
Darrel Schneider updated GEODE-72:
The Geode APIs are riddled with old, deprecated interfaces, methods and 
settings inherited from GemFire.  Unless there is a good reason to keep them 
shouldn't we remove them all before going out of incubation?

Here are the things I could find that are marked as being deprecated (items 
with an "x" have a sub-task):

APIs deprecated in GemFire 4.2:
* x Cache.setGatewayHub(), getGatewayHub()
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.0:
* x AttributesMutator/AttributesFactory.setCacheListener()
* x AttributesFactory.createRegionAttributes()
* x RegionAttributes.getPersistBackup(), getEnableWAN(), getCacheListener(), 
getEnableConflation() and associated methods in other classes (RegionFactory, 
AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, RemoteRegionAttributes)
* x Cache.createVMRegion(), SystemMemberCache.createVMRegion()
* x CacheEvent.isExpiration() and isDistributed()
* x TransactionEvent.getXXXEvents()
* x EntryEvent.isLoad()/isLocalLoad()/isNetLoad()
* x MirrorType and associated methods and identifiers (also xml and various 
* x CacheTransactionManager.getListener()/setListener()
* AbstractRegion.setIgnoreJTA() (phase 2)
* x DistributedSystem.getId(), getMemberId()
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.1:
properties (phase 2)
* DLS.lockInterruptibly(), suspendLockingInterruptibly()
APIs deprecated in an undocumented version prior to 5.7:
* Use of hostname:port to specify a locator in gemfire.properties
* x PartitionAttributesFactory.setLocalProperties(), setGlobalProperties() & 
property names (LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY, etc), and corresponding stuff in 
PartitionAttributes (5.2?)
* x PartitionAttributes.getTotalSize()
* x class EntryNotFoundInRegion (5.0?)
* x Region.keys(), entries(),
* AdminDistributedSystemFactory.bindToAddress()
* MessageFactory (phase 2)
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.7:
* x Endpoints in client/server, and associated classes 
(BridgeLoader/Writer/Client,  EndpointExistsException, etc), 
* BridgePoolImpl (phase 2)
* x BoundedLinkedHashMap
* x Bridge cache.util utility classes no longer in use
* x BridgeServer (use CacheServer), Cache.addBridgeServer(), 
Cache.getBridgeServers().  Also associated methods in AdminDistributedSystem, 
SystemMemberCache, SystemMemberType, CacheServerConfig and 
* x EntryEvent.isBridgeEvent() and other places (InternalCacheEvent)
* x RegionAttributes.getEnableBridgeConflation(), and associated methods in 
other classes (RegionFactory, AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, 
CacheXmlParser, RemoteRegionAttributes)
* x DataSerializer.register(Class,byte)
* The internal ForceDisconnectOperation (phase 2)
* AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl.manageCacheServer(), manageCacheServers() 
(phase 2)
APIs deprecated after GemFire 5.7 and before 8.0
* The com.gemstone.gemfire.admin and admin.jmx packages.  Some of the 
implementation is in com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.remote.
* DiskWriteAttributes, DiskWriteAttributesFactory and associated methods
* DiskDirs and associated methods
* DiskDirSizes and associated methods
* x AttributesFactory and associated methods
* Cache.close(boolean), Cache.createRegion(String, RegionAttributes), 
Cache.getLoggerI18n() and getSecurityLoggerI18n(), Cache.readyForEvents()
* CacheFactory.create()
* ClientNotReadyException
* CommitConflictException, CommitDistributionException, 
CommitIncompleteException (7.0)
* RemoteTransactionException (6.6)
* DataPolicy.isEmpty(), and the other isXXXX() methods
* EntryOperation.getOperation() (both introduced and deprecated in 6.0)
* EvictionAlgorithm.LIFO_ENTRY, LIFO_MEMORY
* Execution.execute(String, boolean), execute(String, boolean, boolean), 
execute(String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
* FunctionService.onMember(DistributedSystem, DistributedMember), 
onMembers(DistributedSystem), onMembers(DistributedSystem, 
* IndexType
* Query.compile(), isCompiled()
* QueryService.createIndex() variants, getIndexes()
* Region.loadSnapshot(), saveSnapshot() (7.0)
* Region.createSubRegion() (7.0)
* Region.getCache()
* CacheServer.DEFAULT_GROUPS, get/setGroups(), get/setNotifyBySubscription(), 
* RegionFactory constructors, RegionFactory.setEarlyAck(), 
RegionFactory.setEnableGateway(), setPublisher() 
* BridgeServer.get/setNotifyBySubscription()
* writeable-working-dir distribution property
* DistributedSystem.connect(), disconnect()
* Locator.startLocator(int, File), startLocator(int, File, InetAddress) etc.
* Locator.getLocators(), hasLocators()
* LocalRegion.notifyToRoll()
* ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(List<String>), setSerializableClasses()

