amogh-jahagirdar commented on code in PR #9298:

@@ -948,6 +950,17 @@ public static 
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier toV1TableIdentifier(
     return org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier.apply(table, 
+  static String tableUUID(org.apache.iceberg.Table table) {
+    if (table instanceof HasTableOperations) {

Review Comment:
   Sure, I'd check out that logic further and we can see what the right 
behavior is here. I still think the change that was made in #9310 is definitely 
the right fix from an API perspective (even if we decide not to use that API 
here). The main issue that was solved there was semantically the table UUID 
should be the same for the same reference.
   If we need the base table UUID for the caching logic, then maybe 
`MetadataTable` specifically can expose another API for exposing the underlying 
base table's UUID. 

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