721): '303': 'See Other', I/chromium( 4721): '304': 'Not Modified', I/chromium( 4721): '305': 'Use Proxy', I/chromium( 4721): '307': 'Temporary Redirect {noformat} I'm not getting an unauthorised or other HTTP statuscode back - the statuscode of 0 was what made me think it's a phone side issue. If I hit the HTTPS API in a browser then it returns correctly, if I hit it from the app running in a browser it is fine, if I hit the API from a debug build running on the phone then it is fine. Any advice is greatly appreciated. was (Author: allymacmac): Thanks Joe. We have a full certificate (godaddy) installed on a loadbalancer sitting in front of the web server. At the load balancer I see a request log entry like this when I try to hit our search API: {noformat} -|| |-|-|-|0|-|-|- {noformat} If I hit the same API from a debug build (or from a web browser) then I see something like: {noformat} -||GET /search/|-|500|-|630|__qca=P0-486270448-1413890794900; __gads=ID=4c9430a67ce354fd:T=1413890795:S=ALNI_MZJ9xMO5FaXMqDiahGyDxGbwK1j6w; __utma=262668686.1107313830.1413890795.1429871657.1432219877.13; _ga=GA1.2.1107313830.1413890795; s_pers=%20s_nr%3D1447763757684%7C1450355757684%3B%20s_fid%3D20981839DE6951B9-08F4A8FCAC70E413%7C1512138812792%3B; crtg_newsquest2=; struqpref=80b23372-6d09-4167-b353-21c7635d0c27|http://localhost:8000/|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36 {noformat} In the app, I've added some temporary code to let me debug the problem - the code looks like this (node JS app): {noformat} request({ method: 'GET', url: apiUrl // , withCredentials: false } , function(error, response, body){ if (error) { return console.log('====>Rental====> error returned from search API using REQUEST=' + error); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return console.log('====>Rental====> invalid status code on request ' + response.statusCode + ' response is ' + util.inspect(response, false, null)); } console.log('====>Rental====> body using REQUEST=' + body); } ); {noformat} It's a node JS app that is using the request module - I'm getting statuscode 0 back and the above code gives me this in my logcat: {noformat} I/chromium( 4721): [INFO:CONSOLE(173)] "====>Rental====> invalid status code on request 0 response is { offset: 0, I/chromium( 4721): readable: true, I/chromium( 4721): _events: I/chromium( 4721): { close: [ [Function], [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): ready: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): error: [ [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): end: [ [Function], [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): data: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): statusCode: 0, I/chromium( 4721): request: I/chromium( 4721): { _events: I/chromium( 4721): { error: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): complete: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): pipe: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): end: [ [Function], [Function] ], I/chromium( 4721): data: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): _maxListeners: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): callback: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): method: 'GET', I/chromium( 4721): readable: true, I/chromium( 4721): writable: true, I/chromium( 4721): explicitMethod: true, I/chromium( 4721): _qs: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): lib: { stringify: [Function], parse: [Function] }, I/chromium( 4721): useQuerystring: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): parseOptions: {}, I/chromium( 4721): stringifyOptions: {} }, I/chromium( 4721): _auth: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): hasAuth: false, I/chromium( 4721): sentAuth: false, I/chromium( 4721): bearerToken: null, I/chromium( 4721): user: null, I/chromium( 4721): pass: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _oauth: { request: [Circular], params: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _multipart: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): boundary: '5f571cc9-17ab-4a3a-8df7-38e29d241aff', I/chromium( 4721): chunked: false, I/chromium( 4721): body: null }, I/chromium( 4721): _redirect: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): followRedirect: true, I/chromium( 4721): followRedirects: true, I/chromium( 4721): followAllRedirects: false, I/chromium( 4721): allowRedirect: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): maxRedirects: 10, I/chromium( 4721): redirects: [], I/chromium( 4721): redirectsFollowed: 0, I/chromium( 4721): removeRefererHeader: false }, I/chromium( 4721): _tunnel: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Circular], I/chromium( 