
ASF GitHub Bot commented on HAWQ-1119:

Github user dyozie commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: pxf/HDFSWritablePXF.html.md.erb ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
    +title: Writing Data to HDFS
    +The PXF HDFS plug-in supports writable external tables using the 
`HdfsTextSimple` and `SequenceWritable` profiles.  You might create a writable 
table to export data from a HAWQ internal table to binary or text HDFS files.
    +Use the `HdfsTextSimple` profile when writing text data. Use the 
`SequenceWritable` profile when dealing with binary data.
    +This section describes how to use these PXF profiles to create writable 
external tables.
    +**Note**: Tables that you create with writable profiles can only be used 
for INSERT operations.  If you want to query inserted data, you must define a 
separate external readable table that references the new HDFS file using the 
equivalent readable profile.  ??You can also create a Hive table to access the 
HDFS file.??
    +## <a id="pxfwrite_prereq"></a>Prerequisites
    +Before working with HDFS file data using HAWQ and PXF, ensure that:
    +-   The HDFS plug-in is installed on all cluster nodes. See [Installing 
PXF Plug-ins](InstallPXFPlugins.html) for PXF plug-in installation information.
    +-   All HDFS users have read permissions to HDFS services.
    +-   HDFS write permissions are provided to a restricted set of users.
    +## <a id="hdfsplugin_writeextdata"></a>Writing to PXF External Tables
    +The PXF HDFS plug-in supports two writable profiles: `HdfsTextSimple` and 
    +Use the following syntax to create a HAWQ external writable table 
representing HDFS data: 
    +``` sql
    +    ( <column_name> <data_type> [, ...] | LIKE <other_table> )
    +LOCATION ('pxf://<host>[:<port>]/<path-to-hdfs-file>
    +FORMAT '[TEXT|CSV|CUSTOM]' (<formatting-properties>);
    +HDFS-plug-in-specific keywords and values used in the [CREATE EXTERNAL 
TABLE](../reference/sql/CREATE-EXTERNAL-TABLE.html) call are described in the 
table below.
    +| Keyword  | Value |
    +| \<host\>[:\<port\>]    | The HDFS NameNode and port. |
    +| \<path-to-hdfs-file\>    | The path to the file in the HDFS data store. |
    +| PROFILE    | The `PROFILE` keyword must specify one of the values 
`HdfsTextSimple` or `SequenceWritable`. |
    +| \<custom-option\>  | \<custom-option\> is profile-specific. These 
options are discussed in the next topic.|
    +| FORMAT 'TEXT' | Use '`TEXT`' `FORMAT` with the `HdfsTextSimple` profile 
to create a plain-text-delimited file at the location specified by 
\<path-to-hdfs-file\>. The `HdfsTextSimple` '`TEXT`' `FORMAT` supports only the 
built-in `(delimiter=<delim>)` \<formatting-property\>. |
    +| FORMAT 'CSV' | Use '`CSV`' `FORMAT` with the `HdfsTextSimple` profile to 
create a comma-separated-value file at the location specified by 
\<path-to-hdfs-file\>.  |
    +| FORMAT 'CUSTOM' | Use the `'CUSTOM'` `FORMAT` with the 
`SequenceWritable` profile. The `SequenceWritable` '`CUSTOM`' `FORMAT` supports 
only the built-in `(formatter='pxfwritable_export)` (write) and 
`(formatter='pxfwritable_import)` (read) \<formatting-properties\>.
    +**Note**: When creating PXF external tables, you cannot use the `HEADER` 
option in your `FORMAT` specification.
