TsReaper commented on a change in pull request #8682: 
[FLINK-12796][table-planner-blink] Introduce BaseArray and BaseMap to reduce 
conversion overhead to blink
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8682#discussion_r300528464

 File path: 
 @@ -1900,8 +1932,72 @@ object ScalarOperatorGens {
       args =>
         val leftTerm = args.head
         val rightTerm = args(1)
         val resultTerm = newName("compareResult")
-        val stmt = s"boolean $resultTerm = $leftTerm.equals($rightTerm);"
+        val binaryMapCls = classOf[BinaryMap].getCanonicalName
+        val mapType = left.resultType.asInstanceOf[MapType]
+        val mapCls = classOf[java.util.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef]].getCanonicalName
+        val keyCls = boxedTypeTermForType(mapType.getKeyType)
+        val valueCls = boxedTypeTermForType(mapType.getValueType)
+        val leftMapTerm = newName("leftMap")
+        val leftKeyTerm = newName("leftKey")
+        val leftValueTerm = newName("leftValue")
+        val leftValueNullTerm = newName("leftValueIsNull")
+        val leftValueExpr =
+          GeneratedExpression(leftValueTerm, leftValueNullTerm, "", 
+        val rightMapTerm = newName("rightMap")
+        val rightValueTerm = newName("rightValue")
+        val rightValueNullTerm = newName("rightValueIsNull")
+        val rightValueExpr =
+          GeneratedExpression(rightValueTerm, rightValueNullTerm, "", 
+        val entryTerm = newName("entry")
+        val entryCls = classOf[java.util.Map.Entry[AnyRef, 
+        val valueEqualsExpr = generateEquals(ctx, leftValueExpr, 
+        val internalTypeCls = classOf[LogicalType].getCanonicalName
+        val keyTypeTerm =
+          ctx.addReusableObject(mapType.getKeyType, "keyType", internalTypeCls)
+        val valueTypeTerm =
+          ctx.addReusableObject(mapType.getValueType, "valueType", 
+        val stmt =
+          s"""
+             |boolean $resultTerm;
+             |if ($leftTerm instanceof $binaryMapCls && $rightTerm instanceof 
$binaryMapCls) {
+             |  $resultTerm = $leftTerm.equals($rightTerm);
+             |} else {
+             |  if ($leftTerm.numElements() == $rightTerm.numElements()) {
+             |    $resultTerm = true;
+             |    $mapCls $leftMapTerm = $leftTerm.toJavaMap($keyTypeTerm, 
+             |    $mapCls $rightMapTerm = $rightTerm.toJavaMap($keyTypeTerm, 
+             |
 Review comment:
   Is it possible to first compare the classes of `leftMapTerm` and 
`rightMapTerm`? If they are equal, just use the `equals` method of Java maps, 
otherwise compare the keys and values one by one.

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