APIs deprecated since GemFire 5.7 with no version information mentioned
* OperationContext.isClientUpdate()
* PutAllOperationContext.setMap()
* Region.writeToDisk(), forceRolling()
* RegionFactory.setGatewayHubId()
* x BridgeMembership, BridgeMembershipEvent, BridgeMembershipListener, 
* IncompatibleVersionException, UnknownVersionException, VersionException
* ObjectSizerImpl
* UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter
* DistributedSystem.getId()
* DistributedRegionMXBean.getDiskTaskWaiting()
* MemberMXBean.getCurrentHeapSize(), getMaximumHeapSize(), getFreeHeapSize()
* RegionMXBean.getDiskReadsAverageLatency(), getDiskWritesAverageLatency(), 
* ThreadInterruptedException
* LocatorLauncher.stopWithPort()

Things that should be deprecated but aren’t consistently
* MembershipAttributes and “required roles”.  This is deprecated in 
DistributedSystem’s class javadoc but nowhere else.
* DynamicRegions

APIs deprecated in 8.0.  It would probably be a nice gesture to Pivotal to keep 
these for a while to allow people to migrate from their GemFire product to 
* FixedPartitionResolver.getPartitionName(EntryOperation, Set<String>)
* Gateway, GatewayEventListener, GatewayHub, GatewayQueueAttributes.  These 
might have already been removed.
* ssl-enabled, ssl-protocols, ssl-ciphers, ssl-require-authentication, 
jmx-manager-ssl distribution properties
* LocalProcessController
* RegionMXBean.getAvgBucketSize()
* com.gemstone.gemfire.LicenseException

The Admin API and packages are also marked as deprecated but there seem to be 
some gfsh dependencies on this API, so I'm not sure if it can be removed.

The Geode APIs are riddled with old, deprecated interfaces, methods and 
settings inherited from GemFire.  Unless there is a good reason to keep them 
shouldn't we remove them all before going out of incubation?

Here are the things I could find that are marked as being deprecated (items 
with an "x" have a sub-task):

