
Benjamin Mahler reopened MESOS-1347:

Re-opening as it appears to still be flaky:

[ RUN      ] GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest.DiskUsage
Using temporary directory 
I1001 03:47:36.653859  9413 leveldb.cpp:176] Opened db in 2.065433ms
I1001 03:47:36.654671  9413 leveldb.cpp:183] Compacted db in 784728ns
I1001 03:47:36.654695  9413 leveldb.cpp:198] Created db iterator in 3540ns
I1001 03:47:36.654711  9413 leveldb.cpp:204] Seeked to beginning of db in 683ns
I1001 03:47:36.654722  9413 leveldb.cpp:273] Iterated through 0 keys in the db 
in 208ns
I1001 03:47:36.654742  9413 replica.cpp:741] Replica recovered with log 
positions 0 -> 0 with 1 holes and 0 unlearned
I1001 03:47:36.654906  9433 recover.cpp:425] Starting replica recovery
I1001 03:47:36.654992  9433 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in EMPTY status
I1001 03:47:36.655396  9429 replica.cpp:638] Replica in EMPTY status received a 
broadcasted recover request
I1001 03:47:36.655482  9437 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from a 
replica in EMPTY status
I1001 03:47:36.655678  9428 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to STARTING
I1001 03:47:36.656245  9434 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
leveldb took 494048ns
I1001 03:47:36.656272  9434 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to 
I1001 03:47:36.656352  9429 master.cpp:312] Master 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413 (proserpina.apache.org) started on
I1001 03:47:36.656388  9429 master.cpp:358] Master only allowing authenticated 
frameworks to register
I1001 03:47:36.656404  9429 master.cpp:363] Master only allowing authenticated 
slaves to register
I1001 03:47:36.656421  9429 credentials.hpp:36] Loading credentials for 
authentication from 
I1001 03:47:36.656436  9442 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in STARTING status
I1001 03:47:36.656574  9429 master.cpp:392] Authorization enabled
I1001 03:47:36.656782  9431 master.cpp:120] No whitelist given. Advertising 
offers for all slaves
I1001 03:47:36.656842  9442 replica.cpp:638] Replica in STARTING status 
received a broadcasted recover request
I1001 03:47:36.656867  9438 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:299] 
Initializing hierarchical allocator process with master : 
I1001 03:47:36.657053  9437 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from a 
replica in STARTING status
I1001 03:47:36.657254  9441 master.cpp:1241] The newly elected leader is 
master@ with id 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413
I1001 03:47:36.657279  9441 master.cpp:1254] Elected as the leading master!
I1001 03:47:36.657292  9441 master.cpp:1072] Recovering from registrar
I1001 03:47:36.657311  9440 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to VOTING
I1001 03:47:36.657403  9436 registrar.cpp:312] Recovering registrar
I1001 03:47:36.657766  9437 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
leveldb took 295743ns
I1001 03:47:36.657793  9437 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to VOTING
I1001 03:47:36.657863  9433 recover.cpp:556] Successfully joined the Paxos group
I1001 03:47:36.657943  9433 recover.cpp:440] Recover process terminated
I1001 03:47:36.658114  9432 log.cpp:656] Attempting to start the writer
I1001 03:47:36.658612  9438 replica.cpp:474] Replica received implicit promise 
request with proposal 1
I1001 03:47:36.658779  9438 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
leveldb took 141800ns
I1001 03:47:36.658797  9438 replica.cpp:342] Persisted promised to 1
I1001 03:47:36.659145  9432 coordinator.cpp:230] Coordinator attemping to fill 
missing position
I1001 03:47:36.659880  9437 replica.cpp:375] Replica received explicit promise 
request for position 0 with proposal 2
I1001 03:47:36.769940  9437 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (8 bytes) to 
leveldb took 516875ns
I1001 03:47:36.769964  9437 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
I1001 03:47:36.770449  9437 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for 
position 0
I1001 03:47:36.770480  9437 leveldb.cpp:438] Reading position from leveldb took 
I1001 03:47:36.770740  9437 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (14 bytes) to 
leveldb took 237752ns
I1001 03:47:36.770764  9437 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
I1001 03:47:36.771070  9435 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
for position 0
I1001 03:47:36.771237  9435 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
leveldb took 145713ns
I1001 03:47:36.771257  9435 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
I1001 03:47:36.771268  9435 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned NOP action at 
position 0
I1001 03:47:36.771442  9442 log.cpp:672] Writer started with ending position 0
I1001 03:47:36.772145  9437 leveldb.cpp:438] Reading position from leveldb took 
I1001 03:47:36.773732  9428 registrar.cpp:345] Successfully fetched the 
registry (0B)
I1001 03:47:36.773766  9428 registrar.cpp:421] Attempting to update the 
I1001 03:47:36.775279  9436 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 142 bytes to the 
I1001 03:47:36.775357  9438 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
write APPEND action at position 1
I1001 03:47:36.775722  9438 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for 
position 1
I1001 03:47:36.776036  9438 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (161 bytes) to 
leveldb took 288035ns
I1001 03:47:36.776054  9438 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
I1001 03:47:36.776386  9442 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
for position 1
I1001 03:47:36.776558  9442 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (163 bytes) to 
leveldb took 149245ns
I1001 03:47:36.776577  9442 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
I1001 03:47:36.776588  9442 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at 
