
Sergey Antonov updated IGNITE-9856:
{{Documentation for option --cache list }}in {{control.sh}} must be updated.

As reference could be used help message:
--cache subcommand allows to do the following operations:
Show information about caches, groups or sequences that match a regex:
control.sh [--host HOST_OR_IP] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password 
PASSWORD] [--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL] [--ping-timeout PING_TIMEOUT] --cache 
list regexPattern [groups|seq] [nodeId] [--output-format multi-line]

If [nodeId] is not specified, list with no defined [groups|seq], contention and 
validate_indexes commands will be broadcasted to all server nodes.
And output example:
Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
ignite-sys-cache: {Name=ignite-sys-cache, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=true, 
Mode=REPLICATED, Atomicity Mode=TRANSACTIONAL, Statistic Enabled=false, 
Management Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss 
Policy=IGNORE, Query Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=false, Listener 
Configurations=null, Load Previous Value=false, Memory Policy Name=sysMemPlc, 
Node Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, 
Read From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, 
Write Synchronization Mode=FULL_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
Backups=2147483647, Affinity Partitions=100, Affinity Exclude Neighbors=false, 
Affinity Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper, 
Rebalance Mode=SYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, 
Rebalance Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches 
Count=2, Rebalance Cache Order=-2, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction 
Policy Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, Near 
Cache Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy Factory=null, Near 
Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, Query Entities=[], Cache 
Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store Class=null, Store Factory 
Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read Through=false, Store Write 
Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, Write-Behind Enabled=false, 
Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind Frequency=5000, Write-Behind Flush 
Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous 
Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class Name=null, Writer Factory Class 
Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query Execution 
Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL Schema=null, Query 
SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum payload size for offheap 
indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}
test-default: {Name=test-default, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=false, 
Mode=PARTITIONED, Atomicity Mode=ATOMIC, Statistic Enabled=false, Management 
Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss Policy=IGNORE, Query 
Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=true, Listener Configurations=null, Load Previous 
Value=false, Memory Policy Name=null, Node 
Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, Read 
From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, Write 
Synchronization Mode=PRIMARY_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
Backups=0, Affinity Partitions=1024, Affinity Exclude Neighbors=false, Affinity 
Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper, Rebalance 
Mode=ASYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, Rebalance 
Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches Count=2, 
Rebalance Cache Order=0, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction Policy 
Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, Near Cache 
Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy Factory=null, Near 
Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, Query Entities=[], Cache 
Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store Class=null, Store Factory 
Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read Through=false, Store Write 
Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, Write-Behind Enabled=false, 
Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind Frequency=5000, Write-Behind Flush 
Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous 
Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class Name=null, Writer Factory Class 
Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query Execution 
Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL Schema=null, Query 
SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum payload size for offheap 
indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}

Output example with {{--output-format multi-line}} option:
Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
[cache = 'ignite-sys-cache']
Name: ignite-sys-cache
Group: null
Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
System: true
Statistic Enabled: false
Management Enabled: false
On-heap cache enabled: false
Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
Query Parallelism: 1
Copy On Read: false
Listener Configurations: null
Load Previous Value: false
Memory Policy Name: sysMemPlc
Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
Read From Backup: true
Topology Validator: null
Time To Live Eager Flag: true
Write Synchronization Mode: FULL_SYNC
Invalidate: false
Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
Affinity Backups: 2147483647
Affinity Partitions: 100
Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper
Rebalance Mode: SYNC
Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
Rebalance Timeout: 10000
Rebalance Delay: 0
Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
Rebalance Batches Count: 2
Rebalance Cache Order: -2
Eviction Policy Enabled: false
Eviction Policy Factory: null
Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Eviction Filter: null
Near Cache Enabled: false
Near Start Size: 0
Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Default Lock Timeout: 0
Query Entities: []
Cache Interceptor: null
Store Enabled: false
Store Class: null
Store Factory Class: null
Store Keep Binary: false
Store Read Through: false
Store Write Through: false
Store Write Coalescing: true
Write-Behind Enabled: false
Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
Loader Factory Class Name: null
Writer Factory Class Name: null
Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
Query Escaped Names: false
Query SQL Schema: null
Query SQL functions: null
Query Indexed Types: null
Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
Query Metrics History Size: 0

