sdd commented on code in PR #347:

@@ -0,0 +1,2255 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+use crate::expr::visitors::bound_predicate_visitor::{visit, 
+use crate::expr::{BoundPredicate, BoundReference};
+use crate::spec::{DataFile, Datum, Literal, PrimitiveLiteral};
+use crate::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use fnv::FnvHashSet;
+const IN_PREDICATE_LIMIT: usize = 200;
+const ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH: crate::Result<bool> = Ok(true);
+const ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH: crate::Result<bool> = Ok(false);
+pub(crate) struct InclusiveMetricsEvaluator<'a> {
+    data_file: &'a DataFile,
+impl<'a> InclusiveMetricsEvaluator<'a> {
+    fn new(data_file: &'a DataFile) -> Self {
+        InclusiveMetricsEvaluator { data_file }
+    }
+    /// Evaluate this `InclusiveMetricsEvaluator`'s filter predicate against 
+    /// provided [`DataFile`]'s metrics. Used by [`TableScan`] to
+    /// see if this `DataFile` contains data that could match
+    /// the scan's filter.
+    pub(crate) fn eval(
+        filter: &'a BoundPredicate,
+        data_file: &'a DataFile,
+        include_empty_files: bool,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        if !include_empty_files && data_file.record_count == 0 {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+        let mut evaluator = Self::new(data_file);
+        visit(&mut evaluator, filter)
+    }
+    fn nan_count(&self, field_id: i32) -> Option<&u64> {
+        self.data_file.nan_value_counts.get(&field_id)
+    }
+    fn null_count(&self, field_id: i32) -> Option<&u64> {
+        self.data_file.null_value_counts.get(&field_id)
+    }
+    fn value_count(&self, field_id: i32) -> Option<&u64> {
+        self.data_file.value_counts.get(&field_id)
+    }
+    fn lower_bound(&self, field_id: i32) -> Option<&Literal> {
+        self.data_file.lower_bounds.get(&field_id)
+    }
+    fn upper_bound(&self, field_id: i32) -> Option<&Literal> {
+        self.data_file.upper_bounds.get(&field_id)
+    }
+    fn contains_nans_only(&self, field_id: i32) -> bool {
+        let nan_count = self.nan_count(field_id);
+        let value_count = self.value_count(field_id);
+        nan_count.is_some() && nan_count == value_count
+    }
+    fn contains_nulls_only(&self, field_id: i32) -> bool {
+        let null_count = self.null_count(field_id);
+        let value_count = self.value_count(field_id);
+        null_count.is_some() && null_count == value_count
+    }
+    fn may_contain_null(&self, field_id: i32) -> bool {
+        if let Some(&null_count) = self.null_count(field_id) {
+            null_count > 0
+        } else {
+            true
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_inequality(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        cmp_fn: fn(&PrimitiveLiteral, &PrimitiveLiteral) -> bool,
+        use_lower_bound: bool,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) || 
self.contains_nans_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+        if datum.is_nan() {
+            // NaN indicates unreliable bounds.
+            // See the InclusiveMetricsEvaluator docs for more.
