PatrickRen commented on a change in pull request #15767:

File path: docs/content.zh/docs/dev/datastream/
@@ -24,125 +24,70 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# Execution Mode (Batch/Streaming)
+# 执行模式(流/批)
+DataStream API 支持不同的运行时执行模式,你可以根据你的用例需要和作业特点进行选择。
-The DataStream API supports different runtime execution modes from which you
-can choose depending on the requirements of your use case and the
-characteristics of your job.
+DataStream API 
-There is the "classic" execution behavior of the DataStream API, which we call
-`STREAMING` execution mode. This should be used for unbounded jobs that require
-continuous incremental processing and are expected to stay online indefinitely.
-Additionally, there is a batch-style execution mode that we call `BATCH`
-execution mode. This executes jobs in a way that is more reminiscent of batch
-processing frameworks such as MapReduce. This should be used for bounded jobs
-for which you have a known fixed input and which do not run continuously.
+Apache Flink 对流处理和批处理统一方法,意味着无论配置何种执行模式,在有界输入上执行的 DataStream 应用都会产生相同的*最终* 
-Apache Flink's unified approach to stream and batch processing means that a
-DataStream application executed over bounded input will produce the same
-*final* results regardless of the configured execution mode. It is important to
-note what *final* means here: a job executing in `STREAMING` mode might produce
-incremental updates (think upserts in a database) while a `BATCH` job would
-only produce one final result at the end. The final result will be the same if
-interpreted correctly but the way to get there can be different.
+通过启用`批`执行,我们允许 Flink 应用只有在我们知道输入是有边界的时侯才会使用到的额外的优化。例如,可以使用不同的关联(join)/ 
聚合(aggregation)策略,允许实现更高效的任务调度和故障恢复行为的不同 shuffle。下面我们将介绍一些执行行为的细节。
-By enabling `BATCH` execution, we allow Flink to apply additional optimizations
-that we can only do when we know that our input is bounded. For example,
-different join/aggregation strategies can be used, in addition to a different
-shuffle implementation that allows more efficient task scheduling and failure
-recovery behavior. We will go into some of the details of the execution
-behavior below.
+## 什么时候可以/应该使用批执行模式?
-## When can/should I use BATCH execution mode?
+`批`执行模式只能用于 _有边界_ 的作业/Flink 
-The `BATCH` execution mode can only be used for Jobs/Flink Programs that are
-_bounded_. Boundedness is a property of a data source that tells us whether all
-the input coming from that source is known before execution or whether new data
-will show up, potentially indefinitely. A job, in turn, is bounded if all its
-sources are bounded, and unbounded otherwise.
-`STREAMING` execution mode, on the other hand, can be used for both bounded and
-unbounded jobs.
-As a rule of thumb, you should be using `BATCH` execution mode when your 
-is bounded because this will be more efficient. You have to use `STREAMING`
-execution mode when your program is unbounded because only this mode is general
-enough to be able to deal with continuous data streams.
savepoint,然后在一个无边界作业上恢复这个 savepoint。这是一个非常特殊的用例,当我们允许将 savepoint 
-One obvious outlier is when you want to use a bounded job to bootstrap some job
-state that you then want to use in an unbounded job. For example, by running a
-bounded job using `STREAMING` mode, taking a savepoint, and then restoring that
-savepoint on an unbounded job. This is a very specific use case and one that
-might soon become obsolete when we allow producing a savepoint as additional
-output of a `BATCH` execution job.
-Another case where you might run a bounded job using `STREAMING` mode is when
-writing tests for code that will eventually run with unbounded sources. For
-testing it can be more natural to use a bounded source in those cases.
+## 配置批执行模式
-## Configuring BATCH execution mode
+执行模式可以通过 `execute.runtim-mode` 设置来配置。有三种可选的值:

Review comment:
       execute.runtim"e" -mode

File path: docs/content.zh/docs/dev/datastream/
@@ -161,235 +106,125 @@"source")
-Operations that imply a 1-to-1 connection pattern between operations, such as
-`map()`, `flatMap()`, or `filter()` can just forward data straight to the next
-operation, which allows these operations to be chained together. This means
-that Flink would not normally insert a network shuffle between them.