position 1
I1001 03:47:36.776929  9428 registrar.cpp:478] Successfully updated 'registry'
I1001 03:47:36.777048  9428 registrar.cpp:371] Successfully recovered registrar
I1001 03:47:36.777078  9427 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 1
I1001 03:47:36.777173  9434 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
write TRUNCATE action at position 2
I1001 03:47:36.777166  9428 master.cpp:1099] Recovered 0 slaves from the 
Registry (104B) ; allowing 10mins for slaves to re-register
I1001 03:47:36.777612  9429 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for 
position 2
I1001 03:47:36.777926  9429 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
leveldb took 290035ns
I1001 03:47:36.777945  9429 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
I1001 03:47:36.778380  9432 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
for position 2
I1001 03:47:36.778542  9432 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (18 bytes) to 
leveldb took 140867ns
I1001 03:47:36.778574  9432 leveldb.cpp:401] Deleting ~1 keys from leveldb took 
I1001 03:47:36.778587  9432 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
I1001 03:47:36.778599  9432 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action at 
position 2
I1001 03:47:36.790099  9431 slave.cpp:169] Slave started on 
I1001 03:47:36.790130  9431 credentials.hpp:84] Loading credential for 
authentication from 
I1001 03:47:36.790243  9431 slave.cpp:276] Slave using credential for: 
I1001 03:47:36.790345  9431 slave.cpp:289] Slave resources: cpus(*):2; 
mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]
I1001 03:47:36.790429  9431 slave.cpp:317] Slave hostname: proserpina.apache.org
I1001 03:47:36.790444  9431 slave.cpp:318] Slave checkpoint: false
I1001 03:47:36.790887  9434 state.cpp:33] Recovering state from 
I1001 03:47:36.791020  9441 status_update_manager.cpp:193] Recovering status 
update manager
I1001 03:47:36.791182  9436 slave.cpp:3271] Finished recovery
I1001 03:47:36.791498  9438 slave.cpp:598] New master detected at 
I1001 03:47:36.791534  9438 slave.cpp:672] Authenticating with master 
I1001 03:47:36.791556  9436 status_update_manager.cpp:167] New master detected 
at master@
I1001 03:47:36.791595  9438 slave.cpp:645] Detecting new master
I1001 03:47:36.791604  9432 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL 
I1001 03:47:36.791746  9441 master.cpp:3737] Authenticating 
I1001 03:47:36.791833  9429 authenticator.hpp:156] Creating new server SASL 
I1001 03:47:36.791950  9431 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL authentication 
mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
I1001 03:47:36.791980  9431 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate 
with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
I1001 03:47:36.792038  9431 authenticator.hpp:262] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.792093  9431 authenticator.hpp:384] Authentication requires more 
I1001 03:47:36.792143  9431 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.792201  9431 authenticator.hpp:290] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.792220  9431 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
user: 'test-principal' realm: 'proserpina.apache.org' server FQDN: 
'proserpina.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
I1001 03:47:36.792237  9431 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
I1001 03:47:36.792253  9431 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
I1001 03:47:36.792266  9431 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
user: 'test-principal' realm: 'proserpina.apache.org' server FQDN: 
'proserpina.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
I1001 03:47:36.792276  9431 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
I1001 03:47:36.792284  9431 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
I1001 03:47:36.792299  9431 authenticator.hpp:376] Authentication success
I1001 03:47:36.792356  9429 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
I1001 03:47:36.792376  9431 master.cpp:3777] Successfully authenticated 
principal 'test-principal' at slave(80)@
I1001 03:47:36.792521  9429 slave.cpp:729] Successfully authenticated with 
master master@
I1001 03:47:36.792570  9429 slave.cpp:992] Will retry registration in 
3.961757ms if necessary
I1001 03:47:36.792639  9435 master.cpp:2930] Registering slave at 
slave(80)@ (proserpina.apache.org) with id 
I1001 03:47:36.792791  9430 registrar.cpp:421] Attempting to update the 
I1001 03:47:36.794385  9432 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 321 bytes to the 
I1001 03:47:36.794448  9442 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
write APPEND action at position 3
I1001 03:47:36.794879  9432 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for 
position 3
I1001 03:47:36.795069  9432 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (340 bytes) to 
leveldb took 168022ns
I1001 03:47:36.795089  9432 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
I1001 03:47:36.795445  9435 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
for position 3
I1001 03:47:36.795871  9435 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (342 bytes) to 
leveldb took 399601ns
I1001 03:47:36.795892  9435 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
I1001 03:47:36.795902  9435 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at 
position 3
I1001 03:47:36.796242  9440 registrar.cpp:478] Successfully updated 'registry'
I1001 03:47:36.796334  9434 master.cpp:2970] Registered slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.796357  9431 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 3
I1001 03:47:36.796362  9434 master.cpp:4180] Adding slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
(proserpina.apache.org) with cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; 
I1001 03:47:36.796418  9436 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
