aokolnychyi commented on code in PR #9251:

@@ -474,68 +420,64 @@ private Collection<DeleteFile> loadDeleteFiles() {
     DeleteFileIndex build() {
       Iterable<DeleteFile> files = deleteFiles != null ? filterDeleteFiles() : 
-      boolean useColumnStatsFiltering = false;
+      EqualityDeletes globalDeletes = new EqualityDeletes();
+      PartitionMap<EqualityDeletes> eqDeletesByPartition = 
+      PartitionMap<PositionDeletes> posDeletesByPartition = 
+      CharSequenceMap<PositionDeletes> posDeletesByPath = 
-      // build a map from (specId, partition) to delete file entries
-      Map<Integer, StructLikeWrapper> wrappersBySpecId = Maps.newHashMap();
-      ListMultimap<Pair<Integer, StructLikeWrapper>, IndexedDeleteFile> 
deleteFilesByPartition =
-          Multimaps.newListMultimap(Maps.newHashMap(), Lists::newArrayList);
       for (DeleteFile file : files) {
-        int specId = file.specId();
-        PartitionSpec spec = specsById.get(specId);
-        StructLikeWrapper wrapper =
-            wrappersBySpecId
-                .computeIfAbsent(specId, id -> 
-                .copyFor(file.partition());
-        IndexedDeleteFile indexedFile = new IndexedDeleteFile(spec, file);
-        deleteFilesByPartition.put(Pair.of(specId, wrapper), indexedFile);
-        if (!useColumnStatsFiltering) {
-          useColumnStatsFiltering = indexedFile.hasLowerAndUpperBounds();
+        switch (file.content()) {
+          case POSITION_DELETES:
+            PositionDeletes posGroup = findGroup(posDeletesByPath, 
posDeletesByPartition, file);
+            posGroup.add(file);
+            break;
+          case EQUALITY_DELETES:
+            PartitionSpec spec = specsById.get(file.specId());
+            EqualityDeleteFile eqFile = new EqualityDeleteFile(spec, file);
+            EqualityDeletes eqGroup = findGroup(globalDeletes, 
eqDeletesByPartition, eqFile);
+            eqGroup.add(eqFile);
+            break;
+          default:
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported content: " + 
         ScanMetricsUtil.indexedDeleteFile(scanMetrics, file);
-      // sort the entries in each map value by sequence number and split into 
sequence numbers and
-      // delete files lists
-      Map<Pair<Integer, StructLikeWrapper>, DeleteFileGroup> 
sortedDeletesByPartition =
-          Maps.newHashMap();
-      // also, separate out equality deletes in an unpartitioned spec that 
should be applied
-      // globally
-      DeleteFileGroup globalDeletes = null;
-      for (Pair<Integer, StructLikeWrapper> partition : 
deleteFilesByPartition.keySet()) {

Review Comment:
   Instead of doing two passes and always indexing/sorting everything, I 
switched to one pass and indexing on demand. We will load all files but index 
only those partitions that are affected by the query. This has proven to be 
highly beneficial, especially for path-based deletes. Computing equals and 
hashCode on paths is not cheap.

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