nk1506 commented on code in PR #9461:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/9461#discussion_r1449952807

@@ -166,153 +164,58 @@ protected void doRefresh() {
     refreshFromMetadataLocation(metadataLocation, metadataRefreshMaxRetries);
-  @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:CyclomaticComplexity")
   protected void doCommit(TableMetadata base, TableMetadata metadata) {
     boolean newTable = base == null;
     String newMetadataLocation = writeNewMetadataIfRequired(newTable, 
-    boolean hiveEngineEnabled = hiveEngineEnabled(metadata, conf);
-    boolean keepHiveStats = conf.getBoolean(ConfigProperties.KEEP_HIVE_STATS, 
-    CommitStatus commitStatus = CommitStatus.FAILURE;
-    boolean updateHiveTable = false;
     HiveLock lock = lockObject(metadata);
     try {
-      lock.lock();
-      Table tbl = loadHmsTable();
-      if (tbl != null) {
-        // If we try to create the table but the metadata location is already 
set, then we had a
-        // concurrent commit
-        if (newTable
-            && 
-                != null) {
-          throw new AlreadyExistsException("Table already exists: %s.%s", 
database, tableName);
-        }
-        updateHiveTable = true;
-        LOG.debug("Committing existing table: {}", fullName);
-      } else {
-        tbl =
-            newHmsTable(
-                metadata.property(HiveCatalog.HMS_TABLE_OWNER, 
-        LOG.debug("Committing new table: {}", fullName);
-      }
-      tbl.setSd(
-          HiveOperationsBase.storageDescriptor(
-              metadata, hiveEngineEnabled)); // set to pickup any schema 
-      String metadataLocation = 
       String baseMetadataLocation = base != null ? base.metadataFileLocation() 
: null;
-      if (!Objects.equals(baseMetadataLocation, metadataLocation)) {
-        throw new CommitFailedException(
-            "Cannot commit: Base metadata location '%s' is not same as the 
current table metadata location '%s' for %s.%s",
-            baseMetadataLocation, metadataLocation, database, tableName);
-      }
-      // get Iceberg props that have been removed
-      Set<String> removedProps = Collections.emptySet();
-      if (base != null) {
-        removedProps =
-            base.properties().keySet().stream()
-                .filter(key -> !metadata.properties().containsKey(key))
-                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
-      }
-      Map<String, String> summary =
-          Optional.ofNullable(metadata.currentSnapshot())
-              .map(Snapshot::summary)
-              .orElseGet(ImmutableMap::of);
-      setHmsTableParameters(
-          newMetadataLocation, tbl, metadata, removedProps, hiveEngineEnabled, 
+      commitWithLocking(
+          lock, base, metadata, baseMetadataLocation, newMetadataLocation, 
fullName, fileIO);
+    } finally {
+      lock.unlock();
+    }
-      if (!keepHiveStats) {
-        tbl.getParameters().remove(StatsSetupConst.COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE);
-      }
+    LOG.info(
+        "Committed to table {} with the new metadata location {}", fullName, 
+  }
-      lock.ensureActive();
-      try {
-        persistTable(
-            tbl, updateHiveTable, hiveLockEnabled(metadata, conf) ? null : 
-        lock.ensureActive();
-        commitStatus = CommitStatus.SUCCESS;
-      } catch (LockException le) {
-        commitStatus = CommitStatus.UNKNOWN;
-        throw new CommitStateUnknownException(
-            "Failed to heartbeat for hive lock while "
-                + "committing changes. This can lead to a concurrent commit 
attempt be able to overwrite this commit. "
-                + "Please check the commit history. If you are running into 
this issue, try reducing "
-                + "iceberg.hive.lock-heartbeat-interval-ms.",
-            le);
-      } catch (org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException e) {
-        throw new AlreadyExistsException(e, "Table already exists: %s.%s", 
database, tableName);
-      } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
-        throw new ValidationException(e, "Invalid Hive object for %s.%s", 
database, tableName);
-      } catch (CommitFailedException | CommitStateUnknownException e) {
-        throw e;
-      } catch (Throwable e) {
-        if (e.getMessage()
-            .contains(
-                "The table has been modified. The parameter value for key '"
-                    + HiveTableOperations.METADATA_LOCATION_PROP
-                    + "' is")) {
-          throw new CommitFailedException(
-              e, "The table %s.%s has been modified concurrently", database, 
-        }
-        if (e.getMessage() != null
-            && e.getMessage().contains("Table/View 'HIVE_LOCKS' does not 
exist")) {
-          throw new RuntimeException(
-              "Failed to acquire locks from metastore because the underlying 
metastore "
-                  + "table 'HIVE_LOCKS' does not exist. This can occur when 
using an embedded metastore which does not "
-                  + "support transactions. To fix this use an alternative 
-              e);
-        }
-        LOG.error(
-            "Cannot tell if commit to {}.{} succeeded, attempting to reconnect 
and check.",
-            database,
-            tableName,
-            e);
-        commitStatus = checkCommitStatus(newMetadataLocation, metadata);
-        switch (commitStatus) {
-          case SUCCESS:
-            break;
-          case FAILURE:
-            throw e;
-          case UNKNOWN:
-            throw new CommitStateUnknownException(e);
-        }
-      }
-    } catch (TException e) {
-      throw new RuntimeException(
-          String.format("Metastore operation failed for %s.%s", database, 
tableName), e);
+  @Override
+  public BaseMetastoreTableOperations.CommitStatus 
+      TableMetadata metadata, String newMetadataLocation) {
+    return MetastoreOperationsUtil.checkCommitStatus(
+        fullName,
+        newMetadataLocation,
+        metadata.properties(),
+        this::calculateCommitStatusWithUpdatedLocation);
+  }
-    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
-      throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted during commit", e);
+  @Override
+  public StorageDescriptor storageDescriptor(TableMetadata metadata, boolean 
hiveEngineEnabled) {
+    return HiveOperationsBase.storageDescriptor(
+        metadata.schema(), metadata.location(), hiveEngineEnabled);
+  }
-    } catch (LockException e) {
-      throw new CommitFailedException(e);
+  @Override
+  public Set<String> obsoleteProps(TableMetadata base, TableMetadata metadata) 
+    Set<String> obsoleteProps = Sets.newHashSet();
+    if (base != null) {
+      obsoleteProps =
+          base.properties().keySet().stream()
+              .filter(key -> !metadata.properties().containsKey(key))
+              .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+    }
-    } finally {
-      cleanupMetadataAndUnlock(commitStatus, newMetadataLocation, lock);
+    if (!conf.getBoolean(ConfigProperties.KEEP_HIVE_STATS, false)) {

Review Comment:
   All the obsolete props are being merged together now. Earlier It was being 
managed by 

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