write TRUNCATE action at position 4
I1001 03:47:36.796800  9431 slave.cpp:992] Will retry registration in 
21.067958ms if necessary
I1001 03:47:36.871445  9431 slave.cpp:763] Registered with master 
master@; given slave ID 
I1001 03:47:36.871557  9431 slave.cpp:2345] Received ping from 
I1001 03:47:36.871706  9434 master.cpp:2906] Slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
(proserpina.apache.org) already registered, resending acknowledgement
I1001 03:47:36.871831  9431 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:442] Added slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 (proserpina.apache.org) with cpus(*):2; 
mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] (and cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] available)
I1001 03:47:36.871876  9440 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for 
position 4
I1001 03:47:36.871886  9431 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:679] Performed 
allocation for slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 in 10017ns
W1001 03:47:36.871920  9430 slave.cpp:800] Already registered with master 
I1001 03:47:36.872323  9440 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
leveldb took 422038ns
I1001 03:47:36.872346  9440 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
I1001 03:47:36.872623  9442 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
for position 4
I1001 03:47:36.872745  9442 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (18 bytes) to 
leveldb took 98969ns
I1001 03:47:36.872781  9442 leveldb.cpp:401] Deleting ~2 keys from leveldb took 
I1001 03:47:36.872795  9442 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
I1001 03:47:36.872807  9442 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action at 
position 4
I1001 03:47:36.875334  9413 sched.cpp:137] Version: 0.21.0
I1001 03:47:36.875529  9438 sched.cpp:233] New master detected at 
I1001 03:47:36.875552  9438 sched.cpp:283] Authenticating with master 
I1001 03:47:36.875627  9441 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL 
I1001 03:47:36.875756  9439 master.cpp:3737] Authenticating 
I1001 03:47:36.875836  9438 authenticator.hpp:156] Creating new server SASL 
I1001 03:47:36.875934  9437 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL authentication 
mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
I1001 03:47:36.875962  9437 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate 
with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
I1001 03:47:36.876003  9437 authenticator.hpp:262] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.876049  9437 authenticator.hpp:384] Authentication requires more 
I1001 03:47:36.876093  9437 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.876180  9434 authenticator.hpp:290] Received SASL authentication 
I1001 03:47:36.876205  9434 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
user: 'test-principal' realm: 'proserpina.apache.org' server FQDN: 
'proserpina.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
I1001 03:47:36.876216  9434 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
I1001 03:47:36.876230  9434 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
I1001 03:47:36.876241  9434 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
user: 'test-principal' realm: 'proserpina.apache.org' server FQDN: 
'proserpina.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
I1001 03:47:36.876250  9434 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
I1001 03:47:36.876258  9434 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
I1001 03:47:36.876276  9434 authenticator.hpp:376] Authentication success
I1001 03:47:36.876327  9433 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
I1001 03:47:36.876344  9434 master.cpp:3777] Successfully authenticated 
principal 'test-principal' at 
I1001 03:47:36.876502  9433 sched.cpp:357] Successfully authenticated with 
master master@
I1001 03:47:36.876531  9433 sched.cpp:476] Sending registration request to 
I1001 03:47:36.876612  9427 master.cpp:1360] Received registration request from 
I1001 03:47:36.876642  9427 master.cpp:1320] Authorizing framework principal 
'test-principal' to receive offers for role '*'
I1001 03:47:36.876834  9441 master.cpp:1419] Registering framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 at 
I1001 03:47:36.876929  9432 sched.cpp:407] Framework registered with 
I1001 03:47:36.876955  9437 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:329] Added 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.877030  9432 sched.cpp:421] Scheduler::registered took 75424ns
I1001 03:47:36.877038  9437 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:734] Offering 
cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 to framework 
I1001 03:47:36.877174  9437 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:659] Performed 
allocation for 1 slaves in 194213ns
I1001 03:47:36.877241  9439 master.hpp:868] Adding offer 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:36.877300  9439 master.cpp:3679] Sending 1 offers to framework 
I1001 03:47:36.877568  9427 sched.cpp:544] Scheduler::resourceOffers took 
I1001 03:47:36.877751  9439 master.hpp:877] Removing offer 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:36.877799  9439 master.cpp:2274] Processing reply for offers: [ 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 ] on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
(proserpina.apache.org) for framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
W1001 03:47:36.877830  9439 master.cpp:1944] Executor default for task 0 uses 
less CPUs (None) than the minimum required (0.01). Please update your executor, 
as this will be mandatory in future releases.
W1001 03:47:36.877849  9439 master.cpp:1955] Executor default for task 0 uses 
less memory (None) than the minimum required (32MB). Please update your 
executor, as this will be mandatory in future releases.
