Github user myui commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/gitbook/embedding/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
    +  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    +  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    +  distributed with this work for additional information
    +  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    +  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    +  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    +  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    +  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    +  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    +  specific language governing permissions and limitations
    +  under the License.
    +Word Embedding is a powerful tool for many tasks,
    +e.g. finding similar words,
    +feature vectors for supervised machine learning task and word analogy,
    +such as `king - man + woman =~ queen`.
    +In word embedding,
    +each word represents a low dimension and dense vector.
    +**Skip-Gram** and **Continuous Bag-of-words** (CBoW) are the most popular 
algorithms to obtain good word embeddings (a.k.a word2vec).
    +The papers introduce the method are as follows:
    +- T. Mikolov, et al., [Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases 
and Their Compositionality
 NIPS, 2013.
    +- T. Mikolov, et al., [Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in 
Vector Space]( ICLR, 2013.
    +Hivemall provides two type algorithms: Skip-gram and CBoW with negative 
    +Hivemall enables you to train your sequence data such as,
    +but not limited to, documents based on word2vec.
    +This article gives usage instructions of the feature.
    +<!-- toc -->
    +> #### Note
    +> This feature is supported from Hivemall v0.5-rc.? or later.
    +# Prepare document data
    +Assume that you already have `docs` table which contains many documents as 
string format with unique index:
    +select * FROM docs;
    +| docId | doc |
    +|:----: |:----|
    +|   0   | "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister 
on the bank ..." |
    +|  ...  | ... |
    +First, each document is split into words by tokenize function like a 
    +drop table docs_words;
    +create table docs_words as
    +  select
    +    docid,
    +    tokenize(doc, true) as words
    +  FROM
    +    docs
    +This table shows tokenized document.
    +| docId | doc |
    +|:----: |:----|
    +|   0   | ["alice", "was", "beginning", "to", "get", "very", "tired", 
"of", "sitting", "by", "her", "sister", "on", "the", "bank", ...] |
    +|  ...  | ... |
    +Then, you count frequency up per word and remove low frequency words from 
the vocabulary.
    +To remove low frequency words is optional preprocessing, but this process 
is effective to train word vector fastly.
    +set hivevar:mincount=5;
    +drop table freq;
    +create table freq as
    +  row_number() over () - 1 as wordid,
    +  word,
    +  freq
    +from (
    +  select
    +    word,
    +    COUNT(*) as freq
    +  from
    +    docs_words
    +  LATERAL VIEW explode(words) lTable as word
    +  group by
    +    word
    +) t
    +where freq >= ${mincount}
    +Hivemall's word2vec supports two type words; string and int.
    +String type tends to use huge memory during training.
    +On the other hand, int type tends to use less memory.
    +If you train on small dataset, we recommend using string type,
    +because memory usage can be ignored and HiveQL is more simple.
    +If you train on large dataset, we recommend using int type,
    +because it saves memory during training.
    +# Create sub-sampling table
    +Sub-sampling table is stored a sub-sampling probability per word.
    +The sub-sampling probability of word $$w_i$$ is computed by the following 
    +f(w_i) = \sqrt{\frac{\mathrm{sample}}{freq(w_i)/\sum freq(w)}} + 
\frac{\mathrm{sample}}{freq(w_i)/\sum freq(w)}
    +During word2vec training,
    +not sub-sampled words are ignored.
    +It works to train fastly and to consider the imbalance the rare words and 
frequent words by reducing frequent words.
    +The smaller `sample` value set,
    +the fewer words are used during training.
    +set hivevar:sample=1e-4;
    +drop table subsampling_table;
    +create table subsampling_table as
    +with stats as (
    +  select
    +    sum(freq) as numTrainWords
    +  FROM
    +    freq
    +  l.wordid,
    +  l.word,
    +  sqrt(${sample}/(l.freq/r.numTrainWords)) + 
${sample}/(l.freq/r.numTrainWords) as p
    +  freq l
    +cross join
    +  stats r
    +select * FROM subsampling_table order by p;
    +| wordid | word | p |
    +|:----: | :----: |:----:|
    +| 48645 | the  | 0.04013665|
    +| 11245 | of   | 0.052463654|
    +| 16368 | and  | 0.06555538|
    +| 61938 | 00   | 0.068162076|
    +| 19977 | in   | 0.071441144|
    +| 83599 | 0    | 0.07528994|
    +| 95017 | a    | 0.07559573|
    +| 1225  | to   | 0.07953133|
    +| 37062 | 0000 | 0.08779001|
    +| 58246 | is   | 0.09049763|
    +|  ...  | ...  |... |
    +The first row shows that 4% of `the` are used in the documents during 
    +# Delete low frequency words and high frequency words from `docs_words`
    +To reduce useless words from corpus,
    +low frequency words and high frequency words are deleted.
    +And, to avoid loading long document on memory, a  document is split into 
some sub-documents.