+            return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+        }
+        let bound = if use_lower_bound {
+            self.lower_bound(field_id)
+        } else {
+            self.upper_bound(field_id)
+        };
+        if let Some(bound) = bound {
+            let Literal::Primitive(bound) = bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Inequality Predicates can only compare against a 
Primitive Literal",
+                ));
+            };
+            if cmp_fn(bound, datum.literal()) {
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            }
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+    }
+impl BoundPredicateVisitor for InclusiveMetricsEvaluator<'_> {
+    type T = bool;
+    fn always_true(&mut self) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+    }
+    fn always_false(&mut self) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+    }
+    fn and(&mut self, lhs: bool, rhs: bool) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        Ok(lhs && rhs)
+    }
+    fn or(&mut self, lhs: bool, rhs: bool) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        Ok(lhs || rhs)
+    }
+    fn not(&mut self, inner: bool) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        Ok(!inner)
+    }
+    fn is_null(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        match self.null_count(field_id) {
+            Some(&0) => ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH,
+            Some(_) => ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH,
+            None => ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH,
+        }
+    }
+    fn not_null(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+    }
+    fn is_nan(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        match self.nan_count(field_id) {
+            Some(&0) => ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH,
+            _ if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) => ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH,
+            _ => ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH,
+        }
+    }
+    fn not_nan(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nans_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+    }
+    fn less_than(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        self.visit_inequality(reference, datum, PartialOrd::lt, true)
+    }
+    fn less_than_or_eq(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        self.visit_inequality(reference, datum, PartialOrd::le, true)
+    }
+    fn greater_than(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        self.visit_inequality(reference, datum, PartialOrd::gt, false)
+    }
+    fn greater_than_or_eq(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        self.visit_inequality(reference, datum, PartialOrd::ge, false)
+    }
+    fn eq(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) || 
self.contains_nans_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+        if let Some(lower_bound) = self.lower_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(lower_bound) = lower_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Eq Predicate can only compare against a Primitive 
+                ));
+            };
+            if lower_bound.is_nan() {
+                // NaN indicates unreliable bounds.
+                // See the InclusiveMetricsEvaluator docs for more.
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            } else if {
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(upper_bound) = self.upper_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(upper_bound) = upper_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Eq Predicate can only compare against a Primitive 
+                ));
+            };
+            if upper_bound.is_nan() {
+                // NaN indicates unreliable bounds.
+                // See the InclusiveMetricsEvaluator docs for more.
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            } else if {
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn not_eq(
+        &mut self,
+        _reference: &BoundReference,
+        _datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        // Because the bounds are not necessarily a min or max value,
+        // this cannot be answered using them. notEq(col, X) with (X, Y)
+        // doesn't guarantee that X is a value in col.
+    }
+    fn starts_with(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+        let PrimitiveLiteral::String(datum) = datum.literal() else {
+            return Err(Error::new(
+                ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                "Cannot use StartsWith operator on non-string values",
+            ));
+        };
+        if let Some(lower_bound) = self.lower_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::String(lower_bound)) = 
lower_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Cannot use StartsWith operator on non-string lower_bound 
+                ));
+            };
+            let prefix_length = 
+            // truncate lower bound so that its length
+            // is not greater than the length of prefix
+            let truncated_lower_bound = 
+            if datum < &truncated_lower_bound {
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(upper_bound) = self.upper_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::String(upper_bound)) = 
upper_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Cannot use StartsWith operator on non-string upper_bound 
+                ));
+            };
+            let prefix_length = 
+            // truncate upper bound so that its length
+            // is not greater than the length of prefix
+            let truncated_upper_bound = 
+            if datum > &truncated_upper_bound {
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn not_starts_with(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        datum: &Datum,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.may_contain_null(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+        }
+        // notStartsWith will match unless all values must start with the 
+        // This happens when the lower and upper bounds both start with the 
+        let PrimitiveLiteral::String(prefix) = datum.literal() else {
+            return Err(Error::new(
+                ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                "Cannot use StartsWith operator on non-string values",
+            ));
+        };
+        let Some(lower_bound) = self.lower_bound(field_id) else {
+            return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+        };
+        let Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::String(lower_bound_str)) = 
lower_bound else {
+            return Err(Error::new(
+                ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                "Cannot use NotStartsWith operator on non-string lower_bound 
+            ));
+        };
+        if lower_bound_str < prefix {
+            // if lower is shorter than the prefix then lower doesn't start 
with the prefix
+            return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+        }
+        let prefix_len = prefix.chars().count();
+        if lower_bound_str.chars().take(prefix_len).collect::<String>() == 
*prefix {
+            // lower bound matches the prefix
+            let Some(upper_bound) = self.upper_bound(field_id) else {
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            };
+            let Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::String(upper_bound)) = 
upper_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Cannot use NotStartsWith operator on non-string 
upper_bound value",
+                ));
+            };
+            // if upper is shorter than the prefix then upper can't start with 
the prefix
+            if upper_bound.chars().count() < prefix_len {
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            }
+            if upper_bound.chars().take(prefix_len).collect::<String>() == 
*prefix {
+                // both bounds match the prefix, so all rows must match the
+                // prefix and therefore do not satisfy the predicate
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn r#in(
+        &mut self,
+        reference: &BoundReference,
+        literals: &FnvHashSet<Datum>,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        let field_id = reference.field().id;
+        if self.contains_nulls_only(field_id) || 
self.contains_nans_only(field_id) {
+            return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+        }
+        if literals.len() > IN_PREDICATE_LIMIT {
+            // skip evaluating the predicate if the number of values is too big
+            return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+        }
+        if let Some(lower_bound) = self.lower_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(lower_bound) = lower_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Eq Predicate can only compare against a Primitive 
+                ));
+            };
+            if lower_bound.is_nan() {
+                // NaN indicates unreliable bounds. See the 
InclusiveMetricsEvaluator docs for more.