+包含 1-to-1 连接模式的操作,比如 `map()`、 `flatMap()` 或 
`filter()`,可以直接将数据转发到下一个操作,这使得这些操作可以被链接在一起。这意味着 Flink 一般不会在他们之间插入网络 shuffle。
-Operation such as `keyBy()` or `rebalance()` on the other hand require data to
-be shuffled between different parallel instances of tasks. This induces a
-network shuffle.
+而像 `keyBy()` 或者 `rebalance()` 这样需要在不同的任务并行实例之间进行数据 shuffle 的操作,就会引起网络 shuffle。
-For the above example Flink would group operations together as tasks like this:
+对于上面的例子,Flink 会将操作分组为这些任务:
-- Task1: `source`, `map1`, and `map2`
-- Task2: `map3`, `map4`
-- Task3: `map5`, `map6`, and `sink`
+- 任务1: `source`、 `map1` 和 `map2`
+- 任务2: `map3` 和 `map4`
+- 任务3: `map5` 、 `map6` 和 `sink`
-And we have a network shuffle between Tasks 1 and 2, and also Tasks 2 and 3.
-This is a visual representation of that job:
+我们在任务1到任务2、任务2到任务3之间各有一次网络 shuffle。这是该作业的可视化表示:
 {{< img src="/fig/datastream-example-job-graph.svg" alt="Example Job Graph" >}}
-#### STREAMING Execution Mode
-In `STREAMING` execution mode, all tasks need to be online/running all the
-time.  This allows Flink to immediately process new records through the whole
-pipeline, which we need for continuous and low-latency stream processing. This
-also means that the TaskManagers that are allotted to a job need to have enough
-resources to run all the tasks at the same time.
-Network shuffles are _pipelined_, meaning that records are immediately sent to
-downstream tasks, with some buffering on the network layer. Again, this is
-required because when processing a continuous stream of data there are no
-natural points (in time) where data could be materialized between tasks (or
-pipelines of tasks). This contrasts with `BATCH` execution mode where
-intermediate results can be materialized, as explained below.
-#### BATCH Execution Mode
-In `BATCH` execution mode, the tasks of a job can be separated into stages that
-can be executed one after another. We can do this because the input is bounded
-and Flink can therefore fully process one stage of the pipeline before moving
-on to the next. In the above example the job would have three stages that
-correspond to the three tasks that are separated by the shuffle barriers.
-Instead of sending records immediately to downstream tasks, as explained above
-for `STREAMING` mode, processing in stages requires Flink to materialize
-intermediate results of tasks to some non-ephemeral storage which allows
-downstream tasks to read them after upstream tasks have already gone off line.
-This will increase the latency of processing but comes with other interesting
-properties. For one, this allows Flink to backtrack to the latest available
-results when a failure happens instead of restarting the whole job. Another
-side effect is that `BATCH` jobs can execute on fewer resources (in terms of
-available slots at TaskManagers) because the system can execute tasks
-sequentially one after the other.
-TaskManagers will keep intermediate results at least as long as downstream
-tasks have not consumed them. (Technically, they will be kept until the
-consuming *pipelined regions* have produced their output.) After
-that, they will be kept for as long as space allows in order to allow the
-aforementioned backtracking to earlier results in case of a failure.
+#### 流执行模式
Flink可以通过整个管道立即处理新的记录,以达到我们需要的连续和低延迟的流处理。这同样意味着分配给某个作业的 TaskManagers 
+网络 shuffle 是 _流水线_ 
+#### 批执行模式
+在`批`执行模式下,一个作业的任务可以被分离成可以一个接一个执行的阶段。我们之所以能做到这一点,是因为输入是有边界的,因此 Flink 
可以在进入下一个阶段之前完全处理管道中的一个阶段。在上面的例子中,工作会有三个阶段,对应着被 shuffle 界线分开的三个任务。
+不同于上文所介绍的`流`模式立即向下游任务发送记录,分阶段处理要求 Flink 
将任务的中间结果实体化到一些非永久存储中,让下游任务在上游任务已经下线后再读取。这将增加处理的延迟,但也会带来其他有趣的特性。其一,这允许 Flink 
在故障发生时回溯到最新的可用结果,而不是重新启动整个任务。其二,`批`作业可以在更少的资源上执行(就 TaskManagers 
 ### State Backends / State
-In `STREAMING` mode, Flink uses a [StateBackend]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/state_backends" >}}) to control how state 
is stored and how
-checkpointing works.