[cache = 'test-default']
Name: test-default
Group: null
Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
System: false
Atomicity Mode: ATOMIC
Statistic Enabled: false
Management Enabled: false
On-heap cache enabled: false
Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
Query Parallelism: 1
Copy On Read: true
Listener Configurations: null
Load Previous Value: false
Memory Policy Name: null
Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
Read From Backup: true
Topology Validator: null
Time To Live Eager Flag: true
Write Synchronization Mode: PRIMARY_SYNC
Invalidate: false
Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
Affinity Backups: 0
Affinity Partitions: 1024
Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper
Rebalance Mode: ASYNC
Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
Rebalance Timeout: 10000
Rebalance Delay: 0
Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
Rebalance Batches Count: 2
Rebalance Cache Order: 0
Eviction Policy Enabled: false
Eviction Policy Factory: null
Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Eviction Filter: null
Near Cache Enabled: false
Near Start Size: 0
Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Default Lock Timeout: 0
Query Entities: []
Cache Interceptor: null
Store Enabled: false
Store Class: null
Store Factory Class: null
Store Keep Binary: false
Store Read Through: false
Store Write Through: false
Store Write Coalescing: true
Write-Behind Enabled: false
Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
Loader Factory Class Name: null
Writer Factory Class Name: null
Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
Query Escaped Names: false
Query SQL Schema: null
Query SQL functions: null
Query Indexed Types: null
Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
Query Metrics History Size: 0
Output example with {{seq --output-format multi-line}} options:
Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
[SEQ = 'testSeq2']
seqName: testSeq2
curVal: 1010

[SEQ = 'testSeq']
seqName: testSeq
curVal: 1001
Output example with {{seq}} option:
Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
[seqName=testSeq2, curVal=1010]
[seqName=testSeq, curVal=1001]
Output example with {{groups --output-format multi-line}} options:
Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
[GROUPS = 'ignite-sys-cache']
grpName: ignite-sys-cache
grpId: -2100569601
cachesCnt: 1
prim: 100
mapped: 100
backups: 2147483647
affCls: RendezvousAffinityFunction

[GROUPS = 'G100']
grpName: G100
grpId: 2163786
cachesCnt: 1
prim: 32
mapped: 32
atomicity: ATOMIC
backups: 1
affCls: RendezvousAffinityFunction

Output example with {{groups}} option:
[grpName=ignite-sys-cache, grpId=-2100569601, cachesCnt=1, prim=100, 
mapped=100, mode=REPLICATED, atomicity=TRANSACTIONAL, backups=2147483647, 
[grpName=G100, grpId=2163786, cachesCnt=1, prim=32, mapped=32, 
mode=PARTITIONED, atomicity=ATOMIC, backups=1, 

Option {{--cache config}} in {{control.sh}} must be documented.

As reference could be used help message:

List caches configuration:
    control.sh [--host HOST_OR_IP] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password 
PASSWORD]  [--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL] [--ping-timeout PING_TIMEOUT] 
--cache config cacheNameRegexPattern [--human-readable]

And output example:

Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
ignite-sys-cache: {Name=ignite-sys-cache, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=true, 
Mode=REPLICATED, Atomicity Mode=TRANSACTIONAL, Statistic Enabled=false, 
Management Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss 
Policy=IGNORE, Query Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=false, Listener 
Configurations=null, Load Previous Value=false, Memory Policy Name=sysMemPlc, 
Node Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, 
Read From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, 
Write Synchronization Mode=FULL_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
Backups=2147483647, Affinity Partitions=100, Affinity Exclude Neighbors=false, 
Affinity Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper, 
Rebalance Mode=SYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, 
Rebalance Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches 
Count=2, Rebalance Cache Order=-2, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction 
Policy Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, Near 
Cache Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy Factory=null, Near 
Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, Query Entities=[], Cache 
Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store Class=null, Store Factory 
Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read Through=false, Store Write 
Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, Write-Behind Enabled=false, 
Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind Frequency=5000, Write-Behind Flush 
Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous 
Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class Name=null, Writer Factory Class 
Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query Execution 
Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL Schema=null, Query 
SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum payload size for offheap 
indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}
test-default: {Name=test-default, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=false, 
Mode=PARTITIONED, Atomicity Mode=ATOMIC, Statistic Enabled=false, Management 
Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss Policy=IGNORE, Query 
Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=true, Listener Configurations=null, Load Previous 
Value=false, Memory Policy Name=null, Node 
Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, Read 
From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, Write 
Synchronization Mode=PRIMARY_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
Backups=0, Affinity Partitions=1024, Affinity Exclude Neighbors=false, Affinity 
Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper, Rebalance 
Mode=ASYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, Rebalance 
Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches Count=2, 
Rebalance Cache Order=0, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction Policy 
Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, Near Cache 
Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy Factory=null, Near 
Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, Query Entities=[], Cache 
Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store Class=null, Store Factory 
Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read Through=false, Store Write 
Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, Write-Behind Enabled=false, 
Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind Frequency=5000, Write-Behind Flush 
Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous 
Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class Name=null, Writer Factory Class 
Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query Execution 
Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL Schema=null, Query 
SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum payload size for offheap 
indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}