I1001 03:47:36.877864  9439 master.cpp:2357] Authorizing framework principal 
'test-principal' to launch task 0 as user 'jenkins'
I1001 03:47:36.878176  9434 master.hpp:845] Adding task 0 with resources 
cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 
I1001 03:47:36.878219  9434 master.cpp:2423] Launching task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 with resources cpus(*):2; 
mem(*):1024 on slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at 
slave(80)@ (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:36.878320  9429 slave.cpp:1023] Got assigned task 0 for framework 
I1001 03:47:36.878429  9432 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:563] Recovered 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] (total allocatable: disk(*):1024; 
ports(*):[31000-32000]) on slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 from 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.878540  9429 slave.cpp:1133] Launching task 0 for framework 
I1001 03:47:36.958345  9432 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:599] Framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 filtered slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 for 5secs
I1001 03:47:36.961282  9429 exec.cpp:132] Version: 0.21.0
I1001 03:47:36.961365  9429 slave.cpp:1246] Queuing task '0' for executor 
default of framework '20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.961370  9440 exec.cpp:182] Executor started at: 
executor(22)@ with pid 9413
I1001 03:47:36.961405  9429 slave.cpp:554] Successfully attached file 
I1001 03:47:36.961436  9429 slave.cpp:2611] Monitoring executor 'default' of 
framework '20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000' in container 
I1001 03:47:36.961498  9429 slave.cpp:1756] Got registration for executor 
'default' of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 from 
I1001 03:47:36.961591  9429 slave.cpp:1875] Flushing queued task 0 for executor 
'default' of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.961628  9433 exec.cpp:206] Executor registered on slave 
I1001 03:47:36.962927  9433 exec.cpp:218] Executor::registered took 14929ns
I1001 03:47:36.962990  9433 exec.cpp:293] Executor asked to run task '0'
I1001 03:47:36.963026  9433 exec.cpp:302] Executor::launchTask took 20934ns
I1001 03:47:36.964328  9433 exec.cpp:525] Executor sending status update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.964419  9433 slave.cpp:2109] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING 
(UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 from executor(22)@
I1001 03:47:36.964521  9431 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status 
update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.964547  9431 status_update_manager.cpp:499] Creating 
StatusUpdate stream for task 0 of framework 
I1001 03:47:36.964613  9431 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status 
update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 to 
I1001 03:47:36.964725  9430 master.cpp:3301] Forwarding status update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.964737  9433 slave.cpp:2266] Status update manager successfully 
handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) 
for task 0 of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.964758  9433 slave.cpp:2272] Sending acknowledgement for status 
update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 to 
I1001 03:47:36.964802  9430 master.cpp:3273] Status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 
a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 from slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.964870  9435 exec.cpp:339] Executor received status update 
acknowledgement a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885 for task 0 of framework 
I1001 03:47:36.964907  9438 sched.cpp:635] Scheduler::statusUpdate took 33619ns
I1001 03:47:36.965086  9430 master.cpp:2777] Forwarding status update 
acknowledgement a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885 for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 to slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.965242  9430 slave.cpp:2669] Executor 'default' of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 exited with status 0
I1001 03:47:36.965286  9436 status_update_manager.cpp:398] Received status 
update acknowledgement (UUID: a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 
of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.966593  9430 slave.cpp:2109] Handling status update TASK_LOST 
(UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 from @
I1001 03:47:36.966621  9430 slave.cpp:3989] Terminating task 0
I1001 03:47:36.966749  9430 slave.cpp:1696] Status update manager successfully 
handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: 
a8cbd148-ccc6-4d05-9501-391570d7c885) for task 0 of framework 
I1001 03:47:36.966814  9439 master.cpp:3353] Executor default of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
(proserpina.apache.org) exited with status 0
I1001 03:47:36.966853  9439 master.cpp:4514] Removing executor 'default' with 
resources  of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.966905  9427 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status 
update TASK_LOST (UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.966963  9427 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status 
update TASK_LOST (UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 to 
I1001 03:47:36.967103  9438 master.cpp:3301] Forwarding status update TASK_LOST 
(UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of framework 
I1001 03:47:36.967121  9432 slave.cpp:2266] Status update manager successfully 
handled status update TASK_LOST (UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) 
for task 0 of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:36.967178  9438 master.cpp:3273] Status update TASK_LOST (UUID: 
ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 from slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.967262  9432 sched.cpp:635] Scheduler::statusUpdate took 20007ns
I1001 03:47:36.967309  9436 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:563] Recovered 
cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 (total allocatable: disk(*):1024; 
ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024) on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 from framework 
I1001 03:47:36.967345  9432 master.cpp:4485] Removing task 0 with resources 
cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 
on slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at 
slave(80)@ (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:36.967407  9432 master.cpp:2777] Forwarding status update 
acknowledgement ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6 for task 0 of framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 to slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 at slave(80)@ 
I1001 03:47:36.967563  9430 status_update_manager.cpp:398] Received status 
update acknowledgement (UUID: ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 
of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.236191  9430 status_update_manager.cpp:530] Cleaning up status 