    +set hivevar:maxlength=1500;
    +SET hivevar:seed=31;
    +drop table train_docs;
    +create table train_docs as
    +  with docs_exploded as (
    +    select
    +      docid,
    +      word,
    +      pos % ${maxlength} as pos,
    +      pos div ${maxlength} as splitid,
    +      rand(${seed}) as rnd
    +    from
    +      docs_words LATERAL VIEW posexplode(words) t as pos, word
    +  )
    +  l.docid,
    +  -- to_ordered_list(l.word, l.pos) as words
    +  to_ordered_list(r2.wordid, l.pos) as words,
    +  docs_exploded l
    +  LEFT SEMI join freq r on (l.word = r.word)
    +  join subsampling_table r2 on (l.word = r2.word)
    +  r2.p > l.rnd
    +group by
    +  l.docid, l.splitid
    +If you store string word in `train_docs` table,
    +please replace `to_ordered_list(r2.wordid, l.pos) as words` with  
`to_ordered_list(l.word, l.pos) as words`.
    +# Create negative sampling table
    +Negative sampling is an approximate function of [softmax 
    +Here, `negative_table` is used to store word sampling probability for 
negative sampling.
    +`z` is a hyperparameter of noise distribution for negative sampling.
    +During word2vec training,
    +words sampled from this distribution are used for negative examples.
    +Noise distribution is the unigram distribution raised to the 3/4rd power.
    +p(w_i) = \frac{freq(w_i)^{\mathrm{z}}}{\sum freq(w)^{\mathrm{z}}}
    +To avoid using huge memory space for negative sampling like original 
implementation and remain to sample fastly from this distribution,
    +Hivemall uses [Alias method](
    +This method has proposed in papers below:
    +- A. J. Walker, New Fast Method for Generating Discrete Random Numbers 
with Arbitrary Frequency Distributions, in Electronics Letters 10, no. 8, pp. 
127-128, 1974.
    +- A. J. Walker, An Efficient Method for Generating Discrete Random 
Variables with General Distributions. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 
3, no. 3, pp. 253-256, 1977.
    +set hivevar:z=3/4;
    +drop table negative_table;
    +create table negative_table as
    +  collect_list(array(word, p, other)) as negative_table
    +from (
    +  select
    +    alias_table(to_map(word, negative)) as (word, p, other)
    +  from
    +    (
    +      select
    +        word,
    +        -- wordid as word,
    +        pow(freq, ${z}) as negative
    +      from
    +        freq
    +    ) t
    +) t1
    +`alias_table` function returns the records like following.
    +| word | p | other |
    +|:----: | :----: |:----:|
    +| leopold | 0.6556492 | 0000 |
    +| slep | 0.09060383 | leopold |
    +| valentinian | 0.76077825 | belarusian |
    +| slew | 0.90569097 | colin |
    +| lucien | 0.86329675 | overland |
    +| equitable | 0.7270946 | farms |
    +| insurers | 0.2367955 | israel |
    +| lucier | 0.14855136 | supplements |
    +| lieve | 0.12075222 | separatist |
    +| skyhawks | 0.14079945 | steamed |
    +| ... | ... | ... |
    +To sample negative word from this `negative_table`,
    +1. Sample record int index `i` from $$[0 \ldots 
    +2. Sample float value `r` from $$[0.0 \ldots 1.0]$$ .
    +3. If `r` < `p` of `i` th record, return `word` `i` th record, else return 
`other` of `i` th record.
    +Here, to use it in training function of word2vec, 
    +`alias_table`'s return records are stored into one list in the 
    +# Train word2vec
    +Hivemall provides `train_word2vec` function to train word vector by 
word2vec algorithms.
    +The default model is `"skipgram"`.
    +> #### Note
    +> You must pass `n` argumet to the number of words in training documents: 
`select sum(size(words)) from train_docs;`.
    +## Train Skip-Gram
    +In skip-gram model,
    +word vectors are trained to predict the nearby words.
    +For example, given a sentence like a `"alice", "was", "beginning", "to"`,
    +`"was"` vector is learnt to predict `"alice"` ,`"beginning"` and `"to"`.
    +select sum(size(words)) from train_docs;
    +set hivevar:n=418953; -- previous query return value
    +drop table skipgram;
    +create table skipgram as
    +  train_word2vec(
    +    r.negative_table,
    +    l.words,
    +    "-n ${n} -win 5 -neg 15 -iter 5 -dim 100 -model skipgram"
    +  )
    +  train_docs l
    +  cross join negative_table r
    +When word is treated as int istead of string,
    +you may need to transform wordid of int to word of string by `join` 
    +drop table skipgram;
    +create table skipgram as
    +  r.word, t.i, t.wi
    +from (
    +  select
    +    train_word2vec(
    +      r.negative_table,
    +      l.wordsint,
    +      "-n 418953 -win 5 -neg 15 -iter 5"
    --- End diff --
    `-n 418953` should be `-n ${n}`


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