HonahX commented on code in PR #265:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/pull/265#discussion_r1449849825

@@ -329,8 +330,46 @@ def _commit_table(self, table_request: CommitTableRequest) 
-> CommitTableRespons
             NoSuchTableError: If a table with the given identifier does not 
+            CommitFailedException: If the commit failed.
-        raise NotImplementedError
+        identifier_tuple = self.identifier_to_tuple_without_catalog(
+            tuple(table_request.identifier.namespace.root + 
+        )
+        current_table = self.load_table(identifier_tuple)
+        from_database_name, from_table_name = 
self.identifier_to_database_and_table(identifier_tuple, NoSuchTableError)
+        base_metadata = current_table.metadata
+        for requirement in table_request.requirements:
+            requirement.validate(base_metadata)
+        updated_metadata = update_table_metadata(base_metadata, 
+        if updated_metadata == base_metadata:
+            # no changes, do nothing
+            return CommitTableResponse(metadata=base_metadata, 
+        # write new metadata
+        new_metadata_version = 
self._parse_metadata_version(current_table.metadata_location) + 1
+        new_metadata_location = 
+        self._write_metadata(updated_metadata, current_table.io, 
+        with Session(self.engine) as session:
+            stmt = (
+                update(IcebergTables)
+                .where(
+                    IcebergTables.catalog_name == self.name,
+                    IcebergTables.table_namespace == from_database_name,
+                    IcebergTables.table_name == from_table_name,
+                    IcebergTables.metadata_location == 
+                )
+                .values(metadata_location=new_metadata_location, 
+            )
+            result = session.execute(stmt)
+            if result.rowcount < 1:

Review Comment:
   Thank you for the explanation! I agree that the unique constraint ensures 
it's safe to keep the condition as result.rowcount < 1. My initial point was to 
consider whether we could explicitly reflect that exactly one row is updated 
during a commit. However, now I see that changing this could introduce concerns 
regarding the clarity of the error message. Therefore, I agree that using < 1 
is the better approach here.

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