update stream for task 0 of framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.236281  9430 slave.cpp:1696] Status update manager successfully 
handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: 
ee90feaa-ae64-4773-a8e3-fe161724f5c6) for task 0 of framework 
I1001 03:47:39.236301  9430 slave.cpp:4028] Completing task 0
I1001 03:47:39.236313  9430 slave.cpp:2805] Cleaning up executor 'default' of 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.236425  9430 slave.cpp:2880] Cleaning up framework 
I1001 03:47:39.236428  9433 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
 for gc 1.00000336462772weeks in the future
I1001 03:47:39.236502  9432 status_update_manager.cpp:282] Closing status 
update streams for framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.236526  9433 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
 for gc 1.00000336462772weeks in the future
I1001 03:47:39.236568  9433 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
 for gc 1.00000336462772weeks in the future
I1001 03:47:39.253628  9438 slave.cpp:3126] Current usage 90.00%. Max allowed 
age: 0ns
I1001 03:47:39.253835  9435 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:734] Offering 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 to framework 
I1001 03:47:39.253962  9435 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:659] Performed 
allocation for 1 slaves in 178393ns
I1001 03:47:39.254017  9431 master.hpp:868] Adding offer 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-1 with resources disk(*):1024; 
ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:39.254076  9431 master.cpp:3679] Sending 1 offers to framework 
I1001 03:47:39.254214  9435 sched.cpp:544] Scheduler::resourceOffers took 
tests/gc_tests.cpp:675: Failure
Value of: os::exists(executorDir)
  Actual: true
Expected: false
I1001 03:47:39.273896  9431 master.cpp:767] Framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 disconnected
I1001 03:47:39.273916  9431 master.cpp:1705] Disconnecting framework 
I1001 03:47:39.273927  9431 master.cpp:1721] Deactivating framework 
I1001 03:47:39.273983  9431 master.hpp:877] Removing offer 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-1 with resources disk(*):1024; 
ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 (proserpina.apache.org)
I1001 03:47:39.274027  9428 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:405] Deactivated 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.274044  9431 master.cpp:789] Giving framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 0ns to failover
I1001 03:47:39.274149  9432 master.cpp:3549] Framework failover timeout, 
removing framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.274171  9432 master.cpp:4041] Removing framework 
I1001 03:47:39.274166  9428 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:563] Recovered 
disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 (total 
allocatable: disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024) on 
slave 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0 from framework 
I1001 03:47:39.274261  9435 slave.cpp:1429] Asked to shut down framework 
20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000 by master@
W1001 03:47:39.274288  9435 slave.cpp:1444] Cannot shut down unknown framework 
I1001 03:47:39.274303  9432 master.cpp:676] Master terminating
I1001 03:47:39.274348  9439 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:360] Removed 
framework 20141001-034736-3176252227-46678-9413-0000
I1001 03:47:39.274453  9435 slave.cpp:2430] master@ exited
W1001 03:47:39.274478  9435 slave.cpp:2433] Master disconnected! Waiting for a 
new master to be elected
F1001 03:47:39.274478  9413 logging.cpp:57] RAW: Pure virtual method called
    @     0x2af2a4894f6d  google::LogMessage::Fail()
    @     0x2af2a489c666  google::RawLog__()
    @           0x506c16  mesos::internal::tests::Cluster::Slaves::shutdown()
    @           0x7b28f4  mesos::internal::tests::MesosTest::ShutdownSlaves()
    @           0x9a4de3  
    @           0x99bf80  testing::Test::Run()
    @           0x99c05e  testing::TestInfo::Run()
    @           0x99c165  testing::TestCase::Run()
    @           0x99c408  testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()
    @           0x99c6a7  testing::UnitTest::Run()
    @           0x492c63  main
    @     0x2af2a65baec5  (unknown)
    @           0x4a1bb8  (unknown)
make[3]: *** [check-local] Aborted

This stack trace appears only in *failing* tests, when a TestContainerizer 
lives in the test's scope, but MesosTest::Shutdown was not called until the 
test exception is being handled.

> GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest.DiskUsage is flaky.
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MESOS-1347
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-1347
>             Project: Mesos
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: test
>    Affects Versions: 0.19.0
>            Reporter: Benjamin Mahler
>            Assignee: Dominic Hamon
>             Fix For: 0.19.0
> From Jenkins:
> https://builds.apache.org/job/Mesos-Ubuntu-distcheck/79/consoleFull
> {noformat}
> [ RUN      ] GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest.DiskUsage
> Using temporary directory 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_pU3Ym7'
> I0507 03:27:38.775058  5758 leveldb.cpp:174] Opened db in 44.343989ms
> I0507 03:27:38.787498  5758 leveldb.cpp:181] Compacted db in 12.411065ms
> I0507 03:27:38.787533  5758 leveldb.cpp:196] Created db iterator in 4008ns
> I0507 03:27:38.787545  5758 leveldb.cpp:202] Seeked to beginning of db in 
> 598ns
> I0507 03:27:38.787552  5758 leveldb.cpp:271] Iterated through 0 keys in the 
> db in 173ns
> I0507 03:27:38.787564  5758 replica.cpp:741] Replica recovered with log 
> positions 0 -> 0 with 1 holes and 0 unlearned
> I0507 03:27:38.787858  5777 recover.cpp:425] Starting replica recovery
> I0507 03:27:38.788352  5793 master.cpp:267] Master 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758 (hemera.apache.org) started on 
> I0507 03:27:38.788377  5793 master.cpp:304] Master only allowing 
> authenticated frameworks to register
> I0507 03:27:38.788383  5793 master.cpp:309] Master only allowing 
> authenticated slaves to register
> I0507 03:27:38.788389  5793 credentials.hpp:35] Loading credentials for 
> authentication
> I0507 03:27:38.789064  5779 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in EMPTY status
> W0507 03:27:38.789115  5793 credentials.hpp:48] Failed to stat credentials 
> file 
> 'file:///tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_pU3Ym7/credentials': 
> No such file or directory
> I0507 03:27:38.789489  5779 master.cpp:104] No whitelist given. Advertising 
> offers for all slaves
> I0507 03:27:38.789531  5778 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:301] 
> Initializing hierarchical allocator process with master : 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.791007  5788 replica.cpp:638] Replica in EMPTY status received 
> a broadcasted recover request
> I0507 03:27:38.791177  5780 master.cpp:921] The newly elected leader is 
> master@ with id 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758
> I0507 03:27:38.791198  5780 master.cpp:931] Elected as the leading master!
