
Peter Vary commented on HIVE-14146:

It might be confusing, but here is what the patch changes:

describe escape_comments_tbl1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|         col_name         |       data_type       |        comment        |
| col1                     | string                | a                     |
| b                        | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| p1                       | string                | a                     |
| b                        | NULL                  | NULL                  |
|                          | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| # Partition Information  | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| # col_name               | data_type             | comment               |
|                          | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| p1                       | string                | a                     |
| b                        | NULL                  | NULL                  |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|         col_name         |       data_type       |        comment        |
| col1                     | string                | a\nb                  |
| p1                       | string                | a\nb                  |
|                          | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| # Partition Information  | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| # col_name               | data_type             | comment               |
|                          | NULL                  | NULL                  |
| p1                       | string                | a\nb                  |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
col1                    string                  a                   
p1                      string                  a                   
# Partition Information          
# col_name              data_type               comment             
p1                      string                  a                   
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
col1                    string                  a                   
p1                      string                  a                   
# Partition Information          
# col_name              data_type               comment             
p1                      string                  a                   

describe formatted escape_comments_tbl1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|           col_name            |                     data_type                 
     |        comment        |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| col1                          | string                                        
     | a                     |
| b                             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Partition Information       | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| p1                            | string                                        
     | a                     |
| b                             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Detailed Table Information  | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| Database:                     | default                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Owner:                        | petervary                                     
     | NULL                  |
| CreateTime:                   | Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016                  
     | NULL                  |
| LastAccessTime:               | UNKNOWN                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Retention:                    | 0                                             
     | NULL                  |
| Location:                     | 
file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_tbl1 | NULL    
| Table Type:                   | MANAGED_TABLE                                 
     | NULL                  |
| Table Parameters:             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | comment                                       
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | transient_lastDdlTime                         
     | 1467380451            |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Storage Information         | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| SerDe Library:                | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe | NULL                  |
| InputFormat:                  | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat      
     | NULL                  |
| OutputFormat:                 | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat | NULL               
| Compressed:                   | No                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Num Buckets:                  | -1                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Bucket Columns:               | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Sort Columns:                 | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Storage Desc Params:          | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | serialization.format                          
     | 1                     |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|           col_name            |                     data_type                 
     |        comment        |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| col1                          | string                                        
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Partition Information       | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| p1                            | string                                        
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Detailed Table Information  | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| Database:                     | default                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Owner:                        | petervary                                     
     | NULL                  |
| CreateTime:                   | Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016                  
     | NULL                  |
| LastAccessTime:               | UNKNOWN                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Retention:                    | 0                                             
     | NULL                  |
| Location:                     | 
file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_tbl1 | NULL    
| Table Type:                   | MANAGED_TABLE                                 
     | NULL                  |
| Table Parameters:             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | comment                                       
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | transient_lastDdlTime                         
     | 1467380451            |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Storage Information         | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| SerDe Library:                | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe | NULL                  |
| InputFormat:                  | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat      
     | NULL                  |
| OutputFormat:                 | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat | NULL               
| Compressed:                   | No                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Num Buckets:                  | -1                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Bucket Columns:               | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Sort Columns:                 | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Storage Desc Params:          | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | serialization.format                          
     | 1                     |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
# col_name              data_type               comment             
col1                    string                  a                   
# col_name              data_type               comment             
p1                      string                  a                   
# Detailed Table Information             
Database:               default                  
Owner:                  petervary                
CreateTime:             Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016     
LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
Retention:              0                        
Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
Table Parameters:                
        comment                 a\nb                
        transient_lastDdlTime   1467380451          
# Storage Information            
SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe      
InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
Compressed:             No                       
Num Buckets:            -1                       
Bucket Columns:         []                       
Sort Columns:           []                       
Storage Desc Params:             
        serialization.format    1
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
# col_name              data_type               comment             
col1                    string                  a                   
# Partition Information          
# col_name              data_type               comment             
p1                      string                  a                   
# Detailed Table Information             
Database:               default                  
Owner:                  petervary                
CreateTime:             Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016     
LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
Retention:              0                        
Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE            
Table Parameters:                
        comment                 a                   
        transient_lastDdlTime   1467380451          
# Storage Information            
SerDe Library:          org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe      
InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
Compressed:             No                       
Num Buckets:            -1                       
Bucket Columns:         []                       
Sort Columns:           []                       
Storage Desc Params:             
        serialization.format    1                   

describe pretty escape_comments_tbl1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|         col_name         |    data_type    | comment  |
| col_name                 | data_type       | comment  |
|                          |                 |          |
| col1                     | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
| p1                       | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
|                          | NULL            | NULL     |
| # Partition Information  | NULL            | NULL     |
| col_name                 | data_type       | comment  |
|                          |                 |          |
| p1                       | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|         col_name         |    data_type    | comment  |
| col_name                 | data_type       | comment  |
|                          |                 |          |
| col1                     | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
| p1                       | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
|                          | NULL            | NULL     |
| # Partition Information  | NULL            | NULL     |
| col_name                 | data_type       | comment  |
|                          |                 |          |
| p1                       | string          | a        |
|                          |                 | b        |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
col_name        data_type       comment
col1            string          a
p1              string          a
# Partition Information          
col_name        data_type       comment
p1              string          a
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
col_name        data_type       comment
col1            string          a
p1              string          a
# Partition Information          
col_name        data_type       comment
p1              string          a

