Kevin Duling created GEODE-1710:

                 Key: GEODE-1710
             Project: Geode
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Kevin Duling

In Geode_develop_DistributedTests/3430:

Error Message

com.gemstone.gemfire.test.dunit.RMIException: While invoking 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ in VM 1 
running on Host with 4 VMs

com.gemstone.gemfire.test.dunit.RMIException: While invoking 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ in VM 1 
running on Host with 4 VMs
        at com.gemstone.gemfire.test.dunit.VM.invoke(
        at com.gemstone.gemfire.test.dunit.VM.invoke(
        at com.gemstone.gemfire.test.dunit.VM.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.junit.rules.TestWatcher$1.evaluate(
        at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
        at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor15.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy2.processTestClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor14.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<5> but was:<0>
        at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor158.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at hydra.MethExecutor.executeObject(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor8.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
        at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
        at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
        at Method)
        at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
        at Method)
        ... 3 more
Standard Output

Previously run tests: [PRBasicQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicMultiIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest, 
PRBasicIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionCloseDUnitTest, PRQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicRemoveIndexDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionDestroyedDUnitTest, 
PRQueryRemoteNodeExceptionDUnitTest, PRInvalidQueryDUnitTest, 
PRQueryCacheCloseDUnitTest, CompiledInDUnitTest]
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.303 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.303 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.304 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.304 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.304 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.304 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.305 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.305 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[setup] START TEST 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.328 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args 
on object: "Create Bridge Server"

[vm_0]distributed system properties: {locators=localhost[59948], 
enable-cluster-configuration=false, use-cluster-configuration=false, 
mcast-port=0, disable-auto-reconnect=true, log-level=info}
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.331 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Startup Configuration:
[vm_0] ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
[vm_0]### GemFire Properties using default values ###
[vm_0]mcast-flow-control=1048576, 0.25, 5000

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.333 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting membership services

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.340 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] JGroups channel created (took 7ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.341 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFire P2P Listener started on  null

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.342 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x11f6] Started failure detection server thread on

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.343 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Attempting to join the distributed system through coordinator 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 using address kuwait(9394)<ec>:1025

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.343 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received join request from kuwait(9394)<ec>:1025

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.644 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] View Creator is processing 1 requests for the next membership view

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.644 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] preparing new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 23162

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-61886> 
tid=0x11f2] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]
[vm_0]old view is: null

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] finished waiting for responses to view preparation

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]
[locator]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|264] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024]  shutdown: [kuwait(9403)<ec><v263>:1027, 
kuwait(9394)<ec><v261>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v262>:1026]

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] Peer locator received new membership view: 
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Finished joining (took 303ms).

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025.  (took 313 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] sending new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 23162

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 >

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initial (distribution manager) view =  
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024>. Now there are 1 
non-admin member(s).

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.645 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025>. Now there are 2 non-admin 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.646 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025>. Now there are 2 
non-admin member(s).

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.648 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] Member kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 is equivalent or in 
the same redundancy zone.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.650 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 shared unordered uid=218 port=45562> 
tid=0x11fc] Member kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 is equivalent or in the 
same redundancy zone.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.659 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v265>1025

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.659 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v265>1025 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.662 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] The cache has been created with "use-cluster-configuration=false". It 
will not receive any cluster configuration

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.663 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTypes

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.663 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTypes completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.677 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server connection listener bound to address with backlog 1,000.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.686 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.693 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] CacheServer Configuration:   port=57192 max-connections=800 
max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. 
groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.702 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region __PR

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.703 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region __PR completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.705 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Partitioned Region /root/PdxTest is born with prId=80 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.708 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_17

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.708 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_17 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.712 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_18

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.712 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_18 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.713 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_19

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.713 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_19 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.714 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_0

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.714 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_0 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.714 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_1

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.714 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_1 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.715 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_2

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.715 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_2 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.716 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_3

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.716 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_3 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.716 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_4

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.716 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_4 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.717 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_5

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.717 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_5 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.717 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_6

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.717 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_6 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.718 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Create Bridge Server" (took 389 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.739 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args 
on object: "Execute Query with Accessor"

