
ASF GitHub Bot commented on DRILL-6381:

vdiravka commented on a change in pull request #1466: DRILL-6381: Add support 
for index based planning and execution
URL: https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1466#discussion_r223659073

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,1715 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.mapr.drill.maprdb.tests.index;
+import com.mapr.db.Admin;
+import com.mapr.drill.maprdb.tests.MaprDBTestsSuite;
+import com.mapr.drill.maprdb.tests.json.BaseJsonTest;
+import com.mapr.tests.annotations.ClusterTest;
+import org.apache.drill.PlanTestBase;
+import org.joda.time.DateTime;
+import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
+import org.apache.drill.common.config.DrillConfig;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class IndexPlanTest extends BaseJsonTest {
+  final static String PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME = "/tmp/index_test_primary";
+  final static int PRIMARY_TABLE_SIZE = 10000;
+  private static final String sliceTargetSmall = "alter session set 
`planner.slice_target` = 1";
+  private static final String sliceTargetDefault = "alter session reset 
+  private static final String noIndexPlan = "alter session set 
`planner.enable_index_planning` = false";
+  private static final String defaultHavingIndexPlan = "alter session reset 
+  private static final String disableHashAgg = "alter session set 
`planner.enable_hashagg` = false";
+  private static final String enableHashAgg =  "alter session set 
`planner.enable_hashagg` = true";
+  private static final String defaultnonCoveringSelectivityThreshold = "alter 
session set `planner.index.noncovering_selectivity_threshold` = 0.025";
+  private static final String incrnonCoveringSelectivityThreshold = "alter 
session set `planner.index.noncovering_selectivity_threshold` = 0.25";
+  private static final String disableFTS = "alter session set 
`planner.disable_full_table_scan` = true";
+  private static final String enableFTS = "alter session reset 
+  private static final String preferIntersectPlans = "alter session set 
`planner.index.prefer_intersect_plans` = true";
+  private static final String defaultIntersectPlans = "alter session reset 
+  private static final String lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor
+      = "alter session set `planner.index.rowkeyjoin_cost_factor` = 0.01";
+  private static final String defaultRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor
+      = "alter session reset `planner.index.rowkeyjoin_cost_factor`";
+  /**
+   *  A sample row of this 10K table:
+   ------------------+-----------------------------+--------+
+   | 1012  | {"city":"pfrrs","state":"pc"}  | 
{"email":"kffzkuz...@gmail.com","phone":"6500005471"}  |
+   {"ssn":"100007423"}  | {"fname":"KfFzK","lname":"UZwNk"}  | 
{"age":53.0,"income":45.0}  | 1012   |
+   *
+   * This test suite generate random content to fill all the rows, since the 
random function always start from
+   * the same seed for different runs, when the row count is not changed, the 
data in table will always be the same,
+   * thus the query result could be predicted and verified.
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setupTableIndexes() throws Exception {
+    Properties overrideProps = new Properties();
+    updateTestCluster(1, DrillConfig.create(overrideProps));
+    MaprDBTestsSuite.setupTests();
+    MaprDBTestsSuite.createPluginAndGetConf(getDrillbitContext());
+    test(incrnonCoveringSelectivityThreshold);
+    System.out.print("setupTableIndexes begins");
+    Admin admin = MaprDBTestsSuite.getAdmin();
+    if (admin != null) {
+      if (admin.tableExists(PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME)) {
+        admin.deleteTable(PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME);
+      }
+    }
+    LargeTableGen gen = new LargeTableGen(MaprDBTestsSuite.getAdmin());
+    /**
+     * indexDef is an array of string, LargeTableGen.generateTableWithIndex 
will take it as parameter to generate indexes
+     * for primary table.