describe database escape_comments_db;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
2 rows selected (0.054 seconds)
|       db_name       |                      comment                       |  
location  | owner_name  | owner_type  | parameters  |
| escape_comments_db  | a                                                  | 
NULL       | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        |
| b                   | 
file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db | 
petervary  | USER        |             | NULL        |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|       db_name       | comment  |                      location                
      | owner_name  | owner_type  | parameters  |
| escape_comments_db  | a\nb     | 
file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db | 
petervary   | USER        |             |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
escape_comments_db      a                                
b       file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db  
petervary       USER             
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
escape_comments_db      a\nb    
petervary       USER    

describe database extended escape_comments_db;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
escape_comments_db      a                                
b       file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db  
petervary       USER             
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|       db_name       | comment  |                      location                
      | owner_name  | owner_type  | parameters  |
| escape_comments_db  | a\nb     | 
file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db | 
petervary   | USER        |             |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
escape_comments_db      a                                
b       file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_db.db  
petervary       USER             
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
escape_comments_db      a\nb    
petervary       USER    

describe formatted escape_comments_view1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|           col_name            |                     data_type                 
     |        comment        |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| col1                          | string                                        
     | a                     |
| b                             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Detailed Table Information  | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| Database:                     | default                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Owner:                        | petervary                                     
     | NULL                  |
| CreateTime:                   | Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016                  
     | NULL                  |
| LastAccessTime:               | UNKNOWN                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Retention:                    | 0                                             
     | NULL                  |
| Table Type:                   | VIRTUAL_VIEW                                  
     | NULL                  |
| Table Parameters:             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | comment                                       
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | transient_lastDdlTime                         
     | 1467380451            |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Storage Information         | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| SerDe Library:                | null                                          
     | NULL                  |
| InputFormat:                  | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat      
     | NULL                  |
| OutputFormat:                 | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat | NULL               
| Compressed:                   | No                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Num Buckets:                  | -1                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Bucket Columns:               | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Sort Columns:                 | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # View Information            | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| View Original Text:           | select col1 from escape_comments_tbl1         
     | NULL                  |
| View Expanded Text:           | SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
`default.escape_comments_view1` | NULL                  |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|           col_name            |                     data_type                 
     |        comment        |
| # col_name                    | data_type                                     
     | comment               |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| col1                          | string                                        
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Detailed Table Information  | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| Database:                     | default                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Owner:                        | petervary                                     
     | NULL                  |
| CreateTime:                   | Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016                  
     | NULL                  |
| LastAccessTime:               | UNKNOWN                                       
     | NULL                  |
| Retention:                    | 0                                             
     | NULL                  |
| Table Type:                   | VIRTUAL_VIEW                                  
     | NULL                  |
| Table Parameters:             | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
|                               | comment                                       
     | a\nb                  |
|                               | transient_lastDdlTime                         
     | 1467380451            |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # Storage Information         | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| SerDe Library:                | null                                          
     | NULL                  |
| InputFormat:                  | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat      
     | NULL                  |
| OutputFormat:                 | 
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat | NULL               
| Compressed:                   | No                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Num Buckets:                  | -1                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Bucket Columns:               | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
| Sort Columns:                 | []                                            
     | NULL                  |
|                               | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| # View Information            | NULL                                          
     | NULL                  |
| View Original Text:           | select col1 from escape_comments_tbl1         
     | NULL                  |
| View Expanded Text:           | SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
`default.escape_comments_view1` | NULL                  |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
# col_name              data_type               comment             
col1                    string                  a                   
# Detailed Table Information             
Database:               default                  
Owner:                  petervary                
CreateTime:             Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016     
LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
Retention:              0                        
Table Type:             VIRTUAL_VIEW             
Table Parameters:                
        comment                 a\nb                
        transient_lastDdlTime   1467380451          
# Storage Information            
SerDe Library:          null                     
InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
Compressed:             No                       
Num Buckets:            -1                       
Bucket Columns:         []                       
Sort Columns:           []                       
# View Information               
View Original Text:     select col1 from escape_comments_tbl1    
View Expanded Text:     SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
# col_name              data_type               comment             
col1                    string                  a                   
# Detailed Table Information             
Database:               default                  
Owner:                  petervary                
CreateTime:             Fri Jul 01 06:40:51 PDT 2016     
LastAccessTime:         UNKNOWN                  
Retention:              0                        
Table Type:             VIRTUAL_VIEW             
Table Parameters:                
        comment                 a                   
        transient_lastDdlTime   1467380451          
# Storage Information            
SerDe Library:          null                     
InputFormat:            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat         
Compressed:             No                       
Num Buckets:            -1                       
Bucket Columns:         []                       
Sort Columns:           []                       
# View Information               
View Original Text:     select col1 from escape_comments_tbl1    
View Expanded Text:     SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 