[vm_1]distributed system properties: {locators=localhost[59948], 
enable-cluster-configuration=false, use-cluster-configuration=false, 
mcast-port=0, disable-auto-reconnect=true, log-level=info}
[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.743 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Startup Configuration:
[vm_1] ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
[vm_1]### GemFire Properties using default values ###
[vm_1]mcast-flow-control=1048576, 0.25, 5000

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.745 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting membership services

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.756 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] JGroups channel created (took 11ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.757 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFire P2P Listener started on  null

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.758 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x1032] Started failure detection server thread on

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.759 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Attempting to join the distributed system through coordinator 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 using address kuwait(9398)<ec>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:23.759 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received join request from kuwait(9398)<ec>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.060 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] View Creator is processing 1 requests for the next membership view

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.060 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] preparing new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 23162 64446

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-53260> 
tid=0x102e] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 
[vm_1]old view is: null

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] finished waiting for responses to view preparation

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] Peer locator received new membership view: 
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Finished joining (took 303ms).

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026.  (took 317 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] sending new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 23162 64446

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.061 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initial (distribution manager) view =  
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024>. Now there are 1 
non-admin member(s).

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 >

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025>. Now there are 2 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026>. Now there are 3 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-61886> 
tid=0x11f2] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|266] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}, 
[vm_0]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|265] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025{lead}]

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026>. Now there are 3 non-admin 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x1210] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 >

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.062 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x1210] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026>. Now there are 3 non-admin 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.065 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
1> tid=0x1207] Member kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 is equivalent or in the same 
redundancy zone.

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.065 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] Member kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 is equivalent or in 
the same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.067 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 shared unordered uid=339 port=55947> tid=0x103a] 
Member kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 is equivalent or in the same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.068 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 shared unordered uid=219 port=55948> 
tid=0x103b] Member kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 is equivalent or in the 
same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.077 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v266>1026

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.078 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v266>1026 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.081 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] The cache has been created with "use-cluster-configuration=false". It 
will not receive any cluster configuration

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.081 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTypes

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.083 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Region PdxTypes requesting initial image from 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.083 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] PdxTypes is done getting image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025. 
isDeltaGII is false

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.083 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTypes completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.098 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server connection listener bound to address with backlog 1,000.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.107 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.113 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] CacheServer Configuration:   port=33410 max-connections=800 
max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. 
groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.123 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region __PR

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.124 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Region __PR requesting initial image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.126 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] __PR is done getting image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025. 
isDeltaGII is false

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.126 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region __PR completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.128 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Partitioned Region /root/PdxTest is created with prId=80

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.136 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_7

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.136 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_7 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.139 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_8

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.139 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_8 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.140 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_9

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.140 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_9 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.141 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_10

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.141 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_10 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.142 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_11

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.142 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_11 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.143 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_12

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.143 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_12 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.144 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_13

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.144 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_13 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.145 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_14

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.145 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_14 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.146 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_15

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.146 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_15 completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.147 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initializing region _B__root_PdxTest_16

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.147 PDT <Pooled Waiting Message Processor 0> 
tid=0x11f9] Initialization of region _B__root_PdxTest_16 completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.161 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Execute Query with Accessor" (took 421 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.166 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.166 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.166 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFireCache[id = 803231187; isClosing = true; isShutDownAll = false; 
created = Thu Jul 28 02:50:23 PDT 2016; server = false; copyOnRead = false; 
lockLease = 120; lockTimeout = 60]: Now closing.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.169 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server on port 57,192 is shutting down.

[vm_0]238.327: [GC (Allocation Failure) [PSYoungGen: 145279K->4463K(148480K)] 
237168K->96360K(498176K), 0.0075062 secs] [Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.01 
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.188 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Shutting down DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025. 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.189 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
1> tid=0x1046] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 for 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.189 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 
for kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.189 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
1> tid=0x1046] Member at kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 gracefully left the 
distributed cache: shutdown message received

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.189 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] Member at kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 gracefully left 
the distributed cache: shutdown message received

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.289 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Now closing distribution for kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.290 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Stopping membership services

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.290 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 for 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.290 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-53260> 
tid=0x102e] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 for 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.290 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor server socket is closed in stopServices().