+     * indexDef[3*i] defines i-th index's indexName, NOTE: IF the name begins 
with "hash", it is a hash index
+     * indexDef[3*i+1] indexed field,
+     * and indexDef[3*i+2] defines i-th index's non-indexed fields
+     */
+    final String[] indexDef = //null;
+        {"i_ssn", "id.ssn", "contact.phone",
+            "i_state_city", "address.state,address.city", 
"name.fname,name.lname",//mainly for composite key test
+            "i_age", "personal.age", "",
+            "i_income", "personal.income", "",
+            "i_lic", "driverlicense", "reverseid",
+            "i_state_city_dl", "address.state,address.city", "driverlicense",
+            "i_cast_int_ssn", "$CAST(id.ssn@INT)", "contact.phone",
+            "i_cast_vchar_lic", "$CAST(driverlicense@STRING)","contact.email",
+            "i_state_age_phone", "address.state,personal.age,contact.phone", 
+            "i_cast_age_income_phone", 
+            "i_age_with_fname", "personal.age", "name.fname",
+            "hash_i_reverseid", "reverseid", "",
+            "hash_i_cast_timestamp_firstlogin", 
"$CAST(activity.irs.firstlogin@TIMESTAMP)", "id.ssn"
+        };
+    gen.generateTableWithIndex(PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME, PRIMARY_TABLE_SIZE, 
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void cleanupTableIndexes() throws Exception {
+    Admin admin = MaprDBTestsSuite.getAdmin();
+    if (admin != null) {
+      if (admin.tableExists(PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME)) {
+   //     admin.deleteTable(PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME);
+      }
+    }
+    test(defaultnonCoveringSelectivityThreshold);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CTASTestTable() throws Exception {
+    String ctasQuery = "CREATE TABLE hbase.tmp.`backup_index_test_primary` " +
+        "AS SELECT * FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t ";
+    test(ctasQuery);
+    test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hbase.tmp.`backup_index_test_primary`");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CoveringPlanWithNonIndexedField() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` AS `phone` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    System.out.println("Covering Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500005471")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CoveringPlanWithOnlyIndexedField() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    System.out.println("Covering Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void NoIndexPlanForNonIndexField() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.contact.phone = '6500005471'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {".*JsonTableGroupScan.*tableName=.*index_test_primary"},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin", "indexName="}
+    );
+    System.out.println("No Index Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007632")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void NonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`fname` AS `fname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"RowKeyJoin", 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    System.out.println("Non-Covering Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("KfFzK")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void RangeConditionIndexPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`lname` AS `lname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.personal.age > 52 AND t.name.fname='KfFzK'";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan + ";" + lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor + ";");
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"RowKeyJoin", 
+              new String[]{}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+      testBuilder()
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(sliceTargetSmall)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(sliceTargetDefault)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CoveringWithSimpleFieldsOnly() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id AS `tid` FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t 
" +
+        " where t.driverlicense = 100007423";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("tid").baselineValues("1012")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void NonCoveringWithSimpleFieldsOnly() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.rowid AS `rowid` FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` 
as t " +
+        " where t.driverlicense = 100007423";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"RowKeyJoin(.*[\n\r])+.*" +
"RestrictedJsonTableGroupScan.*tableName=.*index_test_primary(.*[\n\r])+.*" +
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("rowid").baselineValues("1012")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void NonCoveringWithExtraConditonOnPrimary() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`fname` AS `fname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.personal.age = 53 AND t.name.lname='UZwNk'";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan + ";" + lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor + ";");
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"RowKeyJoin", ".*RestrictedJsonTableGroupScan",
+                      ".*JsonTableGroupScan.*indexName=i_age",},
+              new String[]{}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .ordered()
+              .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("KfFzK")
+              .go();
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void Intersect2indexesPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`lname` AS `lname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.personal.age = 53 AND t.personal.income=45";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(preferIntersectPlans + ";" + disableFTS);
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new 
+              new String[]{}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("UZwNk")
+              .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("foNwtze")
+              .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("qGZVfY")
+              .go();
+      testBuilder()
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(sliceTargetSmall)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(sliceTargetDefault)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultIntersectPlans + ";" + enableFTS);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CompositeIndexNonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'pc' AND t.address.city='pfrrs'";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan + ";" + lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor + ";");
+      //either i_state_city or i_state_age_phone will be picked depends on 
cost model, both is fine for testing composite index nonCovering plan
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new 
