yangyichao-mango commented on a change in pull request #12311:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/12311#discussion_r433660216

File path: docs/concepts/index.zh.md
@@ -27,66 +27,24 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-The [Hands-on Training]({% link training/index.zh.md %}) explains the basic 
-of stateful and timely stream processing that underlie Flink's APIs, and 
provides examples of how
-these mechanisms are used in applications. Stateful stream processing is 
introduced in the context
-of [Data Pipelines & ETL]({% link training/etl.zh.md 
-and is further developed in the section on [Fault Tolerance]({% link
-training/fault_tolerance.zh.md %}). Timely stream processing is introduced in 
the section on
-[Streaming Analytics]({% link training/streaming_analytics.zh.md %}).
+[实践练习]({% link training/index.zh.md %})章节介绍了作为 Flink API 
根基的有状态实时流处理的基本概念,并且举例说明了如何在 Flink 应用中使用这些机制。其中 [Data Pipelines & ETL]({% link 
training/etl.zh.md %}#stateful-transformations) 小节介绍了有状态流处理的概念,并且在 [Fault 
Tolerance]({% link training/fault_tolerance.zh.md %}) 小节中进行了深入介绍。[Streaming 
Analytics]({% link training/streaming_analytics.zh.md %}) 小节介绍了实时流处理的概念。
-This _Concepts in Depth_ section provides a deeper understanding of how 
Flink's architecture and runtime 
-implement these concepts.
+本章将深入分析 Flink 分布式运行时架构如何实现这些概念。
-## Flink's APIs
+## Flink 中的 API
-Flink offers different levels of abstraction for developing streaming/batch 
+Flink 为流式/批式处理应用程序的开发提供了不同级别的抽象。
 <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/fig/levels_of_abstraction.svg" alt="Programming 
levels of abstraction" class="offset" width="80%" />
-  - The lowest level abstraction simply offers **stateful and timely stream 
processing**. It is
-    embedded into the [DataStream API]({{ site.baseurl}}{% link
-    dev/datastream_api.zh.md %}) via the [Process Function]({{ site.baseurl 
-    link dev/stream/operators/process_function.zh.md %}). It allows users to 
-    process events from one or more streams, and provides consistent, fault 
-    *state*. In addition, users can register event time and processing time
-    callbacks, allowing programs to realize sophisticated computations.
+  - Flink API 最底层的抽象为**有状态实时流处理**。其抽象实现是 [Process Function]({{ site.baseurl 
}}{% link dev/stream/operators/process_function.zh.md %}),并且 **Process 
Function** 被 Flink 框架集成到了 [DataStream API]({{ site.baseurl}}{% link 
dev/datastream_api.zh.md %}) 
 time)和处理时间(processing time)回调方法,从而允许程序可以实现复杂计算。
-  - In practice, many applications do not need the low-level
-    abstractions described above, and can instead program against the **Core 
APIs**: the
-    [DataStream API]({% link dev/datastream_api.zh.md %})
-    (bounded/unbounded streams) and the [DataSet API]({% link
-    dev/batch/index.zh.md %}) (bounded data sets). These fluent APIs offer the
-    common building blocks for data processing, like various forms of
-    user-specified transformations, joins, aggregations, windows, state, etc.
-    Data types processed in these APIs are represented as classes in the
-    respective programming languages.
+  - Flink API 第二层抽象是 **Core APIs**。实际上,许多应用程序不需要使用到上述最底层抽象的 API,而是可以使用 **Core 
APIs** 进行编程:其中包含 [DataStream API]({% link dev/datastream_api.zh.md 
%})(应用于有界/无界数据流场景)和 [DataSet API]({% link dev/batch/index.zh.md 
%})(应用于有界数据集场景)两部分。Core APIs 提供的流式 API(Fluent 
 API 中处理的数据类型在每种编程语言中都有其对应的类。
-    The low level *Process Function* integrates with the *DataStream API*,
-    making it possible to use the lower-level abstraction on an as-needed 
-    The *DataSet API* offers additional primitives on bounded data sets,
-    like loops/iterations.
+    *Process Function* 这类底层抽象和 *DataStream API* 的相互集成使得用户可以选择使用更底层的抽象 API 
来实现自己的需求。*DataSet API* 还额外提供了一些原语,比如循环/迭代(loop/iteration)操作。
-  - The **Table API** is a declarative DSL centered around *tables*, which may
-    be dynamically changing tables (when representing streams).  The [Table
-    API]({% link dev/table/index.zh.md %}) follows the
-    (extended) relational model: Tables have a schema attached (similar to
-    tables in relational databases) and the API offers comparable operations,
-    such as select, project, join, group-by, aggregate, etc.  Table API
-    programs declaratively define *what logical operation should be done*
-    rather than specifying exactly *how the code for the operation looks*.
-    Though the Table API is extensible by various types of user-defined
-    functions, it is less expressive than the *Core APIs*, and more concise to
-    use (less code to write).  In addition, Table API programs also go through
-    an optimizer that applies optimization rules before execution.
+  - Flink API 第三层抽象是 **Table API**。**Table API** 
是以表(Table)为中心的声明式编程(DSL)API,例如在流式数据场景下,它可以表示一张正在动态改变的表。[Table API]({% link 
dev/table/index.zh.md %}) 遵循(扩展)关系模型:即表拥有 schema(类似于关系型数据库中的 schema),并且 Table 
API 也提供了类似于关系模型中的操作,比如 select、project、join、group-by 和 aggregate 等。Table API 
程序是以声明的方式定义*应执行的逻辑操作*,而不是确切地指定程序*应该执行的代码*。尽管 Table API 
使用起来很简洁并且可以由各种类型的用户自定义函数扩展功能,但是它还是比 Core API 的表达能力差。此外,Table API 
-    One can seamlessly convert between tables and *DataStream*/*DataSet*,
-    allowing programs to mix the *Table API* with the *DataStream* and
-    *DataSet* APIs.
+    表和 *DataStream*/*DataSet* 可以进行无缝切换,Flink 允许用户在编写应用程序时将 *Table API* 与 
*DataStream*/*DataSet* API 混合使用。
-  - The highest level abstraction offered by Flink is **SQL**. This abstraction
-    is similar to the *Table API* both in semantics and expressiveness, but
-    represents programs as SQL query expressions.  The [SQL]({{ site.baseurl
-    }}{% link dev/table/index.zh.md %}#sql) abstraction closely interacts with 
-    Table API, and SQL queries can be executed over tables defined in the
-    *Table API*.
+  - Flink API 最顶层抽象是 **SQL**。这层抽象在语义和程序表达式上都类似于 *Table API*,但是其程序实现都是 SQL 
查询表达式。[SQL]({{ site.baseurl}}{% link dev/table/index.zh.md %}#sql) 抽象与 Table 
API 抽象之间的关联是非常紧密的,并且 SQL 查询语句可以在 *Table API* 中定义的表上执行。

Review comment:
       我查看了下,英文原文的链接原址(`[SQL]({{ site.baseurl}}{% link dev/table/index.md 

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