> I0507 03:27:38.791205  5780 master.cpp:752] Recovering from registrar
> I0507 03:27:38.791251  5796 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from 
> a replica in EMPTY status
> I0507 03:27:38.791323  5797 registrar.cpp:313] Recovering registrar
> I0507 03:27:38.792137  5795 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to 
> I0507 03:27:38.807531  5781 leveldb.cpp:304] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 15.124092ms
> I0507 03:27:38.807559  5781 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to 
> I0507 03:27:38.807621  5781 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in STARTING status
> I0507 03:27:38.809319  5799 replica.cpp:638] Replica in STARTING status 
> received a broadcasted recover request
> I0507 03:27:38.809983  5795 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from 
> a replica in STARTING status
> I0507 03:27:38.811204  5778 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to VOTING
> I0507 03:27:38.827595  5795 leveldb.cpp:304] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 16.011355ms
> I0507 03:27:38.827627  5795 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to 
> I0507 03:27:38.827683  5795 recover.cpp:556] Successfully joined the Paxos 
> group
> I0507 03:27:38.827775  5795 recover.cpp:440] Recover process terminated
> I0507 03:27:38.828966  5780 log.cpp:656] Attempting to start the writer
> I0507 03:27:38.831114  5782 replica.cpp:474] Replica received implicit 
> promise request with proposal 1
> I0507 03:27:38.847708  5782 leveldb.cpp:304] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 16.573137ms
> I0507 03:27:38.847739  5782 replica.cpp:342] Persisted promised to 1
> I0507 03:27:38.848141  5797 coordinator.cpp:230] Coordinator attemping to 
> fill missing position
> I0507 03:27:38.849684  5790 replica.cpp:375] Replica received explicit 
> promise request for position 0 with proposal 2
> I0507 03:27:38.863777  5790 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (8 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 14.076775ms
> I0507 03:27:38.863801  5790 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
> I0507 03:27:38.864915  5798 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request 
> for position 0
> I0507 03:27:38.864949  5798 leveldb.cpp:436] Reading position from leveldb 
> took 11807ns
> I0507 03:27:38.879945  5798 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (14 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 14.978446ms
> I0507 03:27:38.879976  5798 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
> I0507 03:27:38.880491  5797 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
> for position 0
> I0507 03:27:38.895969  5797 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 15.459949ms
> I0507 03:27:38.895992  5797 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
> I0507 03:27:38.896003  5797 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned NOP action at 
> position 0
> I0507 03:27:38.896411  5783 log.cpp:672] Writer started with ending position 0
> I0507 03:27:38.898058  5798 leveldb.cpp:436] Reading position from leveldb 
> took 11910ns
> I0507 03:27:38.899749  5777 registrar.cpp:346] Successfully fetched the 
> registry (0B)
> I0507 03:27:38.899766  5777 registrar.cpp:422] Attempting to update the 
> 'registry'
> I0507 03:27:38.901458  5791 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 137 bytes to 
> the log
> I0507 03:27:38.901666  5780 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
> write APPEND action at position 1
> I0507 03:27:38.902773  5783 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request 
> for position 1
> I0507 03:27:38.916127  5783 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (156 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 13.225715ms
> I0507 03:27:38.916152  5783 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
> I0507 03:27:38.916534  5790 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
> for position 1
> I0507 03:27:38.928203  5790 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (158 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 11.652434ms
> I0507 03:27:38.928225  5790 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
> I0507 03:27:38.928236  5790 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at 
> position 1
> I0507 03:27:38.928546  5790 registrar.cpp:479] Successfully updated 'registry'
> I0507 03:27:38.928642  5790 registrar.cpp:372] Successfully recovered 
> registrar
> I0507 03:27:38.929044  5783 master.cpp:779] Recovered 0 slaves from the 
> Registry (99B) ; allowing 10mins for slaves to re-register
> I0507 03:27:38.929502  5799 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 1
> I0507 03:27:38.929888  5797 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
> write TRUNCATE action at position 2
> I0507 03:27:38.930161  5781 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request 
> for position 2
> I0507 03:27:38.932977  5789 slave.cpp:140] Slave started on 
> 56)@
> I0507 03:27:38.932991  5789 credentials.hpp:35] Loading credentials for 
> authentication
> W0507 03:27:38.933567  5789 credentials.hpp:48] Failed to stat credentials 
> file 
> 'file:///tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/credential': No 
> such file or directory
> I0507 03:27:38.933585  5789 slave.cpp:230] Slave using credential for: 
> test-principal
> I0507 03:27:38.933765  5789 slave.cpp:243] Slave resources: cpus(*):2; 
> mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]
> I0507 03:27:38.933854  5789 slave.cpp:271] Slave hostname: hemera.apache.org
> I0507 03:27:38.933863  5789 slave.cpp:272] Slave checkpoint: false
> I0507 03:27:38.934239  5778 state.cpp:33] Recovering state from 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/meta'
> I0507 03:27:38.934960  5792 status_update_manager.cpp:193] Recovering status 
> update manager
> I0507 03:27:38.935123  5779 slave.cpp:2945] Finished recovery
> I0507 03:27:38.936998  5779 slave.cpp:526] New master detected at 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.937021  5779 slave.cpp:586] Authenticating with master 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.937077  5798 status_update_manager.cpp:167] New master 
> detected at master@
> I0507 03:27:38.937306 5779 slave.cpp:559] Detecting new master
> I0507 03:27:38.937335  5800 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL 
> connection
> I0507 03:27:38.938030  5778 master.cpp:2798] Authenticating 
> slave(56)@
> I0507 03:27:38.938742 5783 authenticator.hpp:148] Creating new server SASL 
> connection
> I0507 03:27:38.939312  5786 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL 
> authentication mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
> I0507 03:27:38.939340  5786 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate 
> with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
> I0507 03:27:38.939390  5786 authenticator.hpp:254] Received SASL 
> authentication start
> I0507 03:27:38.939553  5786 authenticator.hpp:342] Authentication requires 
> more steps
> I0507 03:27:38.939592  5786 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL 
> authentication step
> I0507 03:27:38.939715  5786 authenticator.hpp:282] Received SASL 
> authentication step
> I0507 03:27:38.939803  5786 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
> user: 'test-principal' realm: 'hemera.apache.org' server FQDN: 