+              new String[]{}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+              .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100008861")
+              .go();
+      testBuilder()
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(sliceTargetSmall)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(sliceTargetDefault)
+              .unOrdered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test//filter cover indexed, included and not in index at all filter
+  public void CompositeIndexNonCoveringFilterWithAllFieldsPlan() throws 
Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'pc' AND t.address.city='pfrrs' AND 
t.driverlicense IN (100007423, 100007424)";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan+";"+lowRowKeyJoinBackIOFactor+";");
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .go();
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(sliceTargetSmall)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(sliceTargetDefault)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void CompositeIndexCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`address`.`city` AS `city` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'pc' AND t.address.city='pfrrs'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {".*JsonTableGroupScan.*indexName=i_state_city"},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin", "Filter"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .baselineColumns("city").baselineValues("pfrrs")
+        .baselineColumns("city").baselineValues("pfrrs")
+        .go();
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(sliceTargetSmall)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(sliceTargetDefault)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestNonCoveringRangePartition_1() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`lname` AS `lname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.personal.age = 53";
+    String[] expectedPlan = new String[] {"RowKeyJoin(.*[\n\r])+.*" +
"RestrictedJsonTableGroupScan.*tableName=.*index_test_primary(.*[\n\r])+.*" +
+        "RangePartitionExchange(.*[\n\r])+.*" +
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan+";"+sliceTargetSmall+";");
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        expectedPlan, new String[]{});
+    try {
+      testBuilder()
+          .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+          .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+          .unOrdered()
+          .sqlQuery(query)
+          .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+          .build()
+          .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(sliceTargetDefault);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCastVarCharCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    //length 255 is to exact match the casted indexed field's length
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, cast(t.driverlicense as varchar(255)) 
as driverlicense FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where cast(t.driverlicense as varchar(255))='100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    System.out.println("TestCastCoveringPlan Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("tid", "driverlicense").baselineValues("1012", 
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCastINTCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) as ssn, 
t.contact.phone AS `phone` FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) = 100007423";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    System.out.println("TestCastCoveringPlan Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("tid", "ssn", "phone").baselineValues("1012", 
100007423, "6500005471")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCastNonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.id.ssn AS `ssn` FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` 
as t " +
+        " where CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) = 100007423";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    System.out.println("TestCastNonCoveringPlan Plan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCastVarchar_ConvertToRangePlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.id.ssn AS `ssn` FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` 
as t " +
+        " where CAST(driverlicense as VARCHAR(10)) = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    System.out.println("TestCastVarchar_ConvertToRangePlan Verified!");
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .go();
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test // cast expression in filter is not indexed, but the same field casted 
to different type was indexed (CAST id.ssn as INT)
+  public void TestCastNoIndexPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "select t.id.ssn from hbase.`index_test_primary` t where 
cast(t.id.ssn as varchar(10)) = '100007423'";
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[]{},
+        new String[]{"indexName"}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestLongerCastVarCharNoIndex() throws Exception {
+    //length 256 is to exact match the casted indexed field's length
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, cast(t.driverlicense as varchar(500)) 
as driverlicense FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where cast(t.driverlicense as varchar(500))='100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin", "indexName="}
+    );
+    System.out.println("TestLongerCastVarCharNoIndex Plan Verified!");
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortRemoved() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn <'100000003' order by t.id.ssn";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001595")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortNotRemoved() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn <'100000003' order by t.contact.phone";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", 
+        new String[]{"RowkeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001595")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortRemovedWithSimpleFields() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.driverlicense as l FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.driverlicense < 100000003 order by t.driverlicense";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("l").baselineValues(100000000l)
+        .baselineColumns("l").baselineValues(100000001l)
+        .baselineColumns("l").baselineValues(100000002l)
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void TestNonCoveringPlanSortRemoved() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.driverlicense < 100000003 order by t.driverlicense";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    String query2 = "SELECT t.name.fname as fname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn < '100000003' order by t.id.ssn";
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query2,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    //simple field, driverlicense