And output example with {{--human-readable}} option:

Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: santonov
[cache = 'ignite-sys-cache']
Name: ignite-sys-cache
Group: null
Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
System: true
Statistic Enabled: false
Management Enabled: false
On-heap cache enabled: false
Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
Query Parallelism: 1
Copy On Read: false
Listener Configurations: null
Load Previous Value: false
Memory Policy Name: sysMemPlc
Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
Read From Backup: true
Topology Validator: null
Time To Live Eager Flag: true
Write Synchronization Mode: FULL_SYNC
Invalidate: false
Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
Affinity Backups: 2147483647
Affinity Partitions: 100
Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper
Rebalance Mode: SYNC
Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
Rebalance Timeout: 10000
Rebalance Delay: 0
Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
Rebalance Batches Count: 2
Rebalance Cache Order: -2
Eviction Policy Enabled: false
Eviction Policy Factory: null
Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Eviction Filter: null
Near Cache Enabled: false
Near Start Size: 0
Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Default Lock Timeout: 0
Query Entities: []
Cache Interceptor: null
Store Enabled: false
Store Class: null
Store Factory Class: null
Store Keep Binary: false
Store Read Through: false
Store Write Through: false
Store Write Coalescing: true
Write-Behind Enabled: false
Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
Loader Factory Class Name: null
Writer Factory Class Name: null
Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
Query Escaped Names: false
Query SQL Schema: null
Query SQL functions: null
Query Indexed Types: null
Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
Query Metrics History Size: 0

[cache = 'test-default']
Name: test-default
Group: null
Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
System: false
Atomicity Mode: ATOMIC
Statistic Enabled: false
Management Enabled: false
On-heap cache enabled: false
Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
Query Parallelism: 1
Copy On Read: true
Listener Configurations: null
Load Previous Value: false
Memory Policy Name: null
Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
Read From Backup: true
Topology Validator: null
Time To Live Eager Flag: true
Write Synchronization Mode: PRIMARY_SYNC
Invalidate: false
Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
Affinity Backups: 0
Affinity Partitions: 1024
Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper
Rebalance Mode: ASYNC
Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
Rebalance Timeout: 10000
Rebalance Delay: 0
Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
Rebalance Batches Count: 2
Rebalance Cache Order: 0
Eviction Policy Enabled: false
Eviction Policy Factory: null
Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Eviction Filter: null
Near Cache Enabled: false
Near Start Size: 0
Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
Default Lock Timeout: 0
Query Entities: []
Cache Interceptor: null
Store Enabled: false
Store Class: null
Store Factory Class: null
Store Keep Binary: false
Store Read Through: false
Store Write Through: false
Store Write Coalescing: true
Write-Behind Enabled: false
Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
Loader Factory Class Name: null
Writer Factory Class Name: null
Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
Query Escaped Names: false
Query SQL Schema: null
Query SQL functions: null
Query Indexed Types: null
Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
Query Metrics History Size: 0

        Summary: Update documentation for control.sh --cache list  (was: Add 
documentation for control.sh --cache config)