4721): proxyHeaderWhiteList: I/chromium( 4721): [ 'accept', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-charset', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-language', I/chromium( 4721): 'accept-ranges', I/chromium( 4721): 'cache-control', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-language', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-length', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-location', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-md5', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-range', I/chromium( 4721): 'content-type', I/chromium( 4721): 'connection', I/chromium( 4721): 'date', I/chromium( 4721): 'expect', I/chromium( 4721): 'max-forwards', I/chromium( 4721): 'pragma', I/chromium( 4721): 'referer', I/chromium( 4721): 'te', I/chromium( 4721): 'transfer-encoding', I/chromium( 4721): 'user-agent', I/chromium( 4721): 'via' ], I/chromium( 4721): proxyHeaderExclusiveList: [] }, I/chromium( 4721): headers: {}, I/chromium( 4721): setHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): hasHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): getHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): removeHeader: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): localAddress: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): pool: { 'https:': {} }, I/chromium( 4721): dests: [], I/chromium( 4721): __isRequestRequest: true, I/chromium( 4721): _callback: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): uri: I/chromium( 4721): { protocol: 'https:', I/chromium( 4721): slashes: true, I/chromium( 4721): auth: null, I/chromium( 4721): host: 'api.s1homes.com', I/chromium( 4721): port: 443, I/chromium( 4721): hostname: 'api.s1homes.com', I/chromium( 4721): hash: null, I/chromium( 4721): search: '?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): query: 'minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): pathname: '/search/', I/chromium( 4721): path: '/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): href: 'https://api.s1homes.com/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1' }, I/chromium( 4721): proxy: null, I/chromium( 4721): tunnel: true, I/chromium( 4721): setHost: true, I/chromium( 4721): originalCookieHeader: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): _disableCookies: true, I/chromium( 4721): _jar: undefined, I/chromium( 4721): port: 443, I/chromium( 4721): host: 'api.s1homes.com', I/chromium( 4721): path: '/search/?minprice=100&maxprice=10000&minbedrooms=Any&page=1', I/chromium( 4721): httpModule: I/chromium( 4721): { request: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): get: [Function], I/chromium( 4721): Agent: { [Function] defaultMaxSockets: 4 }, I/chromium( 4721): STATUS_CODES: I/chromium( 4721): { '100': 'Continue', I/chromium( 4721): '101': 'Switching Protocols', I/chromium( 4721): '102': 'Processing', I/chromium( 4721): '200': 'OK', I/chromium( 4721): '201': 'Created', I/chromium( 4721): '202': 'Accepted', I/chromium( 4721): '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information', I/chromium( 4721): '204': 'No Content', I/chromium( 4721): '205': 'Reset Content', I/chromium( 4721): '206': 'Partial Content', I/chromium( 4721): '207': 'Multi-Status', I/chromium( 4721): '300': 'Multiple Choices', I/chromium( 4721): '301': 'Moved Permanently', I/chromium( 4721): '302': 'Moved Temporarily', I/chromium( 4721): '303': 'See Other', I/chromium( 4721): '304': 'Not Modified', I/chromium( 4721): '305': 'Use Proxy', I/chromium( 4721): '307': 'Temporary Redirect {noformat} I'm not getting an unauthorised or other HTTP statuscode back - the statuscode of 0 was what made me think it's a phone side issue. If I hit the HTTPS API in a browser then it returns correctly, if I hit it from the app running in a browser it is fine, if I hit the API from a debug build running on the phone then it is fine. Any advice is greatly appreciated. > Internal XMLHttpRequest Error calling rest API from Android release build > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: CB-10127 > URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-10127 > Project: Apache Cordova > Issue Type: Bug > Components: Android, CordovaJS > Environment: Node JS, cordova whitelist plugin, android release > build, hybrid app > Reporter: alastair > > I have an android build that works well in debug builds, but, gives me > 'Internal XMLHttpRequest Error' when I run it using an Android release build > (I'm using console.log through an NPM module along with adb logcat to monitor > the logs). > Here's the set up that I have: > * single page hybrid app with