
Greg Hogan commented on FLINK-8414:

You certainly can measure scalability but as you have discovered the 
performance will not be monotonically increasing. Redistributing operators 
require a channel between each pair of tasks, so with a parallelism of 2^7 you 
will have 2^14 channels between each task for each iteration.

There are many reasons to use Flink and Gelly, but for some use cases for 
certain algorithms you may even get better performance with a single-threaded 
implementation. See "Scalability! But at what COST?". ConnectedComponents and 
PageRank require, respectively, no and very little intermediate data, whereas 
the similarity measures JaccardIndex and AdamicAdar as well as triangle metrics 
such as ClusteringCoefficient process super-linear intermediate data and 
benefit much more from Flink's scalability. When comparing against 
non-distributed implementations it is important to note that all Gelly 
algorithms process generic data, whereas many "optimized" algorithms assume 
compact integer representations.

> Gelly performance seriously decreases when using the suggested parallelism 
> configuration
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-8414
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-8414
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Configuration, Documentation, Gelly
>            Reporter: flora karniav
>            Priority: Minor
> I am running Gelly examples with different datasets in a cluster of 5 
> machines (1 Jobmanager and 4 Taskmanagers) of 32 cores each.
> The number of Slots parameter is set to 32 (as suggested) and the parallelism 
> to 128 (32 cores*4 taskmanagers).
> I observe a vast performance degradation using these suggested settings than 
> setting parallelism.default to 16 for example were the same job completes at 
> ~60 seconds vs ~140 in the 128 parallelism case.
> Is there something wrong in my configuration? Should I decrease parallelism 
> and -if so- will this inevitably decrease CPU utilization?
> Another matter that may be related to this is the number of partitions of the 
> data. Is this somehow related to parallelism? How many partitions are created 
> in the case of parallelism.default=128? 

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