> Update documentation for control.sh --cache list
> ------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: IGNITE-9856
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-9856
>             Project: Ignite
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: documentation
>            Reporter: Sergey Antonov
>            Assignee: Artem Budnikov
>            Priority: Major
> {{Documentation for option --cache list }}in {{control.sh}} must be updated.
> As reference could be used help message:
> {noformat}
> --cache subcommand allows to do the following operations:
> Show information about caches, groups or sequences that match a regex:
> control.sh [--host HOST_OR_IP] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password 
> PASSWORD] [--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL] [--ping-timeout PING_TIMEOUT] 
> --cache list regexPattern [groups|seq] [nodeId] [--output-format multi-line]
> If [nodeId] is not specified, list with no defined [groups|seq], contention 
> and validate_indexes commands will be broadcasted to all server nodes.
> {noformat}
> And output example:
> {noformat}
> Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
> 2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> User: santonov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ignite-sys-cache: {Name=ignite-sys-cache, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
> ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=true, 
> Mode=REPLICATED, Atomicity Mode=TRANSACTIONAL, Statistic Enabled=false, 
> Management Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss 
> Policy=IGNORE, Query Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=false, Listener 
> Configurations=null, Load Previous Value=false, Memory Policy Name=sysMemPlc, 
> Node Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, 
> Read From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, 
> Write Synchronization Mode=FULL_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
> Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
> Backups=2147483647, Affinity Partitions=100, Affinity Exclude 
> Neighbors=false, Affinity 
> Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper, Rebalance 
> Mode=SYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, Rebalance 
> Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches Count=2, 
> Rebalance Cache Order=-2, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction Policy 
> Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, Near Cache 
> Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy Factory=null, Near 
> Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, Query Entities=[], 
> Cache Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store Class=null, Store Factory 
> Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read Through=false, Store Write 
> Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, Write-Behind Enabled=false, 
> Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind Frequency=5000, Write-Behind 
> Flush Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous 
> Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class Name=null, Writer Factory Class 
> Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
> Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query 
> Execution Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL 
> Schema=null, Query SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum 
> payload size for offheap indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}
> test-default: {Name=test-default, Group=null, Dynamic Deployment 
> ID=fb381836661-93ea1b62-7e2c-449d-82f4-ede849a03e22, System=false, 
> Mode=PARTITIONED, Atomicity Mode=ATOMIC, Statistic Enabled=false, Management 
> Enabled=false, On-heap cache enabled=false, Partition Loss Policy=IGNORE, 
> Query Parallelism=1, Copy On Read=true, Listener Configurations=null, Load 
> Previous Value=false, Memory Policy Name=null, Node 
> Filter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, Read 
> From Backup=true, Topology Validator=null, Time To Live Eager Flag=true, 
> Write Synchronization Mode=PRIMARY_SYNC, Invalidate=false, Affinity 
> Function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, Affinity 
> Backups=0, Affinity Partitions=1024, Affinity Exclude Neighbors=false, 
> Affinity Mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper, 
> Rebalance Mode=ASYNC, Rebalance Batch Size=524288, Rebalance Timeout=10000, 
> Rebalance Delay=0, Time Between Rebalance Messages=0, Rebalance Batches 
> Count=2, Rebalance Cache Order=0, Eviction Policy Enabled=false, Eviction 
> Policy Factory=null, Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Eviction Filter=null, 
> Near Cache Enabled=false, Near Start Size=0, Near Eviction Policy 
> Factory=null, Near Eviction Policy Max Size=null, Default Lock Timeout=0, 
> Query Entities=[], Cache Interceptor=null, Store Enabled=false, Store 
> Class=null, Store Factory Class=null, Store Keep Binary=false, Store Read 
> Through=false, Store Write Through=false, Store Write Coalescing=true, 
> Write-Behind Enabled=false, Write-Behind Flush Size=10240, Write-Behind 
> Frequency=5000, Write-Behind Flush Threads Count=1, Write-Behind Batch 
> Size=512, Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number=500, Loader Factory Class 
> Name=null, Writer Factory Class Name=null, Expiry Policy Factory Class 
> Name=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, Query 
> Execution Time Threshold=3000, Query Escaped Names=false, Query SQL 
> Schema=null, Query SQL functions=null, Query Indexed Types=null, Maximum 
> payload size for offheap indexes=-1, Query Metrics History Size=0}
> {noformat}
> Output example with {{--output-format multi-line}} option:
> {noformat}
> Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
> 2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> User: santonov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [cache = 'ignite-sys-cache']
> Name: ignite-sys-cache
> Group: null
> Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
> System: true
> Atomicity Mode: TRANSACTIONAL
> Statistic Enabled: false
> Management Enabled: false
> On-heap cache enabled: false
> Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
