rmetzger commented on a change in pull request #13978:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/13978#discussion_r519570415

File path: 
@@ -1212,23 +1208,13 @@ protected void onRegistrationFailure(final Throwable 
failure) {
        private class JobManagerJobStatusListener implements JobStatusListener {
-               private volatile boolean running = true;
                public void jobStatusChanges(
                                final JobID jobId,
                                final JobStatus newJobStatus,
                                final long timestamp,
                                final Throwable error) {
-                       if (running) {
-                               // run in rpc thread to avoid concurrency
-                               runAsync(() -> jobStatusChanged(newJobStatus, 
timestamp, error));
-                       }
-               }
-               private void stop() {
-                       running = false;
+                       jobStatusChanged(newJobStatus, timestamp, error);

Review comment:
       It's not really related to this change, but since you are touching the 
code: The `timestamp` and `error` parameters are not used in `jobStatusChanged`.
   At least in the PR for master, we could address that?

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