+在`流`模式下,Flink 使用 [StateBackend]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/state_backends" >}}) 来控制状态的存储方式和检查点的工作方式。
-In `BATCH` mode, the configured state backend is ignored. Instead, the input of
-a keyed operation is grouped by key (using sorting) and then we process all
-records of a key in turn. This allows keeping only the state of only one key at
-the same time. State for a given key will be discarded when moving on to the
-next key.
+在`批`模式下,配置的 state backend 被忽略。取而代之的是,keyed 
-See [FLIP-140]( for background
-information on this.
+关于这方面的背景信息,请参见 [FLIP-140](。
-### Order of Processing
+### 处理顺序
-The order in which records are processed in operators or user-defined 
functions (UDFs) can differ between `BATCH` and `STREAMING` execution.
-In `STREAMING` mode, user-defined functions should not make any assumptions 
about incoming records' order.
-Data is processed as soon as it arrives.
-In `BATCH` execution mode, there are some operations where Flink guarantees 
-The ordering can be a side effect of the particular task scheduling,
-network shuffle, and state backend (see above), or a conscious choice by the 
+在`批`执行模式下,Flink 通过一些操作确保顺序。排序可以是特定调度任务、网络 shuffle、上文提到的 state backend 
-There are three general types of input that we can differentiate:
-- _broadcast input_: input from a broadcast stream (see also [Broadcast
-  State]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/broadcast_state" >}}))
-- _regular input_: input that is neither broadcast nor keyed
-- _keyed input_: input from a `KeyedStream`
-Functions, or Operators, that consume multiple input types will process them 
in the following order:
+- _广播输入(broadcast input)_: 从广播流输入(参见 [广播状态(Broadcast State)]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/broadcast_state" >}}))
+- _常规输入(regular input)_: 从广播或 keyed 输入
+- _keyed 输入(keyed input)_: 从 `KeyedStream` 输入
-- broadcast inputs are processed first
-- regular inputs are processed second
-- keyed inputs are processed last
-For functions that consume from multiple regular or broadcast inputs &mdash; 
such as a `CoProcessFunction` &mdash; Flink has the right to process data from 
any input of that type in any order.
+- 广播输入第一个处理
+- 常规输入第二个处理
+- keyed 输入最后处理
-For functions that consume from multiple keyed inputs &mdash; such as a 
`KeyedCoProcessFunction` &mdash; Flink processes all records for a single key 
from all keyed inputs before moving on to the next. 
+对于从多个常规或广播输入进行消费的函数 &mdash; 比如 `CoProcessFunction` &mdash; Flink 
+对于从多个keyed输入进行消费的函数 &mdash; 比如 `KeyedCoProcessFunction` &mdash; Flink 
-### Event Time / Watermarks
-When it comes to supporting [event time]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/event-time/generating_watermarks" >}}), Flink’s
-streaming runtime builds on the pessimistic assumption that events may come
-out-of-order, _i.e._ an event with timestamp `t` may come after an event with
-timestamp `t+1`. Because of this, the system can never be sure that no more
-elements with timestamp `t < T` for a given timestamp `T` can come in the
-future. To amortise the impact of this out-of-orderness on the final result
-while making the system practical, in `STREAMING` mode, Flink uses a heuristic
-called [Watermarks]({{< ref "docs/concepts/time" 
-A watermark with timestamp `T` signals that no element with timestamp `t < T` 
will follow.