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001595")
+        .go();
+    //query on field of item expression(having capProject), non-simple field 
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query2)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("VcFahj")
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("WbKVK")
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("vSAEsyFN")
+        .go();
+    test(sliceTargetSmall);
+    try {
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query2,
+          new String[]{"SingleMergeExchange(.*[\n\r])+.*"
+              + 
+          new String[]{"Sort"}
+      );
+    } finally {
+      test(sliceTargetDefault);
+    }
+  }
+  //test cases are from TestNonCoveringPlanSortRemoved. Sort was removed when 
force_sort_noncovering was default(false)
+  @Test
+  public void TestNonCoveringPlanWithNoRemoveSortOption() throws Exception {
+    try {
+      test("alter session set `planner.index.force_sort_noncovering`=true");
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+          " where t.driverlicense < 100000003 order by t.driverlicense";
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+          new String[]{"Sort", 
+          new String[]{}
+      );
+      String query2 = "SELECT t.name.fname as fname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+          " where t.id.ssn < '100000003' order by t.id.ssn";
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query2,
+          new String[]{"Sort", 
+          new String[]{}
+      );
+      //simple field, driverlicense
+      testBuilder()
+          .sqlQuery(query)
+          .ordered()
+          .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+          .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+          .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001595")
+          .go();
+      //query on field of item expression(having capProject), non-simple field 
+      testBuilder()
+          .sqlQuery(query2)
+          .ordered()
+          .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("VcFahj")
+          .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("WbKVK")
+          .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("vSAEsyFN")
+          .go();
+      test(sliceTargetSmall);
+      try {
+        PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query2,
+            new String[]{"Sort", "SingleMergeExchange(.*[\n\r])+.*"
+                + 
+            new String[]{}
+        );
+      } finally {
+        test(sliceTargetDefault);
+      }
+    }
+    finally {
+      test("alter session reset `planner.index.force_sort_noncovering`");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test  // 2 table join, each table has local predicate on top-level column
+  public void TestCoveringPlanJoin_1() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as 
t1 " +
+        " inner join hbase.`index_test_primary` as t2 on t1.driverlicense = 
t2.driverlicense " +
+        " where t1.driverlicense < 100000003 and t2.driverlicense < 100000003" 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("cnt").baselineValues(3L)
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test  // 2 table join, each table has local predicate on nested column
+  public void TestCoveringPlanJoin_2() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as 
t1 " +
+        " inner join hbase.`index_test_primary` as t2 on t1.contact.phone = 
t2.contact.phone " +
+        " where t1.id.ssn < '100000003' and t2.id.ssn < '100000003' ";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+       .sqlQuery(query)
+       .ordered()
+       .baselineColumns("cnt").baselineValues(3L)
+       .go();
+  }
+  @Test  // leading prefix of index has Equality conditions and ORDER BY last 
column; Sort SHOULD be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_1() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as 
t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age = 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.contact.phone";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    //we should glue to index i_state_age_phone to make sure we are testing 
the targeted prefix construction code path
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+      .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+      .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+      .unOrdered()
+      .sqlQuery(query)
+      .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+      .build()
+      .run();
+  }
+  @Test  // leading prefix of index has Non-Equality conditions and ORDER BY 
last column; Sort SHOULD NOT be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_2() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as 
t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age < 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.contact.phone";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+      .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+      .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+      .unOrdered()
+      .sqlQuery(query)
+      .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+      .build()
+      .run();
+  }
+  @Test  //ORDER BY last two columns not in the indexed order; Sort SHOULD NOT 
be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_3() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT CAST(t.personal.age as VARCHAR) as age, 
t.contact.phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age < 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.contact.phone, t.personal.age";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test  // last two index fields in non-Equality conditions, ORDER BY last 
two fields; Sort SHOULD be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_4() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, t.contact.phone, CAST(t.personal.age 
as VARCHAR) as age FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age < 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.personal.age, t.contact.phone";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test  // index field in two or more equality conditions, it is not leading 
prefix, Sort SHOULD NOT be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_5() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, t.contact.phone, CAST(t.personal.age 
as VARCHAR) as age FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age IN (31, 32, 33, 34) 
and t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.contact.phone";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test  // last two index fields in non-Equality conditions, ORDER BY last 
two fields NULLS FIRST; Sort SHOULD NOT be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_6() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, t.contact.phone, CAST(t.personal.age 