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.291 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x11f6] GMSHealthMonitor server thread exiting

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.291 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor serverSocketExecutor is terminated

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.295 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] DistributionManager stopped in 106ms.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.295 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Marking DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v265>:1025 as closed.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.295 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 129 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.299 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.299 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.300 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFireCache[id = 1247209337; isClosing = true; isShutDownAll = 
false; created = Thu Jul 28 02:50:24 PDT 2016; server = false; copyOnRead = 
false; lockLease = 120; lockTimeout = 60]: Now closing.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.301 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server on port 33,410 is shutting down.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.306 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Shutting down DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026. 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.307 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] received leave request from kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 
for kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.307 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 1> tid=0x40] Member at kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 gracefully left 
the distributed cache: shutdown message received

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.407 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Now closing distribution for kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.407 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Stopping membership services

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.408 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received leave request from kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 for 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.408 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor server socket is closed in stopServices().

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.408 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x1032] GMSHealthMonitor server thread exiting

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.408 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor serverSocketExecutor is terminated

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.411 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] DistributionManager stopped in 105ms.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.411 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Marking DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v266>:1026 as closed.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.412 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 113 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.431 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.432 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.432 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.433 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.433 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.434 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.434 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.435 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.435 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.435 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.436 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.436 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.436 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.437 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.437 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.437 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.437 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.438 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.438 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.438 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.438 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.439 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.439 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.439 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.440 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.440 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.440 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.441 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.441 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[locator] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

Previously run tests: [PRBasicQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicMultiIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest, 
PRBasicIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionCloseDUnitTest, PRQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicRemoveIndexDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionDestroyedDUnitTest, 
PRQueryRemoteNodeExceptionDUnitTest, PRInvalidQueryDUnitTest, 
PRQueryCacheCloseDUnitTest, CompiledInDUnitTest]
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.442 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.443 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.443 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.443 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.443 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.443 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.444 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.444 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[setup] START TEST 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.447 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Create Bridge Server"

[vm_0]distributed system properties: {locators=localhost[59948], 
enable-cluster-configuration=false, use-cluster-configuration=false, 
mcast-port=0, disable-auto-reconnect=true, log-level=info}
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:24.450 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Startup Configuration:
[vm_0] ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
[vm_0]### GemFire Properties using default values ###
...[truncated 916333 chars]...
tionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026 as closed.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.141 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 110 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.142 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.142 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.142 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.143 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.143 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.144 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.144 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.145 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.145 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.146 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.146 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.146 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.146 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.147 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.148 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.148 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.148 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.148 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.149 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.149 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.149 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.149 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.150 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.150 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[locator] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

Previously run tests: [PRBasicQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicMultiIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest, 
PRBasicIndexCreationDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionCloseDUnitTest, PRQueryDUnitTest, 
PRBasicRemoveIndexDUnitTest, PRQueryRegionDestroyedDUnitTest, 
PRQueryRemoteNodeExceptionDUnitTest, PRInvalidQueryDUnitTest, 
PRQueryCacheCloseDUnitTest, CompiledInDUnitTest]
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.151 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.151 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(setupVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.152 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(setupVM) (took 0 ms)

[setup] START TEST 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.156 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args 
on object: "Create Bridge Server"

[vm_0]distributed system properties: {locators=localhost[59948], 
enable-cluster-configuration=false, use-cluster-configuration=false, 
mcast-port=0, disable-auto-reconnect=true, log-level=info}
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.158 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Startup Configuration:
[vm_0] ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
[vm_0]### GemFire Properties using default values ###
[vm_0]mcast-flow-control=1048576, 0.25, 5000

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.160 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting membership services

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.167 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] JGroups channel created (took 7ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.169 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFire P2P Listener started on  null

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.169 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x16a3] Started failure detection server thread on

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.170 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Attempting to join the distributed system through coordinator 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 using address kuwait(9394)<ec>:1025

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.171 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received join request from kuwait(9394)<ec>:1025

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.271 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] View Creator is processing 5 requests for the next membership view

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.271 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] preparing new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}] 
 shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 29082

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-6440> 
tid=0x169f] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}] 
 shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]
[vm_0]old view is: null

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] finished waiting for responses to view preparation

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}] 
 shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]
[locator]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|307] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025{lead}, 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] Peer locator received new membership view: 
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}]  
shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Finished joining (took 103ms).

