Carlos Rovira created FLEX-35218:

             Summary: FlexJS Errors unable to debug
                 Key: FLEX-35218
             Project: Apache Flex
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Falcon, FlexJS
    Affects Versions: Apache FlexJS 0.8.0, Apache FalconJX 0.8.0
         Environment: macOs Sierra
            Reporter: Carlos Rovira

Sometimes changes in a library SWC makes the example projects unable to build 
(at least with maven, don't test that with ANT).

For example I created 

In line 75 a remove the current line

-                textNode.nodeValue = text;     

and added:

+                var e:HTMLElement = textNode.parentNode;
+                e.innerHTML = text;    

If you compile now HTML.SWC (with MAVEN, but I think ANT will throw the same), 
it would be ok (BUILD SUCCESS)

Then If you try to build a example (i.e: ASDoc, MDLExample) it build fail with 
and error that doesn't gives you any clue about the problem. An example is:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
                                          `,;':,                :';;;  
                                         `:;''';'             `++'';;, 
                                         :;'''++;'           .+'+''';;;
                              :          ;'''++++''         ,';+++''';'
                  ,. `,  ,. ..: , `,    `'''+++##;'',      ;;'+#+++''''
                 ; ; ; ;; ;`: :,: ; ;    ;'+++;  #;;;;;:::;;;;+  +++'':
                 ; ; : ;; ;., : : ;.     ;;++#    ';;;;;;;;;;+   .+++; 
                 `;: :; `;: :;: , :;`     +;+#    ,;;;:::::;:    ;#+', 
      ;++++:'++      :                ;+,; ++;#    +;::::::;    ,+;;:  
     ++++++,'++                  `++'       +'''`   ;::::::,   +:;;:   
    `+++.   '++    ++++++  +++   +++         '''''   ;:::::   :;;;;    
    +++`    '++   ++++++++ +++` `++:         :'';;;   ;::`   :::::     
    +++     '++  +++'  :++: +++ +++           ;;;;;'        ::::::     
    +++     '++  +++    ++' `+++++`           ;;;;;;:      .:::::`     
    +++++++ '++  +++:::+++.  +++++            ;;;;;;;      ,:::::      
    +++++++ '++  +++++++++   :+++'            ;;;;;;;      ,:::::      
    +++'''  '++  +++;;;:`    +++++            ;;;;;;`      ::::::.     
    +++     '++  +++        +++ +++           ;;;;;:        ::::::     
    +++     :++. ++++   `  :++, ,++;         ''';;.   `..:   ::::;`    
    +++      ++'  +++++++  +++   +++        :''';    ,,,,,:   ;;;;;    
    ;++`     +++   ++++++ +++     +++      .+';+    :,,,,,,:   `';;;   
     ++'                                  `+'''    ::,,,,,:::    ';;'  
     :++                                  #;''    +:::,,,::::    .'':; 
                                         ';;''   ::::::::::::'   ,';;:.
                                         ;;;;''`;+;;::`  .::;;'.,';;;;:
                                        `::;;;''':;;       `;;;'';;;;;;
                                         :::;;;'';:          ;;';;;;;:;
                                         ,:::;;;',            ',;;;;::`
                                          .:::;:.              ;:;;::: 
                                           ::;,                 `,;;`  
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: MDLExample 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ MDLExample ---
[INFO] Deleting 
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (process-resource-bundles) 
@ MDLExample ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:resources (default-resources) @ 
MDLExample ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 6 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- flexjs-maven-plugin:0.8.0-SNAPSHOT:compile-app (default-compile-app) 
@ MDLExample ---
[INFO] Executing MXMLC in tool group Falcon with args: 
Loading configuration: 
 col: 2 Warning: The CSS type selector 'Image' was not processed, because the 
type was not used in the application.
98747 bytes written to 
 in 1,268 seconds
[INFO] --- flexjs-maven-plugin:0.8.0-SNAPSHOT:compile-app (compile-javascript) 
@ MDLExample ---
[INFO] Executing MXMLC in tool group FlexJS with args: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
Compiling file: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
using SWC: 
Could not find file for class: 
File not found: org.apache.flex.html.beads.models.ToggleButtonModel
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.732 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-12-14T01:26:06+01:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 69M/942M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(compile-javascript) on project MDLExample: There were errors during the build. 
-> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

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