APIs deprecated in GemFire 4.2:
* x Cache.setGatewayHub(), getGatewayHub()
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.0:
* x AttributesMutator/AttributesFactory.setCacheListener()
* x AttributesFactory.createRegionAttributes()
* x RegionAttributes.getPersistBackup(), getEnableWAN(), getCacheListener(), 
getEnableConflation() and associated methods in other classes (RegionFactory, 
AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, RemoteRegionAttributes)
* x Cache.createVMRegion(), SystemMemberCache.createVMRegion()
* x CacheEvent.isExpiration() and isDistributed()
* x TransactionEvent.getXXXEvents()
* x EntryEvent.isLoad()/isLocalLoad()/isNetLoad()
* x MirrorType and associated methods and identifiers (also xml and various 
* x CacheTransactionManager.getListener()/setListener()
* AbstractRegion.setIgnoreJTA() (phase 2)
* x DistributedSystem.getId(), getMemberId()
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.1:
properties (phase 2)
* DLS.lockInterruptibly(), suspendLockingInterruptibly()
APIs deprecated in an undocumented version prior to 5.7:
* Use of hostname:port to specify a locator in gemfire.properties
* x PartitionAttributesFactory.setLocalProperties(), setGlobalProperties() & 
property names (LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY, etc), and corresponding stuff in 
PartitionAttributes (5.2?)
* x PartitionAttributes.getTotalSize()
* x class EntryNotFoundInRegion (5.0?)
* x Region.keys(), entries(),
* AdminDistributedSystemFactory.bindToAddress()
* MessageFactory (phase 2)
APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.7:
* x Endpoints in client/server, and associated classes 
(BridgeLoader/Writer/Client,  EndpointExistsException, etc), 
* BridgePoolImpl (phase 2)
* x BoundedLinkedHashMap
* x Bridge cache.util utility classes no longer in use
* x BridgeServer (use CacheServer), Cache.addBridgeServer(), 
Cache.getBridgeServers().  Also associated methods in AdminDistributedSystem, 
SystemMemberCache, SystemMemberType, CacheServerConfig and 
* x EntryEvent.isBridgeEvent() and other places (InternalCacheEvent)
* x RegionAttributes.getEnableBridgeConflation(), and associated methods in 
other classes (RegionFactory, AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, 
CacheXmlParser, RemoteRegionAttributes)
* DataSerializer.register(Class,byte)
* The internal ForceDisconnectOperation, 
AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl.manageCacheServer(), manageCacheServers(), 
SystemMemberCacheJmxImpl.manageBridgeServer(), manageBridgeServers()
APIs deprecated after GemFire 5.7 and before 8.0
* The com.gemstone.gemfire.admin and admin.jmx packages.  Some of the 
implementation is in com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.remote.
* DiskWriteAttributes, DiskWriteAttributesFactory and associated methods
* DiskDirs and associated methods
* DiskDirSizes and associated methods
* x AttributesFactory and associated methods
* Cache.close(boolean), Cache.createRegion(String, RegionAttributes), 
Cache.getLoggerI18n() and getSecurityLoggerI18n(), Cache.readyForEvents()
* CacheFactory.create()
* ClientNotReadyException
* CommitConflictException, CommitDistributionException, 
CommitIncompleteException (7.0)
* RemoteTransactionException (6.6)
* DataPolicy.isEmpty(), and the other isXXXX() methods
* EntryOperation.getOperation() (both introduced and deprecated in 6.0)
* EvictionAlgorithm.LIFO_ENTRY, LIFO_MEMORY
* Execution.execute(String, boolean), execute(String, boolean, boolean), 
execute(String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
* FunctionService.onMember(DistributedSystem, DistributedMember), 
onMembers(DistributedSystem), onMembers(DistributedSystem, 
* IndexType
* Query.compile(), isCompiled()
* QueryService.createIndex() variants, getIndexes()
* Region.loadSnapshot(), saveSnapshot() (7.0)
* Region.createSubRegion() (7.0)
* Region.getCache()
* CacheServer.DEFAULT_GROUPS, get/setGroups(), get/setNotifyBySubscription(), 
* RegionFactory constructors, RegionFactory.setEarlyAck(), 
RegionFactory.setEnableGateway(), setPublisher() 
* BridgeServer.get/setNotifyBySubscription()
* writeable-working-dir distribution property
* DistributedSystem.connect(), disconnect()
* Locator.startLocator(int, File), startLocator(int, File, InetAddress) etc.
* Locator.getLocators(), hasLocators()
* LocalRegion.notifyToRoll()
* ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(List<String>), setSerializableClasses()

APIs deprecated since GemFire 5.7 with no version information mentioned
* OperationContext.isClientUpdate()
* PutAllOperationContext.setMap()
* Region.writeToDisk(), forceRolling()
* RegionFactory.setGatewayHubId()
* x BridgeMembership, BridgeMembershipEvent, BridgeMembershipListener, 
* IncompatibleVersionException, UnknownVersionException, VersionException
* ObjectSizerImpl
* UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter
* DistributedSystem.getId()
* DistributedRegionMXBean.getDiskTaskWaiting()
* MemberMXBean.getCurrentHeapSize(), getMaximumHeapSize(), getFreeHeapSize()
* RegionMXBean.getDiskReadsAverageLatency(), getDiskWritesAverageLatency(), 
* ThreadInterruptedException
* LocatorLauncher.stopWithPort()