    +## <a id="profile_hdfstextsimple"></a>Custom Options
    +The `HdfsTextSimple` and `SequenceWritable` profiles support the following 
custom options:
    +| Option  | Value Description | Profile |
    +| COMPRESSION_CODEC    | The compression codec Java class name. If this 
option is not provided, no data compression is performed. Supported compression 
codecs include: `org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec` and 
`org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec` | HdfsTextSimple, SequenceWritable |
    +|    |  `org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec` | HdfsTextSimple |
    +| COMPRESSION_TYPE    | The compression type to employ; supported values 
are `RECORD` (the default) or `BLOCK`. | HdfsTextSimple, SequenceWritable |
    +| DATA-SCHEMA    | The name of the writer serialization/deserialization 
class. The jar file in which this class resides must be in the PXF class path. 
This option is required for the `SequenceWritable` profile and has no default 
value. | SequenceWritable|
    +| THREAD-SAFE | Boolean value determining if a table query can run in 
multi-threaded mode. The default value is `TRUE`. Set this option to `FALSE` to 
handle all requests in a single thread for operations that are not thread-safe 
(for example, compression). | HdfsTextSimple, SequenceWritable| 
    +## <a id="profile_hdfstextsimple"></a>HdfsTextSimple Profile
    +Use the `HdfsTextSimple` profile when writing delimited data to a plain 
text file where each row is a single record.
    +Writable tables created using the `HdfsTextSimple` profile can optionally 
use record or block compression. The following compression codecs are supported:
    +- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec
    +- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec
    +- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec
    +The `HdfsTextSimple` profile supports the following 
    +| Keyword  | Value |
    +| delimiter    | The delimiter character to use when writing the file. 
Default value is a comma `,`.|
    +### <a id="profile_hdfstextsimple_writing"></a>Example: Writing Data Using 
the HdfsTextSimple Profile
    +This example uses the data schema introduced in [Example: Using the 
HdfsTextSimple Profile] (HDFSFileDataPXF.html#profile_hdfstextsimple_query):
    +| Field Name  | Data Type |
    +| location | text |
    +| month | text |
    +| number\_of\_orders | int |
    +| total\_sales | float8 |
    +The example also uses the HAWQ table `pxf_hdfs_textsimple` created in that 
exercise and expects it to exist.
    +Perform the following operations to use the PXF `HdfsTextSimple` profile 
to create a HAWQ writable external table with the same data schema as defined 
above. You will also create a separate external readable table to read the 
associated HDFS file.
    +1. Create a writable HAWQ external table with the data schema described 
above. Write to the HDFS file 
`/data/pxf_examples/pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple1`. Create the table specifying 
a comma `,` as the delimiter:
    +    ``` sql
pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales 
    +                LOCATION 
    +              FORMAT 'TEXT' (delimiter=E',');
    +    ```
    +    The `FORMAT` subclause `delimiter` value is specified as the single 
ascii comma character `,`. `E` escapes the character.
    +2. Write a few records to the `pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple1` HDFS file by 
invoking the SQL `INSERT` command on `pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1`:
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# INSERT INTO pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1 VALUES ( 'Frankfurt', 
'Mar', 777, 3956.98 );
    +    gpadmin=# INSERT INTO pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1 VALUES ( 'Cleveland', 
'Oct', 3812, 96645.37 );
    +    ```
    +3. Insert the contents of the `pxf_hdfs_textsimple` table created in 
[Example: Using the HdfsTextSimple Profile] 
(HDFSFileDataPXF.html#profile_hdfstextsimple_query) into 
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# INSERT INTO pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1 SELECT * FROM 
    +    ```
    +4. View the file contents in HDFS:
    +    ``` shell
    +    $ hdfs dfs -cat /data/pxf_examples/pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple1/*
    +    Frankfurt,Mar,777,3956.98
    +    Cleveland,Oct,3812,96645.37
    +    Prague,Jan,101,4875.33
    +    Rome,Mar,87,1557.39
    +    Bangalore,May,317,8936.99
    +    Beijing,Jul,411,11600.67
    +    ```
    +    Because you specified comma `,` as the delimiter, this character is 
the field separator used in each record of the HDFS file.