> 'hemera.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
> I0507 03:27:38.939821 5786 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
> '*userPassword'
> I0507 03:27:38.939831  5786 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
> '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5'
> I0507 03:27:38.939841  5786 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
> user: 'test-principal' realm: 'hemera.apache.org' server FQDN: 
> 'hemera.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
> I0507 03:27:38.939851 5786 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
> '*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
> I0507 03:27:38.939857  5786 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
> '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
> I0507 03:27:38.939870  5786 authenticator.hpp:334] Authentication success
> I0507 03:27:38.939937  5786 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
> I0507 03:27:38.940016  5778 master.cpp:2838] Successfully authenticated 
> slave(56)@
> I0507 03:27:38.940449 5799 slave.cpp:643] Successfully authenticated with 
> master master@
> I0507 03:27:38.940513 5799 slave.cpp:872] Will retry registration in 
> 5.176207635secs if necessary
> I0507 03:27:38.940625  5794 master.cpp:2134] Registering slave at 
> slave(56)@ (hemera.apache.org) with id 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0
> I0507 03:27:38.940800 5796 registrar.cpp:422] Attempting to update the 
> 'registry'
> I0507 03:27:38.940850  5781 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 10.659152ms
> I0507 03:27:38.940871  5781 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
> I0507 03:27:38.941843  5788 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
> for position 2
> I0507 03:27:38.953193  5788 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (18 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 11.291343ms
> I0507 03:27:38.953258  5788 leveldb.cpp:399] Deleting ~1 keys from leveldb 
> took 33725ns
> I0507 03:27:38.953274  5788 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
> I0507 03:27:38.953282  5788 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action 
> at position 2
> I0507 03:27:38.953541  5797 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 330 bytes to 
> the log
> I0507 03:27:38.953614  5797 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
> write APPEND action at position 3
> I0507 03:27:38.954731  5789 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request 
> for position 3
> I0507 03:27:38.965240  5789 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (349 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 10.489719ms
> I0507 03:27:38.965261  5789 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
> I0507 03:27:38.966253  5780 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
> for position 3
> I0507 03:27:38.977375  5780 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (351 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 11.098798ms
> I0507 03:27:38.977408  5780 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
> I0507 03:27:38.977421  5780 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at 
> position 3
> I0507 03:27:38.977859  5792 registrar.cpp:479] Successfully updated 'registry'
> I0507 03:27:38.977926  5780 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 3
> I0507 03:27:38.978060  5792 master.cpp:2174] Registered slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.978112  5792 master.cpp:3283] Adding slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org) with cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; 
> ports(*):[31000-32000]
> I0507 03:27:38.978134  5784 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to 
> write TRUNCATE action at position 4
> I0507 03:27:38.978508  5785 slave.cpp:676] Registered with master 
> master@; given slave ID 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0
> I0507 03:27:38.978631 5786 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:444] Added 
> slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 (hemera.apache.org) with 
> cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] (and cpus(*):2; 
> mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] available)
> I0507 03:27:38.978677  5786 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:707] Performed 
> allocation for slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 in 5421ns
> I0507 03:27:38.979872  5796 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request 
> for position 4
> I0507 03:27:38.982084  5758 sched.cpp:121] Version: 0.19.0
> I0507 03:27:38.982213  5789 sched.cpp:217] New master detected at 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.982228  5789 sched.cpp:268] Authenticating with master 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.982347  5788 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL 
> connection
> I0507 03:27:38.982676  5788 master.cpp:2798] Authenticating 
> scheduler(59)@
> I0507 03:27:38.983100  5788 authenticator.hpp:148] Creating new server SASL 
> connection
> I0507 03:27:38.983294  5788 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL 
> authentication mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
> I0507 03:27:38.983312  5788 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate 
> with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
> I0507 03:27:38.983360  5788 authenticator.hpp:254] Received SASL 
> authentication start
> I0507 03:27:38.983505  5788 authenticator.hpp:342] Authentication requires 
> more steps
> I0507 03:27:38.984220  5782 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL 
> authentication step
> I0507 03:27:38.984275  5782 authenticator.hpp:282] Received SASL 
> authentication step
> I0507 03:27:38.984315  5782 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
> user: 'test-principal' realm: 'hemera.apache.org' server FQDN: 
> 'hemera.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
> I0507 03:27:38.984347 5782 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
> '*userPassword'
> I0507 03:27:38.984359  5782 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property 
> '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5'
> I0507 03:27:38.984370  5782 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for 
> user: 'test-principal' realm: 'hemera.apache.org' server FQDN: 
> 'hemera.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false 
> I0507 03:27:38.984377 5782 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
> '*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
> I0507 03:27:38.984383  5782 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property 
> '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
> I0507 03:27:38.984397  5782 authenticator.hpp:334] Authentication success
> I0507 03:27:38.984429  5782 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
> I0507 03:27:38.984469  5795 master.cpp:2838] Successfully authenticated 
> scheduler(59)@
> I0507 03:27:38.985110  5782 sched.cpp:342] Successfully authenticated with 
> master master@
> I0507 03:27:38.985133  5782 sched.cpp:461] Sending registration request to 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.985326 5795 master.cpp:980] Received registration request from 
> scheduler(59)@
> I0507 03:27:38.985357  5795 master.cpp:998] Registering framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 at scheduler(59)@