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            }
+            if !literals.iter().any(|datum| datum.literal().ge(lower_bound)) {
+                // if all values are less than lower bound, rows cannot match.
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(upper_bound) = self.upper_bound(field_id) {
+            let Literal::Primitive(upper_bound) = upper_bound else {
+                return Err(Error::new(
+                    ErrorKind::Unexpected,
+                    "Eq Predicate can only compare against a Primitive 
+                ));
+            };
+            if upper_bound.is_nan() {
+                // NaN indicates unreliable bounds. See the 
InclusiveMetricsEvaluator docs for more.
+                return ROWS_MIGHT_MATCH;
+            }
+            if !literals.iter().any(|datum| datum.literal().le(upper_bound)) {
+                // if all values are greater than upper bound, rows cannot 
+                return ROWS_CANNOT_MATCH;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn not_in(
+        &mut self,
+        _reference: &BoundReference,
+        _literals: &FnvHashSet<Datum>,
+        _predicate: &BoundPredicate,
+    ) -> crate::Result<bool> {
+        // Because the bounds are not necessarily a min or max value,
+        // this cannot be answered using them. notIn(col, {X, ...})
+        // with (X, Y) doesn't guarantee that X is a value in col.
+    }
+mod test {
+    use 
+    use crate::expr::PredicateOperator::{
+        Eq, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEq, In, IsNan, IsNull, LessThan, 
LessThanOrEq, NotEq, NotIn,
+        NotNan, NotNull, NotStartsWith, StartsWith,
+    };
+    use crate::expr::{
+        BinaryExpression, Bind, BoundPredicate, Predicate, Reference, 
+        UnaryExpression,
+    };
+    use crate::spec::{
+        DataContentType, DataFile, DataFileFormat, Datum, Literal, 
NestedField, PartitionField,
+        PartitionSpec, PrimitiveType, Schema, Struct, Transform, Type,
+    };
+    use fnv::FnvHashSet;
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    use std::ops::Not;
+    use std::sync::Arc;
+    const INT_MIN_VALUE: i32 = 30;
+    const INT_MAX_VALUE: i32 = 79;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_data_file_no_partitions() {
+        let (table_schema_ref, _partition_spec_ref) = 
+        let partition_filter = Predicate::AlwaysTrue
+            .bind(table_schema_ref.clone(), false)
+            .unwrap();
+        let case_sensitive = false;
+        let data_file = create_test_data_file();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&partition_filter, &data_file, 
+        assert!(result);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_all_nulls() {
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_null("all_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: no non-null value in all null column");
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&less_than("all_nulls", "a"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: LessThan on an all null column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_or_equal("all_nulls", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: LessThanOrEqual on an all null column"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than("all_nulls", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: GreaterThan on an all null column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_or_equal("all_nulls", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: GreaterThanOrEqual on an all null column"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&equal("all_nulls", "a"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: Equal on an all null column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("all_nulls", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: StartsWith on an all null column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("all_nulls", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: NotStartsWith on an all null column");
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_null("some_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with some nulls could contain a non-null value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_null("no_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with all nulls contains a non-null value"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_no_nulls() {
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_null("all_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with all nulls contains a non-null value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_null("some_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with some nulls could contain a non-null value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_null("no_nulls"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: col with no nulls can't contains a non-null value"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_is_nan() {
