[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15236?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=15217009#comment-15217009 ]
Appy commented on HBASE-15236: ------------------------------ Ignore the flaky tests. Ready for review ([Review board|https://reviews.apache.org/r/43873/]). Shower your comments and/or +1s. > Inconsistent cell reads over multiple bulk-loaded HFiles > -------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: HBASE-15236 > URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15236 > Project: HBase > Issue Type: Bug > Reporter: Appy > Assignee: Appy > Attachments: HBASE-15236-master-v2.patch, > HBASE-15236-master-v3.patch, HBASE-15236-master-v4.patch, > HBASE-15236-master-v5.patch, HBASE-15236-master-v6.patch, > HBASE-15236-master-v7.patch, HBASE-15236.patch, TestWithSingleHRegion.java, > tables_data.zip > > > If there are two bulkloaded hfiles in a region with same seqID, same > timestamps and duplicate keys*, get and scan may return different values for > a key. Not sure how this would happen, but one of our customer uploaded a > dataset with 2 files in a single region and both having same bulk load > timestamp. These files are small ~50M (I couldn't find any setting for max > file size that could lead to 2 files). The range of keys in two hfiles are > overlapping to some extent, but not fully (so the two files are because of > region merge). > In such a case, depending on file sizes (used in > StoreFile.Comparators.SEQ_ID), we may get different values for the same cell > (say "r", "cf:50") depending on what we call: get "r" "cf:50" or get "r" > "cf:". > To replicate this, i ran ImportTsv twice with 2 different csv files but same > timestamp (-Dimporttsv.timestamp=1). Collected two resulting hfiles in a > single directory and loaded with LoadIncrementalHFiles. Here are the commands. > {noformat} > //CSV files should be in hdfs:///user/hbase/tmp > sudo -u hbase hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv > -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,c:1,c:2,c:3,c:4,c:5,c:6 > -Dimporttsv.separator='|' -Dimporttsv.timestamp=1 > -Dimporttsv.bulk.output=hdfs:///user/hbase/1 t tmp > {noformat} > tables_data.zip contains three tables: t, t2, and t3. > To load these tables and test with them, use the attached > TestWithSingleHRegion.java. (Change ROOT_DIR and TABLE_NAME variables > appropriately) > Hfiles for table 't': > 1) 07922ac90208445883b2ddc89c424c89 : length = 1094: KVs = (c:5, 55) (c:6, 66) > 2) 143137fa4fa84625b4e8d1d84a494f08 : length = 1192: KVs = (c:1, 1) (c:2, 2) > (c:3, 3) (c:4, 4) (c:5, 5) (c:6, 6) > Get returns 5 where as Scan returns 55. > On the other hand if I make the first hfile, the one with values 55 and 66 > bigger in size than second hfile, then: > Get returns 55 where as Scan returns 55. > This can be seen in table 't2'. > Weird things: > 1. Get consistently returns values from larger hfile. > 2. Scan consistently returns 55. > Reason: > Explanation 1: We add StoreFileScanners to heap by iterating over list of > store files which is kept sorted in DefaultStoreFileManger using > StoreFile.Comparators.SEQ_ID. It sorts the file first by increasing seq id, > then by decreasing filesize. So our larger files sizes are always in the > start. > Explanation 2: In KeyValueHeap.next(), if both current and this.heap.peek() > scanners (type is StoreFileScanner in this case) point to KVs which compare > as equal, we put back the current scanner into heap, and call pollRealKV() to > get new one. While inserting, KVScannerComparator is used which compares the > two (one already in heap and the one being inserted) as equal and inserts it > after the existing one. \[1\] > Say s1 is scanner over first hfile and s2 over second. > 1. We scan with s2 to get values 1, 2, 3, 4 > 2. see that both scanners have c:5 as next key, put current scanner s2 back > in heap, take s1 out > 4. return 55, advance s1 to key c:6 > 5. compare c:6 to c:5, put back s2 in heap since it has larger key, take out > s1 > 6. ignore it's value (there is code for that too), advance s2 to c:6 > Go back to step 2 with both scanners having c:6 as next key > This is wrong because if we add a key between c:4 and c:5 to first hfile, say > (c:44, foo) which makes s1 as the 'current' scanner when we hit step 2, then > we'll get the values - 1, 2, 3, 4, foo, 5, 6. > (try table t3) > Fix: > Assign priority ids to StoreFileScanners when inserting them into heap, > latest hfiles get higher priority, and use them in KVComparator instead of > just seq id. > \[1\] > [PriorityQueue.siftUp()|http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/6-b14/java/util/PriorityQueue.java#586] -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.4#6332)