show create table escape_comments_tbl1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|                   createtab_stmt                   |
| CREATE TABLE `escape_comments_tbl1`(               |
|   `col1` string COMMENT 'a                         |
| b')                                                |
| COMMENT 'a                                         |
| b'                                                 |
| PARTITIONED BY (                                   |
|   `p1` string COMMENT 'a                           |
| b')                                                |
| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                   |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'  |
| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                              |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'       |
| OUTPUTFORMAT                                       |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' |
| LOCATION                                           |
|   'file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_tbl1' |
| TBLPROPERTIES (                                    |
|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1467380451')            |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|                   createtab_stmt                   |
| CREATE TABLE `escape_comments_tbl1`(               |
|   `col1` string COMMENT 'a\nb')                    |
| COMMENT 'a\nb'                                     |
| PARTITIONED BY (                                   |
|   `p1` string COMMENT 'a\nb')                      |
| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                   |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'  |
| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                              |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'       |
| OUTPUTFORMAT                                       |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' |
| LOCATION                                           |
|   'file:/Users/petervary/data/apache/hive/warehouse/escape_comments_tbl1' |
| TBLPROPERTIES (                                    |
|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1467380451')            |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
CREATE TABLE `escape_comments_tbl1`(
  `col1` string COMMENT 'a
  `p1` string COMMENT 'a
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
CREATE TABLE `escape_comments_tbl1`(
  `col1` string COMMENT 'a\nb')
COMMENT 'a\nb'
  `p1` string COMMENT 'a\nb')

show create table escape_comments_view1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|                   createtab_stmt                   |
| CREATE VIEW `escape_comments_view1` AS SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
`default.escape_comments_view1` |
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|                   createtab_stmt                   |
| CREATE VIEW `escape_comments_view1` AS SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
`default.escape_comments_view1` |
{noformat:title=Cli original}
CREATE VIEW `escape_comments_view1` AS SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
CREATE VIEW `escape_comments_view1` AS SELECT `col1` AS `col1` FROM (select 
`escape_comments_tbl1`.`col1` from `default`.`escape_comments_tbl1`) 

show formatted index on escape_comments_tbl1;
{noformat:title=Beeline original}
|       idx_name        |       tab_name        |       col_names       |       
       idx_tab_name               |       idx_type        |        comment      
| idx_name              | tab_name              | col_names             | 
idx_tab_name                            | idx_type              | comment       
|                       | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL  
                                  | NULL                  | NULL                
|                       | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL  
                                  | NULL                  | NULL                
| index2                | escape_comments_tbl1  | col1                  | 
default__escape_comments_tbl1_index2__  | compact               | a             
| b                     |                       | NULL                  | NULL  
                                  | NULL                  | NULL                
{noformat:title=Beeline patch}
|       idx_name        |       tab_name        |       col_names       |       
       idx_tab_name               |       idx_type        |        comment      
| idx_name              | tab_name              | col_names             | 
idx_tab_name                            | idx_type              | comment       
|                       | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL  
                                  | NULL                  | NULL                
|                       | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL  
                                  | NULL                  | NULL                
| index2                | escape_comments_tbl1  | col1                  | 
default__escape_comments_tbl1_index2__  | compact               | a\nb          
{noformat:title=Cli original}
idx_name                tab_name                col_names               
idx_tab_name            idx_type                comment             
index2                  escape_comments_tbl1    col1                    
default__escape_comments_tbl1_index2__  compact                 a
{noformat:title=Cli patch}
idx_name                tab_name                col_names               
idx_tab_name            idx_type                comment             
index2                  escape_comments_tbl1    col1                    
default__escape_comments_tbl1_index2__  compact                 a               

> Column comments with "\n" character "corrupts" table metadata
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-14146
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14146
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Beeline
>    Affects Versions: 2.2.0
>            Reporter: Peter Vary
>            Assignee: Peter Vary
>         Attachments: HIVE-14146.10.patch, HIVE-14146.2.patch, 
> HIVE-14146.3.patch, HIVE-14146.4.patch, HIVE-14146.5.patch, 
> HIVE-14146.6.patch, HIVE-14146.7.patch, HIVE-14146.8.patch, 
> HIVE-14146.9.patch, HIVE-14146.patch
> Create a table with the following(noting the \n in the COMMENT):
> {noformat}
> CREATE TABLE commtest(first_nm string COMMENT 'Indicates First name\nof an 
> individual’);
> {noformat}
> Describe shows that now the metadata is messed up:
> {noformat}
> beeline> describe commtest;
> +-------------------+------------+-----------------------+--+
> |     col_name      | data_type  |        comment        |
> +-------------------+------------+-----------------------+--+
> | first_nm             | string       | Indicates First name  |
> | of an individual  | NULL       | NULL                  |
> +-------------------+------------+-----------------------+--+
> {noformat}

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