following in index.html > {noformat} > <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src > 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'"> > {noformat} > * cordova whitelist plugin being used. Following settings in config.xml > {noformat} > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="^1.1.0" /> > <access origin="*" /> > {noformat} > The app uses crosswalk to render content - it's a node JS, react app. > On startup, the app hits a CGI hosted on an HTTP server to get JSON data - > this works well in debug and in release mode. > The app then hits REST APIs on HTTPS - this works well in debug but fails in > release builds with the 'Internal XMLHttpRequest Error'. > The REST API call does not make it out of the phone and never hits the > server, so, I assume that the problem is security related on the handset. I > have tried all sorts of combinations of settings in my config.xml and in my > index.html to loosen security/CSP and still see the problem with the > 'relaxed' settings I have pasted in the ticket. > Plugins that I am using: > {noformat} > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="^1.0.0" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="^2.0.0" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-statusbar" spec="^1.0.0" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="^1.1.0" /> > <plugin name="cordova-sqlite-storage" spec="^0.7.13" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-toast" spec="~2.2.1" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" spec="~5.0.5" /> > <plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" spec="^1.4.0" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="^1.0.1" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-dialogs" spec="~1.1.1" /> > <plugin name="cordova-plugin-app-version" spec="~0.1.7" /> > {noformat} > Here's the generated config from the Android res/xmml directory: > {noformat} > <preference name="loglevel" value="DEBUG" /> > <feature name="PushPlugin"> > <param name="android-package" value="com.plugin.gcm.PushPlugin" /> > </feature> > <preference name="webView" > value="org.crosswalk.engine.XWalkWebViewEngine" /> > <preference default="15+" name="xwalkVersion" /> > <preference default="--disable-pull-to-refresh-effect" > name="xwalkCommandLine" /> > <preference default="embedded" name="xwalkMode" /> > <preference default="true" name="xwalkMultipleApk" /> > <feature name="Device"> > <param name="android-package" > value="org.apache.cordova.device.Device" /> > </feature> > <feature name="Notification"> > <param name="android-package" > value="org.apache.cordova.dialogs.Notification" /> > </feature> > <feature name="SplashScreen"> > <param name="android-package" > value="org.apache.cordova.splashscreen.SplashScreen" /> > <param name="onload" value="true" /> > </feature> > <feature name="StatusBar"> > <param name="android-package" > value="org.apache.cordova.statusbar.StatusBar" /> > <param name="onload" value="true" /> > </feature> > <feature name="Whitelist"> > <param name="android-package" > value="org.apache.cordova.whitelist.WhitelistPlugin" /> > <param name="onload" value="true" /> > </feature> > <feature name="SocialSharing"> > <param name="android-package" > value="nl.xservices.plugins.SocialSharing" /> > </feature> > <feature name="Toast"> > <param name="android-package" value="nl.xservices.plugins.Toast" /> > </feature> > <feature name="SQLitePlugin"> > <param name="android-package" value="io.liteglue.SQLitePlugin" /> > </feature> > <feature name="PushNotification"> > <param name="android-package" > value="com.adobe.phonegap.push.PushPlugin" /> > </feature> > <feature name="AppVersion"> > <param name="android-package" > value="uk.co.whiteoctober.cordova.AppVersion" /> > </feature> > <....snip....removed app specific details...> > <content src="index.html" /> > <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" /> > <preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen" /> > <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="10000" /> > <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" /> > <preference name="Orientation" value="portrait" /> > <preference name="xwalkVersion" value="15+" /> > <preference name="xwalkCommandLine" > value="--disable-pull-to-refresh-effect" /> > <preference name="xwalkMode" value="embedded" /> > <preference name="xwalkMultipleApk" value="true" /> > <access origin="*" /> > <allow-intent href="tel:*" /> > <allow-intent href="geo:*" /> > {noformat} > Has anybody had the same problem or can anybody suggest a workaround/fix? -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.4#6332) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org