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("all_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true).unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with all nans must contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("some_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with some nans could contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("no_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true).unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: col with no nans can't contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("all_nulls_double"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: col with no nans can't contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("no_nan_stats"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: no guarantee col is nan-free without nan stats"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("all_nans_v1_stats"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with all nans must contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_nan("nan_and_null_only"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with nans and nulls must contain a nan value"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_not_nan() {
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_nan("all_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should read: col with all nans must contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_nan("some_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with some nans could contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_nan("no_nans"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true).unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with no nans might contains a non-nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_nan("all_nulls_double"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with no nans can't contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_nan("no_nan_stats"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: no guarantee col is nan-free without nan stats"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_nan("all_nans_v1_stats"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with all nans must contains a nan value"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_nan("nan_and_null_only"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: col with nans and nulls may contain a non-nan value"
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_required_column() {
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&not_null("required"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: required columns are always non-null");
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&is_null("required"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: required columns are always non-null");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_missing_column() {
+        let _result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&less_than("missing", "a"), 
&get_test_file_1(), true);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_missing_stats() {
+        let missing_stats_datafile = create_test_data_file();
+        let expressions = [
+            less_than_int("no_stats", 5),
+            less_than_or_equal_int("no_stats", 30),
+            equal_int("no_stats", 70),
+            greater_than_int("no_stats", 78),
+            greater_than_or_equal_int("no_stats", 90),
+            not_equal_int("no_stats", 101),
+            is_null("no_stats"),
+            not_null("no_stats"),
+            // is_nan("no_stats"),
+            // not_nan("no_stats"),
+        ];
+        for expression in expressions {
+            let result =
+                InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&expression, 
&missing_stats_datafile, true)
+                    .unwrap();
+            assert!(
+                result,
+                "Should read if stats are missing for {:?}",
+                &expression
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_zero_record_file() {
+        let zero_records_datafile = create_zero_records_data_file();
+        let expressions = [
+            less_than_int("no_stats", 5),
+            less_than_or_equal_int("no_stats", 30),
+            equal_int("no_stats", 70),
+            greater_than_int("no_stats", 78),
+            greater_than_or_equal_int("no_stats", 90),
+            not_equal_int("no_stats", 101),
+            is_null("no_stats"),
+            not_null("no_stats"),
+            // is_nan("no_stats"),
+            // not_nan("no_stats"),
+        ];
+        for expression in expressions {
+            let result =
+                InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&expression, 
&zero_records_datafile, true).unwrap();
+            assert!(
+                result,
+                "Should skip if data file has zero records (expression: {:?})",
+                &expression
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_not() {
+        // Not sure if we need a test for this, as we'd expect,
+        // as a precondition, that rewrite-not has already been applied.