as VARCHAR) as age FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age < 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.personal.age, t.contact.phone NULLS 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", 
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test  // last two index fields in non-Equality conditions, ORDER BY last 
two fields NULLS LAST; Sort SHOULD be dropped
+  public void TestCoveringPlanSortPrefix_7() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t._id as tid, t.contact.phone, CAST(t.personal.age 
as VARCHAR) as age FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'wo' and t.personal.age < 35 and 
t.contact.phone < '6500003000' order by t.personal.age, t.contact.phone NULLS 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    // compare the results of index plan with the no-index plan
+    testBuilder()
+        .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(defaultHavingIndexPlan)
+        .optionSettingQueriesForBaseline(noIndexPlan)
+        .unOrdered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .sqlBaselineQuery(query)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void orderByCastCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) < 100000003 order by CAST(t.id.ssn as 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001595")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test // non-covering plan. sort by the only indexed field, sort SHOULD be 
+  public void orderByNonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.name.lname as lname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn < '100000003' order by t.id.ssn";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("iuMG")
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("KpFq")
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("bkkAvz")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test //non-covering plan. order by cast indexed field, sort SHOULD be 
+  public void orderByCastNonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.name.lname as lname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) < 100000003 order by CAST(t.id.ssn as 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] 
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("iuMG")
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("KpFq")
+        .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("bkkAvz")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Ignore //in statsCache, condition state+city has rowcount 1250, but state 
only has 1000. so it is picking i_state_age_phone
+  @Test //non-covering, order by non leading field, and leading fields are not 
in equality condition, Sort SHOULD NOT be removed
+  public void NonCoveringPlan_SortPrefix_1() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state > 'pc' AND t.address.city>'pfrrr' AND 
t.address.city<'pfrrt' order by t.adddress.city";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort",
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+    return;
+  }
+  @Test //non-covering, order by non leading field, and leading fields are in 
equality condition, Sort SHOULD be removed
+  public void NonCoveringPlan_SortPrefix_2() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.address.state = 'pc' AND t.address.city>'pfrrr' AND 
t.address.city<'pfrrt' order by t.address.city";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    return;
+  }
+  @Ignore ("Should be modified to get an index plan; not very useful since 
most covering plan filters get pushed")
+  @Test //Correct projection and results when filter on non-indexed column in 
covering plan.
+  public void nonIndexedColumnFilterCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.name.fname as fname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.personal.age > 68 and t.name.fname IN ('CnGobfR', 'THOHP')";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {".*Filter.*CnGobfR.*THOHP.*",
+        new String[] {".*Filter.*ITEM*CnGobfR.*THOHP.*"});
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("CnGobfR")
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("THOHP")
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("CnGobfR")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  @Ignore ("Fix after MEP 5.0")
+  public void orderByLimitNonCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.name.lname as lname FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn < '100000003' order by t.id.ssn limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(sliceTargetSmall);
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+          new 
+          new String[]{"Sort"}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+          .sqlQuery(query)
+          .ordered()
+          .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("iuMG")
+          .baselineColumns("lname").baselineValues("KpFq")
+          .go();
+    } finally {
+      test(sliceTargetDefault);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void orderByLimitCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn < '100000003' order by t.id.ssn limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    //when index table has only one tablet, the SingleMergeExchange in the 
middle of two Limits will be removed.
+    //The lower limit gets pushed into the scan
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Limit(.*[\n\r])+.*indexName=.*limit=2"},
+        new String[]{"Sort"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500008069")
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500001411")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void pickAnyIndexWithFTSDisabledPlan() throws Exception {
+    String lowCoveringSel = "alter session set 
`planner.index.covering_selectivity_threshold` = 0.025";
+    String defaultCoveringSel = "alter session reset 
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` AS `phone` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan + ";" + lowCoveringSel + ";");
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+          new String[]{".*JsonTableGroupScan.*tableName=.*index_test_primary"},
+          new String[]{".*indexName=i_ssn"}
+      );
+      // Must not throw CANNOTPLANEXCEPTION
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan + ";" + lowCoveringSel + ";" + disableFTS + 
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+          new 
+          new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+      );
+    } finally {
+      test(defaultCoveringSel+";"+enableFTS+";");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCaseSensitive() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.contact.phone as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.SSN = '100000003' ";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {""},
+        new String[]{"indexName"}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCaseSensitiveIncludedField() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`CONTACT`.`phone` AS `phone` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin",