+### 事件时间/水印
-In `BATCH` mode, where the input dataset is known in advance, there is no need
-for such a heuristic as, at the very least, elements can be sorted by timestamp
-so that they are processed in temporal order. For readers familiar with
-streaming, in `BATCH` we can assume “perfect watermarks”.
+在支持[事件时间]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/event-time/generating_watermarks" 
>}})方面,Flink 的流运行时间建立在一个事件可能是乱序到来的悲观假设上的,即一个时间戳 `t` 的事件可能会在一个时间戳 `t+1` 
的事件之后出现。因为如此,系统永远无法确定在给定的时间戳 `T` 下,未来不会再有时间戳 `t < T` 
的元素出现。为了摊平这种失序性对最终结果的影响,同时使系统实用,在`流`模式下,Flink 使用了一种名为 [Watermarks]({{< ref 
"docs/concepts/time" >}}#event-time-and-watermarks) 的启发式方法。一个带有时间戳 `T` 
的水印标志着再没有时间戳 `t < T` 的元素跟进。
-Given the above, in `BATCH` mode, we only need a `MAX_WATERMARK` at the end of
-the input associated with each key, or at the end of input if the input stream
-is not keyed. Based on this scheme, all registered timers will fire at the *end
-of time* and user-defined `WatermarkAssigners` or `WatermarkGenerators` are
-ignored. Specifying a `WatermarkStrategy` is still important, though, because
-its `TimestampAssigner` will still be used to assign timestamps to records.
-### Processing Time
+综上所述,在`批`模式下,我们只需要在输入的末尾有一个与每个键相关的 `MAX_WATERMARK`,如果输入流没有键,则在输入的末尾需要一个 
`MAX_WATERMARK`。基于这个方案,所有注册的定时器都会在*时间结束*时触发,用户定义的 `WatermarkAssigners` 或 
`WatermarkStrategies` 会被忽略。但细化一个 `WatermarkStrategy` 仍然是重要的,因为它的 
`TimestampAssigner` 仍然会被用来给记录分配时间戳。
-Processing Time is the wall-clock time on the machine that a record is
-processed, at the specific instance that the record is being processed. Based
-on this definition, we see that the results of a computation that is based on
-processing time are not reproducible. This is because the same record processed
-twice will have two different timestamps.
+### 处理时间
-Despite the above, using processing time in `STREAMING` mode can be useful. The
-reason has to do with the fact that streaming pipelines often ingest their
-unbounded input in *real time* so there is a correlation between event time and
-processing time. In addition, because of the above, in `STREAMING` mode `1h` in
-event time can often be almost `1h` in processing time, or wall-clock time. So
-using processing time can be used for early (incomplete) firings that give
-hints about the expected results.
-This correlation does not exist in the batch world where the input dataset is
-static and known in advance.  Given this, in `BATCH` mode we allow users to
-request the current processing time and register processing time timers, but,
-as in the case of Event Time, all the timers are going to fire at the end of
-the input.
+尽管如此,在`流`模式下处理时间还是很有用的。原因在于因为流式管道从 *真实时间* 
-Conceptually, we can imagine that processing time does not advance during the
-execution of a job and we fast-forward to the *end of time* when the whole
-input is processed.
-### Failure Recovery
-In `STREAMING` execution mode, Flink uses checkpoints for failure recovery.
-Take a look at the [checkpointing documentation]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/checkpointing" >}}) for hands-on 
documentation about this and
-how to configure it. There is also a more introductory section about [fault
-tolerance via state snapshots]({{< ref "docs/learn-flink/fault_tolerance" >}}) 
-explains the concepts at a higher level.
+<a name="failure-recovery"></a> 
+### 故障恢复
-One of the characteristics of checkpointing for failure recovery is that Flink
-will restart all the running tasks from a checkpoint in case of a failure. This
-can be more costly than what we have to do in `BATCH` mode (as explained
-below), which is one of the reasons that you should use `BATCH` execution mode
-if your job allows it.