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_less_than_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: not(false)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_greater_than_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: not(true)");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_and() {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+        ))
+        .and(Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 30),
+        )));
+        let bound_pred = filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&bound_pred, &get_test_file_1(), 
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: and(false, true)");
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+        ))
+        .and(Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+        )));
+        let bound_pred = filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&bound_pred, &get_test_file_1(), 
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: and(false, false)");
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThan,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+        ))
+        .and(Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE),
+        )));
+        let bound_pred = filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&bound_pred, &get_test_file_1(), 
+        assert!(result, "Should read: and(true, true)");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_or() {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+        ))
+        .or(Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 30),
+        )));
+        let bound_pred = filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&bound_pred, &get_test_file_1(), 
+        assert!(result, "Should read: or(false, true)");
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+        ))
+        .or(Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new("id"),
+            Datum::int(INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+        )));
+        let bound_pred = filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&bound_pred, &get_test_file_1(), 
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: or(false, false)");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_lt() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range below lower bound (5 < 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id range below lower bound (30 is not < 30)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE + 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: one possible id");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: many possible ids");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_lt_eq() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range below lower bound (5 < 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range below lower bound (29 < 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: one possible id");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &less_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: many possible ids");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_gt() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 6),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range above upper bound (85 > 79)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id range above upper bound (79 is not > 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE - 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: one possible id");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE - 4),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: many possible ids");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_gt_eq() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 6),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range above upper bound (85 < 79)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id range above upper bound (80 > 79)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: one possible id");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &greater_than_or_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE - 4),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: many possible ids");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_eq() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE - 4),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id between lower and upper bounds");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id above upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 6),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: id above upper bound");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_not_eq() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE - 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MIN_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE - 4),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id between lower and upper bounds");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id above upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_equal_int("id", INT_MAX_VALUE + 6),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id above upper bound");
+    }
+    fn test_case_insensitive_integer_not_eq_rewritten() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MIN_VALUE - 25),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MIN_VALUE - 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id below lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MIN_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to lower bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MAX_VALUE - 4),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id between lower and upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MAX_VALUE),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MAX_VALUE + 1),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id above upper bound");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &equal_int_not_case_insensitive("ID", INT_MAX_VALUE + 6),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id above upper bound");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_case_sensitive_integer_not_eq_rewritten() {
+        let _result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&equal_int_not("ID", 5), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_string_starts_with() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: no stats");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "aa"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "aaa"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "1s"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "1str1x"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "ff"),
+            &get_test_file_4(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "aB"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "dWX"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "5"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", "3str3x"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("some_empty", "房东整租霍"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range does matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("all_nulls", ""),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+        // Note: This string has been created manually by taking
+        // the string "イロハニホヘト", which is an upper bound in
+        // the datafile returned by get_test_file_4(), truncating it
+        // to four character, and then appending the "ボ" character,
+        // which occupies the next code point after the 5th
+        // character in the string above, "ホ".
+        // In the Java implementation of Iceberg, this is done by
+        // the `truncateStringMax` function, but we don't yet have
+        // this implemented in iceberg-rust.
+        let above_max = "イロハニボ";
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &starts_with("required", above_max),