Things that should be deprecated but aren’t consistently
* MembershipAttributes and “required roles”.  This is deprecated in 
DistributedSystem’s class javadoc but nowhere else.
* DynamicRegions

APIs deprecated in 8.0.  It would probably be a nice gesture to Pivotal to keep 
these for a while to allow people to migrate from their GemFire product to 
* FixedPartitionResolver.getPartitionName(EntryOperation, Set<String>)
* Gateway, GatewayEventListener, GatewayHub, GatewayQueueAttributes.  These 
might have already been removed.
* ssl-enabled, ssl-protocols, ssl-ciphers, ssl-require-authentication, 
jmx-manager-ssl distribution properties
* LocalProcessController
* RegionMXBean.getAvgBucketSize()
* com.gemstone.gemfire.LicenseException

The Admin API and packages are also marked as deprecated but there seem to be 
some gfsh dependencies on this API, so I'm not sure if it can be removed.

> Remove deprecated APIs from Geode
> ---------------------------------
>                 Key: GEODE-72
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEODE-72
>             Project: Geode
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 1.0.0-incubating
>            Reporter: Bruce Schuchardt
>              Labels: cleanup
> The Geode APIs are riddled with old, deprecated interfaces, methods and 
> settings inherited from GemFire.  Unless there is a good reason to keep them 
> shouldn't we remove them all before going out of incubation?
> Here are the things I could find that are marked as being deprecated (items 
> with an "x" have a sub-task):
> APIs deprecated in GemFire 4.2:
> * x Cache.setGatewayHub(), getGatewayHub()
> APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.0:
> * x AttributesMutator/AttributesFactory.setCacheListener()
> * x AttributesFactory.createRegionAttributes()
> * x RegionAttributes.getPersistBackup(), getEnableWAN(), getCacheListener(), 
> getEnableConflation() and associated methods in other classes (RegionFactory, 
> AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, RemoteRegionAttributes)
> * x Cache.createVMRegion(), SystemMemberCache.createVMRegion()
> * x CacheEvent.isExpiration() and isDistributed()
> * x TransactionEvent.getXXXEvents()
> * x EntryEvent.isLoad()/isLocalLoad()/isNetLoad()
> * x MirrorType and associated methods and identifiers (also xml and various 
> javadocs)
> * x CacheTransactionManager.getListener()/setListener()
> * AbstractRegion.setIgnoreJTA() (phase 2)
> * x DistributedSystem.getId(), getMemberId()
> APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.1:
> properties (phase 2)
> * DLS.lockInterruptibly(), suspendLockingInterruptibly()
> APIs deprecated in an undocumented version prior to 5.7:
> * Use of hostname:port to specify a locator in gemfire.properties
> * x PartitionAttributesFactory.setLocalProperties(), setGlobalProperties() & 
> property names (LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY, etc), and corresponding stuff in 
> PartitionAttributes (5.2?)
> * x PartitionAttributes.getTotalSize()
> * x class EntryNotFoundInRegion (5.0?)
> * x Region.keys(), entries(),
> * AdminDistributedSystemFactory.bindToAddress()
> * MessageFactory (phase 2)
> APIs deprecated in GemFire 5.7:
> * x Endpoints in client/server, and associated classes 
> (BridgeLoader/Writer/Client,  EndpointExistsException, etc), 
> * BridgePoolImpl (phase 2)
> * x BoundedLinkedHashMap
> * x Bridge cache.util utility classes no longer in use
> * x BridgeServer (use CacheServer), Cache.addBridgeServer(), 
> Cache.getBridgeServers().  Also associated methods in AdminDistributedSystem, 
> SystemMemberCache, SystemMemberType, CacheServerConfig and 
> DistributedSystemConfig
> * x EntryEvent.isBridgeEvent() and other places (InternalCacheEvent)
> * x RegionAttributes.getEnableBridgeConflation(), and associated methods in 
> other classes (RegionFactory, AttributesFactory, RegionAttributesCreation, 
> CacheXmlParser, RemoteRegionAttributes)
> * x DataSerializer.register(Class,byte)
