Xuanwo commented on PR #176:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/176#issuecomment-1970337631

   > For here, I just find that this design can give users more power to custom 
and reuse something so I follow it. It's ok for me to modify it if there is a 
simpler design.
   Thank you for understanding.
   My personal approach is to develop a simple, functional API that meets the 
required features and then build upon it. Having a powerful API from the start 
makes me nervous. Adding things is easy, but removing them is much harder.
   Both designs should work well. Iceberg-rust is still in its `0.x` versions, 
allowing us to test and validate our design with real-world use cases. Perhaps 
ultimately, users don't care about this aspect at all.

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