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testHashIndexNoRemovingSort() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` as phone FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.reverseid <'10' order by t.reverseid";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"Sort", "indexName=hash_i_reverseid", "RowKeyJoin"},
+        new String[]{}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCastTimestampPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT  t.id.ssn as ssn FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as 
t " +
+        " where cast(t.activity.irs.firstlogin as 
timestamp)=to_timestamp('2013-02-04 22:34:38.0', 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S')";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=hash_i_cast_timestamp_firstlogin"},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .ordered()
+        .baselineColumns("ssn").baselineValues("100007423")
+        .go();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNotConditionNoIndexPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where NOT t.id.ssn = '100007423'";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {},
+        new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+    String notInQuery = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn NOT IN ('100007423', '100007424')";
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(notInQuery,
+        new String[] {},
+        new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+    String notLikeQuery = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where t.id.ssn NOT LIKE '100007423'";
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(notLikeQuery,
+        new String[] {},
+        new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterOrderByCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn`, t.contact.phone as phone 
FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        "order by t.id.ssn limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=i_ssn"},
+        new String[]{"Sort", "TopN", "RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues("100000000", 
+        .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues("100000001", 
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterAndLimitOrderByCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn`, t.contact.phone as phone 
FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+            "order by t.id.ssn";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+            new String[] {"Sort"},
+            new String[]{"indexName=*", "RowKeyJoin", "TopN"}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterOrderByCast() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) AS `ssn`, t.contact.phone as 
phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        "order by CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=i_cast_int_ssn"},
+        new String[]{"TopN", "Sort", "RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues(100000000, 
+        .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues(100000001, 
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterAndLimitOrderByCast() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) AS `ssn`, t.contact.phone as 
phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+            "order by CAST(t.id.ssn as INT)";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+            new String[] { "Sort"},
+            new String[]{"indexName=*","TopN", "RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterOrderByHashIndex() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT cast(t.activity.irs.firstlogin as timestamp) AS 
`firstlogin`, t.id.ssn as ssn FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        "order by cast(t.activity.irs.firstlogin as timestamp), t.id.ssn limit 
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    //no collation for hash index so Sort or TopN must have been preserved
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"(Sort|TopN)"},
+        new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+    DateTime date = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+        .parseDateTime("2010-01-21 00:12:24");
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("firstlogin", "ssn").baselineValues(date, "100005592")
+        .baselineColumns("firstlogin", "ssn").baselineValues(date, "100005844")
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterOrderBySimpleField() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.reverseid as rid, t.driverlicense as lic FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        "order by t.driverlicense limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=i_lic"},
+        new String[]{"Sort", "TopN"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("rid", "lic").baselineValues("4539", 100000000L)
+        .baselineColumns("rid", "lic").baselineValues("943", 100000001L)
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test //negative case for no filter plan
+  public void testNoFilterOrderByNoIndexMatch() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn`, t.contact.phone as phone 
FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        "order by t.name.fname limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"(Sort|TopN)"},
+        new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+  }
+// Enable this testcase once MD-2848 is fixed.
+//  @Test
+//  public void IntersectPlanWithOneSideNoRows() throws Exception {
+//    try {
+//      String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`lname` AS `lname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+//              " where t.personal.age = 53 AND t.personal.income=111145";
+//      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+//      test(preferIntersectPlans + ";" + disableFTS);
+//      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+//              new 
+//              new String[]{}
+//      );
+//      testNoResult(query);
+//    } finally {
+//      test(defaultIntersectPlans + ";" + enableFTS);
+//    }
+//  }
+  //"i_cast_age_state_phone", 
"$CAST(personal.age@STRING),address.state,contact.phone", "name.fname",
+  @Test
+  public void testTrailingFieldIndexCovering() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`name`.`fname` AS `fname` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where cast(t.personal.age as INT)=53 AND 
t.contact.phone='6500005471' ";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=i_cast_age_income_phone"},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("fname").baselineValues("KfFzK")
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testIncludedFieldCovering() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`contact`.`phone` AS `phone` FROM 
hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+        " where cast(t.personal.age as INT)=53 AND t.name.fname='KfFzK' ";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+        new String[] {"indexName=i_cast_age_income_phone"},