> * The internal ForceDisconnectOperation (phase 2)
> * AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl.manageCacheServer(), manageCacheServers() 
> (phase 2)
> APIs deprecated after GemFire 5.7 and before 8.0
> * The com.gemstone.gemfire.admin and admin.jmx packages.  Some of the 
> implementation is in com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.remote.
> * DiskWriteAttributes, DiskWriteAttributesFactory and associated methods
> * DiskDirs and associated methods
> * DiskDirSizes and associated methods
> * x AttributesFactory and associated methods
> * Cache.close(boolean), Cache.createRegion(String, RegionAttributes), 
> Cache.getLoggerI18n() and getSecurityLoggerI18n(), Cache.readyForEvents()
> * CacheFactory.create()
> * ClientNotReadyException
> * CommitConflictException, CommitDistributionException, 
> CommitIncompleteException (7.0)
> * RemoteTransactionException (6.6)
> * DataPolicy.isEmpty(), and the other isXXXX() methods
> * EntryOperation.getOperation() (both introduced and deprecated in 6.0)
> * EvictionAlgorithm.LIFO_ENTRY, LIFO_MEMORY
> * Execution.execute(String, boolean), execute(String, boolean, boolean), 
> execute(String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
> * FunctionService.onMember(DistributedSystem, DistributedMember), 
> onMembers(DistributedSystem), onMembers(DistributedSystem, 
> Set<DistributedMember>)
> * IndexType
> * Query.compile(), isCompiled()
> * QueryService.createIndex() variants, getIndexes()
> * Region.loadSnapshot(), saveSnapshot() (7.0)
> * Region.createSubRegion() (7.0)
> * Region.getCache()
> * CacheServer.DEFAULT_GROUPS, get/setGroups(), get/setNotifyBySubscription(), 
> get/setOverflowDi
> * RegionFactory constructors, RegionFactory.setEarlyAck(), 
> RegionFactory.setEnableGateway(), setPublisher() 
> * BridgeServer.get/setNotifyBySubscription()
> * writeable-working-dir distribution property
> * DistributedSystem.connect(), disconnect()
> * Locator.startLocator(int, File), startLocator(int, File, InetAddress) etc.
> * Locator.getLocators(), hasLocators()
> * LocalRegion.notifyToRoll()
> * ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(List<String>), setSerializableClasses()
> APIs deprecated since GemFire 5.7 with no version information mentioned
> * OperationContext.isClientUpdate()
> * PutAllOperationContext.setMap()
> * Region.writeToDisk(), forceRolling()
> * RegionFactory.setGatewayHubId()
> * x BridgeMembership, BridgeMembershipEvent, BridgeMembershipListener, 
> BridgeMembershipListenerAdapter
> * IncompatibleVersionException, UnknownVersionException, VersionException
> * ObjectSizerImpl
> * UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter
> * DistributedSystem.getId()
> * DistributedRegionMXBean.getDiskTaskWaiting()
> * MemberMXBean.getCurrentHeapSize(), getMaximumHeapSize(), getFreeHeapSize()
> * RegionMXBean.getDiskReadsAverageLatency(), getDiskWritesAverageLatency(), 
> getDiskTaskWaiting()
> * ThreadInterruptedException
> * LocatorLauncher.stopWithPort()
> Things that should be deprecated but aren’t consistently
> * MembershipAttributes and “required roles”.  This is deprecated in 
> DistributedSystem’s class javadoc but nowhere else.
> * DynamicRegions
> APIs deprecated in 8.0.  It would probably be a nice gesture to Pivotal to 
> keep these for a while to allow people to migrate from their GemFire product 
> to Geode.
> * FixedPartitionResolver.getPartitionName(EntryOperation, Set<String>)
> * Gateway, GatewayEventListener, GatewayHub, GatewayQueueAttributes.  These 
> might have already been removed.
> * ssl-enabled, ssl-protocols, ssl-ciphers, ssl-require-authentication, 
> jmx-manager-ssl distribution properties
> * LocalProcessController
> * RegionMXBean.getAvgBucketSize()
> * com.gemstone.gemfire.LicenseException
> The Admin API and packages are also marked as deprecated but there seem to be 
> some gfsh dependencies on this API, so I'm not sure if it can be removed.

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