> Query Parallelism: 1
> Copy On Read: false
> Listener Configurations: null
> Load Previous Value: false
> Memory Policy Name: sysMemPlc
> Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
> Read From Backup: true
> Topology Validator: null
> Time To Live Eager Flag: true
> Write Synchronization Mode: FULL_SYNC
> Invalidate: false
> Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
> Affinity Backups: 2147483647
> Affinity Partitions: 100
> Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
> Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper
> Rebalance Mode: SYNC
> Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
> Rebalance Timeout: 10000
> Rebalance Delay: 0
> Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
> Rebalance Batches Count: 2
> Rebalance Cache Order: -2
> Eviction Policy Enabled: false
> Eviction Policy Factory: null
> Eviction Policy Max Size: null
> Eviction Filter: null
> Near Cache Enabled: false
> Near Start Size: 0
> Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
> Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
> Default Lock Timeout: 0
> Query Entities: []
> Cache Interceptor: null
> Store Enabled: false
> Store Class: null
> Store Factory Class: null
> Store Keep Binary: false
> Store Read Through: false
> Store Write Through: false
> Store Write Coalescing: true
> Write-Behind Enabled: false
> Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
> Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
> Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
> Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
> Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
> Loader Factory Class Name: null
> Writer Factory Class Name: null
> Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
> javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory
> Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
> Query Escaped Names: false
> Query SQL Schema: null
> Query SQL functions: null
> Query Indexed Types: null
> Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
> Query Metrics History Size: 0
> [cache = 'test-default']
> Name: test-default
> Group: null
> Dynamic Deployment ID: 4fac2836661-bdfa6b7d-e085-418a-b578-151836bd9a2b
> System: false
> Atomicity Mode: ATOMIC
> Statistic Enabled: false
> Management Enabled: false
> On-heap cache enabled: false
> Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
> Query Parallelism: 1
> Copy On Read: true
> Listener Configurations: null
> Load Previous Value: false
> Memory Policy Name: null
> Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
> Read From Backup: true
> Topology Validator: null
> Time To Live Eager Flag: true
> Write Synchronization Mode: PRIMARY_SYNC
> Invalidate: false
> Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
> Affinity Backups: 0
> Affinity Partitions: 1024
> Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
> Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper
> Rebalance Mode: ASYNC
> Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
> Rebalance Timeout: 10000
> Rebalance Delay: 0
> Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
> Rebalance Batches Count: 2
> Rebalance Cache Order: 0
> Eviction Policy Enabled: false
> Eviction Policy Factory: null
> Eviction Policy Max Size: null
> Eviction Filter: null
> Near Cache Enabled: false
> Near Start Size: 0
> Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
> Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
> Default Lock Timeout: 0
> Query Entities: []
> Cache Interceptor: null
> Store Enabled: false
> Store Class: null
> Store Factory Class: null
> Store Keep Binary: false
> Store Read Through: false
> Store Write Through: false
> Store Write Coalescing: true
> Write-Behind Enabled: false
> Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
> Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
> Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
> Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
> Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
> Loader Factory Class Name: null
> Writer Factory Class Name: null
> Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: 
> javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory
> Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
> Query Escaped Names: false
> Query SQL Schema: null
> Query SQL functions: null
> Query Indexed Types: null
> Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
> Query Metrics History Size: 0
> {noformat}
> Output example with {{seq --output-format multi-line}} options:
> {noformat}
> Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
> 2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> User: santonov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [SEQ = 'testSeq2']
> seqName: testSeq2
> curVal: 1010
> [SEQ = 'testSeq']
> seqName: testSeq
> curVal: 1001
> {noformat}
> Output example with {{seq}} option:
> {noformat}
> Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
> 2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> User: santonov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [seqName=testSeq2, curVal=1010]
> [seqName=testSeq, curVal=1001]
> {noformat}
> Output example with {{groups --output-format multi-line}} options:
> {noformat}
> Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
> 2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> User: santonov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [GROUPS = 'ignite-sys-cache']
> grpName: ignite-sys-cache
> grpId: -2100569601
> cachesCnt: 1
> prim: 100
> mapped: 100
> atomicity: TRANSACTIONAL
> backups: 2147483647
> affCls: RendezvousAffinityFunction
> [GROUPS = 'G100']
> grpName: G100
> grpId: 2163786
> cachesCnt: 1
> prim: 32
> mapped: 32
> atomicity: ATOMIC
> backups: 1
> affCls: RendezvousAffinityFunction
> {noformat}
> Output example with {{groups}} option:
> {noformat}
> [grpName=ignite-sys-cache, grpId=-2100569601, cachesCnt=1, prim=100, 
> mapped=100, mode=REPLICATED, atomicity=TRANSACTIONAL, backups=2147483647, 
> affCls=RendezvousAffinityFunction]
> [grpName=G100, grpId=2163786, cachesCnt=1, prim=32, mapped=32, 
> mode=PARTITIONED, atomicity=ATOMIC, backups=1, 
> affCls=RendezvousAffinityFunction]
> {noformat}

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