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025.  (took 113 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initial (distribution manager) view =  
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}]  
shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] sending new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}]  
shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 29082

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 >
[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024>. Now there are 1 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025>. Now there are 2 
non-admin member(s).

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.272 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025>. Now there are 2 non-admin 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.274 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] Member kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 is equivalent or in 
the same redundancy zone.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.276 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 shared unordered uid=260 port=45099> 
tid=0x16a8] Member kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 is equivalent or in the 
same redundancy zone.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.284 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v308>1025

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.285 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v308>1025 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.288 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] The cache has been created with "use-cluster-configuration=false". It 
will not receive any cluster configuration

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.289 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTypes

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.289 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTypes completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.291 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server connection listener bound to address with backlog 1,000.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.291 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.292 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] CacheServer Configuration:   port=58560 max-connections=800 
max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. 
groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.293 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region root

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.293 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region root completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.294 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTest

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.294 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTest completed

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.295 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Using Compact Map Range index implementation for 'myIndex' on region 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.295 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialized and loaded entries into the index 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.296 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Create Bridge Server" (took 139 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.297 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args 
on object: "Execute Query with Index in Replicated Region"

[vm_1]distributed system properties: {locators=localhost[59948], 
enable-cluster-configuration=false, use-cluster-configuration=false, 
mcast-port=0, disable-auto-reconnect=true, log-level=info}
[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.300 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Startup Configuration:
[vm_1] ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
[vm_1]### GemFire Properties using default values ###
[vm_1]mcast-flow-control=1048576, 0.25, 5000

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.301 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting membership services

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.309 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] JGroups channel created (took 8ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.310 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFire P2P Listener started on  null

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.311 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x1520] Started failure detection server thread on

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.312 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Attempting to join the distributed system through coordinator 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 using address kuwait(9398)<ec>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.312 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received join request from kuwait(9398)<ec>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.613 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] View Creator is processing 1 requests for the next membership view

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.613 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] preparing new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 29082 50073

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] finished waiting for responses to view preparation

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-64167> 
tid=0x151c] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 
[vm_1]old view is: null

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Finished joining (took 303ms).

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Starting DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026.  (took 313 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}]  
shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] Peer locator received new membership view: 
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <Geode Membership View Creator> 
tid=0x30] sending new view View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 
[locator]failure detection ports: 29523 29082 50073

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.614 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 >

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initial (distribution manager) view =  
View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x3c] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026>. Now there are 3 non-admin 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-6440> 
tid=0x169f] received new view: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|309] 
members: [kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}, 
[vm_0]old view is: View[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024|308] members: 
[kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024, kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025{lead}]  
shutdown: [kuwait(9394)<ec><v306>:1025, kuwait(9398)<ec><v307>:1026]

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024>. Now there are 1 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025>. Now there are 2 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026>. Now there are 3 
non-admin member(s).

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x16ba] 
Membership: Processing addition < kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 >

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.615 PDT <View Message Processor> tid=0x16ba] 
Admitting member <kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026>. Now there are 3 non-admin 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.617 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
1> tid=0x16b3] Member kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 is equivalent or in the same 
redundancy zone.