+在`流`执行模式下,Flink 使用 checkpoints 进行故障恢复。请参看 [checkpointing 文档]({{< ref 
>}}),了解关于如何实践和配置它。关于[通过状态快照进行容错]({{< ref "docs/learn-flink/fault_tolerance" 
-In `BATCH` execution mode, Flink will try and backtrack to previous processing
-stages for which intermediate results are still available. Potentially, only
-the tasks that failed (or their predecessors in the graph) will have to be
-restarted, which can improve processing efficiency and overall processing time
-of the job compared to restarting all tasks from a checkpoint.
+Checkpointing 用于故障恢复的特点之一是,在发生故障时,Flink 会从 checkpoint 
-## Important Considerations
+在`批`执行模式下,Flink 会尝试并回溯到之前的中间结果仍可获取的处理阶段。只有失败的任务(或它们在图中的前辈)才可能需要重新启动。这与从 
checkpoint 重新启动所有任务相比,可以提高作业的处理效率和整体处理时间。
-Compared to classic `STREAMING` execution mode, in `BATCH` mode some things
-might not work as expected. Some features will work slightly differently while
-others are not supported.
+## 重要的考虑因素
-Behavior Change in BATCH mode:
-* "Rolling" operations such as [reduce()]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" >}}#reduce) 
-  or [sum()]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" >}}#aggregations)
-  emit an incremental update for every new record that arrives in `STREAMING`
-  mode. In `BATCH` mode, these operations are not "rolling". They emit only the
-  final result.
+* “滚动"操作,如 [reduce()]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" 
>}}#reduce) 或 [sum()]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" 
-Unsupported in BATCH mode:
-* [Checkpointing]({{< ref "docs/concepts/stateful-stream-processing" 
-  and any operations that depend on checkpointing do not work.
-* [Iterations]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" >}}#iterate)
+* [Checkpointing]({{< ref "docs/concepts/stateful-stream-processing" 
>}}#stateful-stream-processing) 和任何依赖于 checkpointing 的操作都不支持。
+* [迭代(Iterations)]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview" 
-Custom operators should be implemented with care, otherwise they might behave
-improperly. See also additional explanations below for more details.
 ### Checkpointing
-As explained [above](#failure-recovery), failure recovery for batch programs
-does not use checkpointing.
-It is important to remember that because there are no checkpoints, certain
-features such as {{< javadoc 
-and, as a result,  Kafka's [EXACTLY_ONCE]({{< ref 
"docs/connectors/datastream/kafka" >}}#kafka-producers-and-fault-tolerance) 
mode or `StreamingFileSink`'s
-[OnCheckpointRollingPolicy]({{< ref 
"docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}#rolling-policy)
-won't work. If you need a transactional sink that works in
-`BATCH` mode make sure it uses the Unified Sink API as proposed in
+重要的是要记住,因为没有 checkpoints,某些功能如 ({{< javadoc 
name="CheckpointListener">}}),以及因此,Kafka 的 [精确一次(EXACTLY_ONCE)]({{< ref 
"docs/connectors/datastream/kafka" >}}#kafka-producers-and-fault-tolerance) 模式或 
`StreamingFileSink` 的 [OnCheckpointRollingPolicy]({{< ref 
"docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}#rolling-policy) 将无法工作。
+如果你需要一个在`批`模式下工作的事务型 sink,请确保它使用 
[FLIP-143]( 中提出的统一 Sink API。
-You can still use all the [state primitives]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/datastream/fault-tolerance/state" >}}#working-with-state),
-it's just that the mechanism used for failure recovery will be different.
+你仍然可以使用所有的 [状态原语(state primitives)]({{< ref 
-### Writing Custom Operators
+### 编写自定义算子
 {{< hint info >}}
-**Note:** Custom operators are an advanced usage pattern of Apache Flink. For 
-use-cases, consider using a (keyed-)process function instead.
-{{< /hint >}}
+**注意:** 自定义算子是 Apache Flink 的一种高级使用模式。对于大多数的使用情况,可以考虑使用(keyed-)过程函数来代替。

Review comment:
       “可以考虑使用(keyed-)~~过程~~ 处理 函数来代替”

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