+            &get_test_file_4(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: range does not match");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_string_not_starts_with() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: no stats");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "a"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "aa"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "aaa"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "1s"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "1str1x"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "ff"),
+            &get_test_file_4(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "aB"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "dWX"),
+            &get_test_file_2(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "5"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", "3str3x"),
+            &get_test_file_3(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+        let above_max = "イロハニホヘト";
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &not_starts_with("required", above_max),
+            &get_test_file_4(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: range matches");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_in() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 25, INT_MIN_VALUE - 24]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id below lower bound (5 < 30, 6 < 30)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 2, INT_MIN_VALUE - 1]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id below lower bound (28 < 30, 29 < 30)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 1, INT_MIN_VALUE]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to lower bound (30 == 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE - 4, INT_MAX_VALUE - 3]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: id between lower and upper bounds (30 < 75 < 79, 30 
< 76 < 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE, INT_MAX_VALUE + 1]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to upper bound (79 == 79)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE + 1, INT_MAX_VALUE + 2]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id above upper bound (80 > 79, 81 > 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE + 6, INT_MAX_VALUE + 7]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            !result,
+            "Should skip: id above upper bound (85 > 79, 86 > 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_str("all_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(!result, "Should skip: in on all nulls column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_str("some_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: in on some nulls column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#in_str("no_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: in on no nulls column");
+        let ids = (-400..=0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        let result =
+            InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(&r#in_int("id", &ids), 
&get_test_file_1(), true)
+                .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: number of items in In expression greater than 
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_integer_not_in() {
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 25, INT_MIN_VALUE - 24]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id below lower bound (5 < 30, 6 < 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 2, INT_MIN_VALUE - 1]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: id below lower bound (28 < 30, 29 < 30)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MIN_VALUE - 1, INT_MIN_VALUE]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to lower bound (30 == 30)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE - 4, INT_MAX_VALUE - 3]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: id between lower and upper bounds (30 < 75 < 79, 30 
< 76 < 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE, INT_MAX_VALUE + 1]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: id equal to upper bound (79 == 79)");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE + 1, INT_MAX_VALUE + 2]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: id above upper bound (80 > 79, 81 > 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_int("id", &[INT_MAX_VALUE + 6, INT_MAX_VALUE + 7]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(
+            result,
+            "Should read: id above upper bound (85 > 79, 86 > 79)"
+        );
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_str("all_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: NotIn on all nulls column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_str("some_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: NotIn on some nulls column");
+        let result = InclusiveMetricsEvaluator::eval(
+            &r#not_in_str("no_nulls", &["abc", "def"]),
+            &get_test_file_1(),
+            true,
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        assert!(result, "Should read: NotIn on no nulls column");
+    }
+    fn create_test_schema_and_partition_spec() -> (Arc<Schema>, 
Arc<PartitionSpec>) {
+        let table_schema = Schema::builder()
+            .with_fields(vec![Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                1,
+                "a",
+                Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Float),
+            ))])
+            .build()
+            .unwrap();
+        let table_schema_ref = Arc::new(table_schema);
+        let partition_spec = PartitionSpec::builder()
+            .with_spec_id(1)
+            .with_fields(vec![PartitionField::builder()
+                .source_id(1)
+                .name("a".to_string())
+                .field_id(1)
+                .transform(Transform::Identity)
+                .build()])
+            .build()
+            .unwrap();
+        let partition_spec_ref = Arc::new(partition_spec);
+        (table_schema_ref, partition_spec_ref)
+    }
+    fn not_null(reference: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Unary(UnaryExpression::new(NotNull, 
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn is_null(reference: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Unary(UnaryExpression::new(IsNull, 
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_nan(reference: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Unary(UnaryExpression::new(NotNan, 
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn is_nan(reference: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Unary(UnaryExpression::new(IsNan, 
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn less_than(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn less_than_or_equal(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn greater_than(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn greater_than_or_equal(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn equal(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            Eq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn less_than_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_less_than_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ))
+        .not();
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn less_than_or_equal_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            LessThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn greater_than_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_greater_than_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThan,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ))
+        .not();
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn greater_than_or_equal_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            GreaterThanOrEq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn equal_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            Eq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn equal_int_not(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            Eq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ))
+        .not();
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn equal_int_not_case_insensitive(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> 
BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            Eq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ))