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.617 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] Member kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 is equivalent or in 
the same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.618 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 shared unordered uid=423 port=57958> tid=0x1528] 
Member kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 is equivalent or in the same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.619 PDT <P2P message reader for 
kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 shared unordered uid=261 port=57959> 
tid=0x1529] Member kuwait(9316:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 is equivalent or in the 
same redundancy zone.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.627 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v309>1026

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.628 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region _monitoringRegion_10.118.32.93<v309>1026 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.631 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] The cache has been created with "use-cluster-configuration=false". It 
will not receive any cluster configuration

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.632 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTypes

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.633 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Region PdxTypes requesting initial image from 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.634 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] PdxTypes is done getting image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025. 
isDeltaGII is false

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.634 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTypes completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.636 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server connection listener bound to address with backlog 1,000.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.637 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.638 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] CacheServer Configuration:   port=42027 max-connections=800 
max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. 
groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.639 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region root

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.640 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Region root requesting initial image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.641 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] root is done getting image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025. 
isDeltaGII is false

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.641 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region root completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.641 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initializing region PdxTest

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.642 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Region PdxTest requesting initial image from 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.643 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] PdxTest is done getting image from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025. 
isDeltaGII is false

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.643 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialization of region PdxTest completed

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.644 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Using Compact Map Range index implementation for 'myIndex' on region 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.645 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Initialized and loaded entries into the index 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.646 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Execute Query with Index in Replicated Region" (took 
348 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.647 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.647 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.648 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFireCache[id = 1412466484; isClosing = true; isShutDownAll = 
false; created = Thu Jul 28 02:50:40 PDT 2016; server = false; copyOnRead = 
false; lockLease = 120; lockTimeout = 60]: Now closing.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.649 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server on port 58,560 is shutting down.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.653 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Shutting down DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025. 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.654 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
2> tid=0x1535] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 for 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.654 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 
for kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.654 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message Processor 
2> tid=0x1535] Member at kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 gracefully left the 
distributed cache: shutdown message received

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.654 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] Member at kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 gracefully left 
the distributed cache: shutdown message received

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.754 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Now closing distribution for kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.754 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Stopping membership services

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.754 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor server socket is closed in stopServices().

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.754 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 for 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.754 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x16a3] GMSHealthMonitor server thread exiting

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.755 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor serverSocketExecutor is terminated

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.755 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-64167> 
tid=0x151c] received leave request from kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 for 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.758 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] DistributionManager stopped in 105ms.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.758 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Marking DistributionManager kuwait(9394)<ec><v308>:1025 as closed.

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.759 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 111 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.760 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.760 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.761 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GemFireCache[id = 2046044872; isClosing = true; isShutDownAll = 
false; created = Thu Jul 28 02:50:40 PDT 2016; server = false; copyOnRead = 
false; lockLease = 120; lockTimeout = 60]: Now closing.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.762 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Cache server on port 42,027 is shutting down.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.765 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Shutting down DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026. 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.766 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] received leave request from kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 
for kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.766 PDT <Pooled High Priority Message 
Processor 2> tid=0x11a] Member at kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 gracefully left 
the distributed cache: shutdown message received

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.866 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Now closing distribution for kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.866 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Stopping membership services

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.867 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor server socket is closed in stopServices().

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.867 PDT <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 
0> tid=0x1520] GMSHealthMonitor server thread exiting

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.867 PDT <unicast receiver,kuwait-49731> 
tid=0x2a] received leave request from kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 for 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.867 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] GMSHealthMonitor serverSocketExecutor is terminated

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.870 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] DistributionManager stopped in 105ms.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.870 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Marking DistributionManager kuwait(9398)<ec><v309>:1026 as closed.

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.871 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 110 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.872 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ with 0 args on 
object: "Close Client"

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.872 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] ### Close Client. ###

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.872 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.dunit.CompiledInDUnitTest$ 
with 0 args on object: "Close Client" (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.881 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.882 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.882 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.882 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.883 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.883 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.884 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.884 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.884 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.885 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.885 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.885 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.885 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.885 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.886 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.886 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownCreationStackGenerator) (took 0 ms)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.886 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_0][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.886 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_0] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.886 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_1][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.887 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_1] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.887 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_2][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.887 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_2] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.887 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
with 0 args on object: runnable(tearDownVM)

[vm_3][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.887 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[vm_3] from with 0 args on 
object: runnable(tearDownVM) (took 0 ms)

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.888 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Received method: 
 with 0 args on object: 

[locator][info 2016/07/28 02:50:40.888 PDT <RMI TCP Connection(1)-> 
tid=0x1b] Got result: null
[locator] from 
 with 0 args on object: 
 (took 0 ms)


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