    +5. Querying an external writable table is not supported in HAWQ. To query 
data from the newly-created HDFS file, create a readable external HAWQ table 
referencing the HDFS file:
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pxf_hdfs_textsimple_r1(location text, 
month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
    +                LOCATION 
    +                       FORMAT 'CSV';
    +    ```
    +    The table is created with the `'CSV'` `FORMAT` because the delimiter 
character used when creating the writable table was a comma `,`.
    +6. Query the readable external table `pxf_hdfs_textsimple_r1`:
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# SELECT * FROM pxf_hdfs_textsimple_r1;
    +    ```
    +    ``` pre
    +     location  | month | num_orders | total_sales
    +    -----------+-------+------------+-------------
    +      Frankfurt | Mar   |        777 |     3956.98
    +      Cleveland | Oct   |       3812 |    96645.37
    +      Prague    | Jan   |        101 |     4875.33
    +      Rome      | Mar   |         87 |     1557.39
    +      Bangalore | May   |        317 |     8936.99
    +      Beijing   | Jul   |        411 |    11600.67
    +    (6 rows)
    +    ```
    +    The table includes the records you individually inserted, as well as 
the full contents of the `pxf_hdfs_textsimple` table.
    +7. Create a second HAWQ external writable table, this time using Gzip 
compression and employing a colon `:` as the delimiter:
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_2 
(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
    +                LOCATION 
    +              FORMAT 'TEXT' (delimiter=E':');
    +    ```
    +8. Write a few records to the `pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple2` HDFS file by 
inserting into the `pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_2` table:
    +    ``` sql
    +    gpadmin=# INSERT INTO pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_2 VALUES ( 'Frankfurt', 
'Mar', 777, 3956.98 );
    +    gpadmin=# INSERT INTO pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_2 VALUES ( 'Cleveland', 
'Oct', 3812, 96645.37 );
    +    ```
    +9. View the file contents in HDFS; use the `-text` option to `hdfs dfs` to 
view the compressed data as text:
    +    ``` shell
    +    $ hdfs dfs -text /data/pxf_examples/pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple2/*
    +    Frankfurt:Mar:777:3956.98
    +    Cleveland:Oct:3812:96645.3
    +    ```
    +    Notice that the colon `:` is the field separator in the HDFS file.
    +    As described in Step 5 above, to query data from the newly-created 
HDFS file named `pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple2`, you can create a readable 
external HAWQ table referencing this HDFS file.
    +## <a id="profile_hdfsseqwritable_using"></a>SequenceWritable Profile
    +Use the HDFS plug-in `SequenceWritable` profile when writing SequenceFile 
format files. Files of this type consist of binary key/value pairs. Sequence 
files are a common data transfer format between MapReduce jobs. 
    +SequenceFile format files can optionally use record or block compression. 
The following compression codecs are supported:
    +- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec
    +- org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec
    +When using the `SequenceWritable` profile to write a SequenceFile format 
file, you must provide the name of the Java class used to serialize/deserialize 
the data. This class will provide custom read and write methods for the fields 
in the schema associated with the data you will be writing.
    +### <a id="profile_hdfsseqwritable_writing"></a>Example: Writing Using the 
SequenceWritable Profile
    +Before creating a writable external table with the `SequenceWritable` 
profile, you will first create a Java class named `PxfExample_CustomWritable` 
that will serialize/deserialize the fields in the sample schema used in 
previous examples.
    --- End diff --
    Edit:  In this example you will create a Java class named 
PxfExample_CustomWritable that will serialize/deserialize the fields in the 
sample schema used in previous examples. You will then use this class to access 
a writable external table that uses the SequenceWritable profile, 

> create new documentation topic for PXF writable profiles
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HAWQ-1119
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HAWQ-1119
>             Project: Apache HAWQ
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Documentation
>            Reporter: Lisa Owen
>            Assignee: David Yozie
>             Fix For:
> certain profiles supported by the existing PXF plug-ins support writable 
> tables.  create some documentation content for these profiles.

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