+        .not();
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), false).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_equal_int(reference: &str, int_literal: i32) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            NotEq,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::int(int_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn starts_with(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            StartsWith,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_starts_with(reference: &str, str_literal: &str) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Binary(BinaryExpression::new(
+            NotStartsWith,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            Datum::string(str_literal),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn in_int(reference: &str, int_literals: &[i32]) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Set(SetExpression::new(
+            In,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            FnvHashSet::from_iter(int_literals.iter().map(|&lit| 
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn in_str(reference: &str, str_literals: &[&str]) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Set(SetExpression::new(
+            In,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            FnvHashSet::from_iter(str_literals.iter().map(Datum::string)),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_in_int(reference: &str, int_literals: &[i32]) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Set(SetExpression::new(
+            NotIn,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            FnvHashSet::from_iter(int_literals.iter().map(|&lit| 
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn not_in_str(reference: &str, str_literals: &[&str]) -> BoundPredicate {
+        let schema = create_test_schema();
+        let filter = Predicate::Set(SetExpression::new(
+            NotIn,
+            Reference::new(reference),
+            FnvHashSet::from_iter(str_literals.iter().map(Datum::string)),
+        ));
+        filter.bind(schema.clone(), true).unwrap()
+    }
+    fn create_test_schema() -> Arc<Schema> {
+        let table_schema = Schema::builder()
+            .with_fields(vec![
+                Arc::new(NestedField::required(
+                    1,
+                    "id",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Int),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    2,
+                    "no_stats",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Int),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::required(
+                    3,
+                    "required",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::String),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    4,
+                    "all_nulls",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::String),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    5,
+                    "some_nulls",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::String),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    6,
+                    "no_nulls",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::String),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    7,
+                    "all_nans",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Double),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    8,
+                    "some_nans",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Float),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    9,
+                    "no_nans",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Float),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    10,
+                    "all_nulls_double",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Double),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    11,
+                    "all_nans_v1_stats",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Float),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    12,
+                    "nan_and_null_only",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Double),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    13,
+                    "no_nan_stats",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::Double),
+                )),
+                Arc::new(NestedField::optional(
+                    14,
+                    "some_empty",
+                    Type::Primitive(PrimitiveType::String),
+                )),
+            ])
+            .build()
+            .unwrap();
+        Arc::new(table_schema)
+    }
+    fn create_test_data_file() -> DataFile {
+        DataFile {
+            content: DataContentType::Data,
+            file_path: "/test/path".to_string(),
+            file_format: DataFileFormat::Parquet,
+            partition: Struct::empty(),
+            record_count: 10,
+            file_size_in_bytes: 10,
+            column_sizes: Default::default(),
+            value_counts: Default::default(),
+            null_value_counts: Default::default(),
+            nan_value_counts: Default::default(),
+            lower_bounds: Default::default(),
+            upper_bounds: Default::default(),
+            key_metadata: vec![],
+            split_offsets: vec![],
+            equality_ids: vec![],
+            sort_order_id: None,
+        }
+    }
+    fn create_zero_records_data_file() -> DataFile {
+        DataFile {
+            content: DataContentType::Data,
+            file_path: "/test/path".to_string(),
+            file_format: DataFileFormat::Parquet,
+            partition: Struct::empty(),
+            record_count: 0,
+            file_size_in_bytes: 10,
+            column_sizes: Default::default(),
+            value_counts: Default::default(),
+            null_value_counts: Default::default(),
+            nan_value_counts: Default::default(),
+            lower_bounds: Default::default(),
+            upper_bounds: Default::default(),
+            key_metadata: vec![],
+            split_offsets: vec![],
+            equality_ids: vec![],
+            sort_order_id: None,
+        }
+    }
+    fn get_test_file_1() -> DataFile {
+        DataFile {
+            content: DataContentType::Data,
+            file_path: "/test/path".to_string(),
+            file_format: DataFileFormat::Parquet,
+            partition: Struct::empty(),
+            record_count: 50,
+            file_size_in_bytes: 10,
+            value_counts: HashMap::from([
+                (4, 50),
+                (5, 50),
+                (6, 50),
+                (7, 50),
+                (8, 50),
+                (9, 50),
+                (10, 50),
+                (11, 50),
+                (12, 50),
+                (13, 50),
+                (14, 50),
+            ]),
+            null_value_counts: HashMap::from([
+                (4, 50),
+                (5, 10),
+                (6, 0),
+                (10, 50),
+                (11, 0),
+                (12, 1),
+                (14, 0),
+            ]),
+            nan_value_counts: HashMap::from([(7, 50), (8, 10), (9, 0)]),
+            lower_bounds: HashMap::from([
+                (1, Literal::int(INT_MIN_VALUE)),
+                (11, Literal::float(f32::NAN)),
+                (12, Literal::double(f64::NAN)),
+                (14, Literal::string("")),
+            ]),
+            upper_bounds: HashMap::from([
+                (1, Literal::int(INT_MAX_VALUE)),
+                (11, Literal::float(f32::NAN)),
+                (12, Literal::double(f64::NAN)),
+                (14, Literal::string("房东整租霍营小区二层两居室")),
+            ]),
+            column_sizes: Default::default(),
+            key_metadata: vec![],
+            split_offsets: vec![],
+            equality_ids: vec![],
+            sort_order_id: None,
+        }
+    }
+    fn get_test_file_2() -> DataFile {
+        DataFile {
+            content: DataContentType::Data,
+            file_path: "file_2.avo".to_string(),

Review Comment:
   Oops. 😊 Will fix when I get the chance, along with the others

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