Janos Kovacs created HIVE-27734:

             Summary: Add Icenerg's storage-partitioned join capabilities to 
Hive's [sorted-]bucket-map-join
                 Key: HIVE-27734
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-27734
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Iceberg integration
    Affects Versions: 4.0.0-alpha-2
            Reporter: Janos Kovacs

Iceberg's 'data bucketing' is implemented through its rich (function based) 
partitioning feature which helps to optimize join operations - called storage 
partitioned joins. 

spark impl.: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-37375

This feature is not yet leveraged in Hive into its bucket-map-join 
optimization, neither alone nor with Iceberg's SortOrder to 
Customers migrating from Hive table format to Iceberg format with storage 
optimized schema will experience performance degradation on large tables where 
Iceberg's gain on no-listing performance improvement is significantly smaller 
than the actual join performance over bucket-join or even sorted-bucket-join.
SET hive.query.results.cache.enabled=false;
SET hive.fetch.task.conversion = none;
SET hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin=true;
SET hive.convert.join.bucket.mapjoin.tez=true;
SET hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size=1000;
--if you are working with external table, you need this for bmj:
SET hive.disable.unsafe.external.table.operations=false;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.hivebmjt1 PURGE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.hivebmjt2 PURGE;
CREATE TABLE default.hivebmjt1 (id int, txt string) CLUSTERED BY (id) INTO 8 
CREATE TABLE default.hivebmjt2 (id int, txt string);
INSERT INTO default.hivebmjt1 VALUES 
INSERT INTO default.hivebmjt2 VALUES (1,'1'),(2,'2'),(3,'3'),(4,'4');

SELECT * FROM default.hivebmjt1 f INNER      JOIN default.hivebmjt2 d ON f.id = 
SELECT * FROM default.hivebmjt1 f LEFT OUTER JOIN default.hivebmjt2 d ON f.id = 
-- Both are optimized into BMJ

-- ICEBERG BUCKET-MAP-JOIN via Iceberg's storage-partitioned join
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.icespbmjt1 PURGE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.icespbmjt2 PURGE;
CREATE TABLE default.icespbmjt1 (txt string) PARTITIONED BY (id int) STORED BY 
CREATE TABLE default.icespbmjt2 (txt string) PARTITIONED BY (id int) STORED BY 
INSERT INTO default.icespbmjt1 VALUES ('1',1),('2',2),('3',3),('4',4);
INSERT INTO default.icespbmjt2 VALUES ('1',1),('2',2),('3',3),('4',4);

SELECT * FROM default.icespbmjt1 f INNER      JOIN default.icespbmjt2 d ON f.id 
= d.id;
SELECT * FROM default.icespbmjt1 f LEFT OUTER JOIN default.icespbmjt2 d ON f.id 
= d.id;
-- Only Map-Join optimised

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