+        new String[]{"RowKeyJoin"}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+        .ordered()
+        .sqlQuery(query)
+        .baselineColumns("phone").baselineValues("6500005471")
+        .build()
+        .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testWithFilterGroupBy() throws Exception {
+    String query = " select t1.driverlicense from hbase.`index_test_primary` 
t1" +
+            " where t1.driverlicense > 100000001 group by t1.driverlicense 
limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(disableHashAgg);
+      //no collation for hash index so Sort or TopN must have been preserved
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"indexName=i_lic", "StreamAgg"},
+              new String[]{"(Sort|TopN)"}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .ordered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableHashAgg)
+              .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100000002L)
+              .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100000003L)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(enableHashAgg);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterOrderByDesc() throws Exception {
+    String query = " select t1.driverlicense from hbase.`index_test_primary` 
t1" +
+            " order by t1.driverlicense desc limit 2";
+    test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+    //no collation for hash index so Sort or TopN must have been preserved
+    PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+            new String[] {"(Sort|TopN)"},
+            new String[]{"indexName="}
+    );
+    testBuilder()
+            .unOrdered()
+            .sqlQuery(query)
+            .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100009999L)
+            .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100009998L)
+            .build()
+            .run();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterGroupBy() throws Exception {
+    String query = " select t1.driverlicense from hbase.`index_test_primary` 
t1" +
+            " group by t1.driverlicense limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(disableHashAgg);
+      //no collation for hash index so Sort or TopN must have been preserved
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"indexName=i_lic", "StreamAgg"},
+              new String[]{"(Sort|TopN)"}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .ordered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableHashAgg)
+              .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100000000L)
+              .baselineColumns("driverlicense").baselineValues(100000001L)
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(enableHashAgg);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterGroupByCoveringPlan() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT t.`id`.`ssn` AS `ssn`, max(t.contact.phone) as 
phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+            "group by t.id.ssn limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(disableHashAgg);
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"indexName=i_ssn", "StreamAgg"},
+              new String[]{"Sort", "TopN", "RowKeyJoin"}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .ordered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableHashAgg)
+              .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues("100000000", 
+              .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues("100000001", 
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(enableHashAgg);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterGroupByCast() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) AS `ssn`, 
max(t.contact.phone) as phone FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+            "group by CAST(t.id.ssn as INT) limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(disableHashAgg);
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"indexName=i_cast_int_ssn", "StreamAgg"},
+              new String[]{"TopN", "Sort", "RowKeyJoin"}
+      );
+      testBuilder()
+              .ordered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableHashAgg)
+              .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues(100000000, 
+              .baselineColumns("ssn", "phone").baselineValues(100000001, 
+              .build()
+              .run();
+    } finally {
+      test(enableHashAgg);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNoFilterGroupByHashIndex() throws Exception {
+    String query = "SELECT cast(t.activity.irs.firstlogin as timestamp) AS 
`firstlogin`, max(t.id.ssn) as ssn FROM hbase.`index_test_primary` as t " +
+            "group by cast(t.activity.irs.firstlogin as timestamp) limit 2";
+    try {
+      test(defaultHavingIndexPlan);
+      test(disableHashAgg);
+      //no collation for hash index so Sort or TopN must have been preserved
+      PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query,
+              new String[]{"(Sort|TopN)", "StreamAgg"},
+              new String[]{"indexName="}
+      );
+      DateTime date1 = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+              .parseDateTime("2010-01-21 00:12:24");
+      DateTime date2 = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+              .parseDateTime("2010-01-21 00:24:48");
+      testBuilder()
+              .unOrdered()
+              .sqlQuery(query)
+              .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableHashAgg)
+              .baselineColumns("firstlogin", "ssn").baselineValues(date1, 
+              .baselineColumns("firstlogin", "ssn").baselineValues(date2, 
+              .build()
 Review comment:
   consider replacing `build().run()` with `go()`

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> Add capability to do index based planning and execution
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DRILL-6381
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-6381
>             Project: Apache Drill
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Execution - Relational Operators, Query Planning &amp; 
> Optimization
>            Reporter: Aman Sinha
>            Assignee: Aman Sinha
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 1.15.0
> If the underlying data source supports indexes (primary and secondary 
> indexes), Drill should leverage those during planning and execution in order 
> to improve query performance.  
> On the planning side, Drill planner should be enhanced to provide an 
> abstraction layer which express the index metadata and statistics.  Further, 
> a cost-based index selection is needed to decide which index(es) are 
> suitable.  
> On the execution side, appropriate operator enhancements would be needed to 
> handle different categories of indexes such as covering, non-covering 
> indexes, taking into consideration the index data may not be co-located with 
> the primary table, i.e a global index.

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