> I0507 03:27:38.985424  5795 sched.cpp:392] Framework registered with 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.985471  5792 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:331] Added 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.985610  5795 sched.cpp:406] Scheduler::registered took 36702ns
> I0507 03:27:38.985646  5792 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:751] Offering 
> cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 to framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.985954  5792 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:687] Performed 
> allocation for 1 slaves in 330895ns
> I0507 03:27:38.986001  5789 master.hpp:612] Adding offer 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; 
> disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.986090  5789 master.cpp:2747] Sending 1 offers to framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.986548  5792 sched.cpp:529] Scheduler::resourceOffers took 
> 162873ns
> I0507 03:27:38.986721  5792 master.hpp:622] Removing offer 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; 
> disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.986781  5792 master.cpp:1812] Processing reply for offers: [ 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 ] on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org) for framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.986843  5792 master.hpp:584] Adding task 0 with resources 
> cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 
> (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.986876  5792 master.cpp:2922] Launching task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 with resources cpus(*):2; 
> mem(*):1024 on slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at 
> slave(56)@ (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.986981  5795 slave.cpp:906] Got assigned task 0 for framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.987180  5795 slave.cpp:1016] Launching task 0 for framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.987203  5787 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:546] Framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 left disk(*):1024; 
> ports(*):[31000-32000] unused on slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0
> I0507 03:27:38.987287  5787 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:589] Framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 filtered slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 for 5secs
> I0507 03:27:38.991395  5795 exec.cpp:131] Version: 0.19.0
> I0507 03:27:38.991497  5779 exec.cpp:181] Executor started at: 
> executor(27)@ with pid 5758
> I0507 03:27:38.991510  5795 slave.cpp:1126] Queuing task '0' for executor 
> default of framework '20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.991566  5795 slave.cpp:487] Successfully attached file 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/slaves/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0/frameworks/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000/executors/default/runs/de776bec-2822-4bbc-befc-eec40eb5f674'
> I0507 03:27:38.991595  5795 slave.cpp:2283] Monitoring executor 'default' of 
> framework '20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000' in container 
> 'de776bec-2822-4bbc-befc-eec40eb5f674'
> I0507 03:27:38.991778  5795 slave.cpp:1599] Got registration for executor 
> 'default' of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.991874  5795 slave.cpp:1718] Flushing queued task 0 for 
> executor 'default' of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.991935  5780 exec.cpp:205] Executor registered on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0
> I0507 03:27:38.993419  5796 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (16 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 13.489998ms
> I0507 03:27:38.993449  5796 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
> I0507 03:27:38.994510  5777 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice 
> for position 4
> I0507 03:27:38.994753  5780 exec.cpp:217] Executor::registered took 14516ns
> I0507 03:27:38.994818  5780 exec.cpp:292] Executor asked to run task '0'
> I0507 03:27:38.994849  5780 exec.cpp:301] Executor::launchTask took 18872ns
> I0507 03:27:38.996703  5780 exec.cpp:524] Executor sending status update 
> TASK_RUNNING (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 of 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.996793  5780 slave.cpp:1954] Handling status update 
> TASK_RUNNING (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 of 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 from 
> executor(27)@
> I0507 03:27:38.996888  5780 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status 
> update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 
> of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.996920  5780 status_update_manager.cpp:499] Creating 
> StatusUpdate stream for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.996968  5780 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status 
> update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 
> of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 to 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:38.997189  5790 master.cpp:2450] Status update TASK_RUNNING 
> (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 from slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:38.997268  5780 slave.cpp:2071] Status update manager 
> successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 
> be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:38.997321  5797 sched.cpp:620] Scheduler::statusUpdate took 
> 77906ns
> I0507 03:27:38.997336  5780 slave.cpp:2077] Sending acknowledgement for 
> status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for 
> task 0 of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 to 
> executor(27)@
> I0507 03:27:38.998700  5797 slave.cpp:2341] Executor 'default' of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 has exited with status 0
> I0507 03:27:38.998814  5793 exec.cpp:338] Executor received status update 
> acknowledgement be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.000041  5797 slave.cpp:1954] Handling status update TASK_LOST 
> (UUID: 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 from @
> I0507 03:27:39.000063  5797 slave.cpp:3446] Terminating task 0
> I0507 03:27:39.000190  5797 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status 
> update TASK_LOST (UUID: 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.000229  5779 master.cpp:2523] Executor default of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org) has exited with status 0
> I0507 03:27:39.000341  5797 status_update_manager.cpp:398] Received status 
> update acknowledgement (UUID: be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 
> 0 of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.000385  5797 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status 
> update TASK_LOST (UUID: 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 to 
> master@
> I0507 03:27:39.000516  5791 slave.cpp:2071] Status update manager 
> successfully handled status update TASK_LOST (UUID: 
> 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.000686  5791 slave.cpp:1539] Status update manager 
> successfully handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: 
> be7346ad-e198-4b38-9252-421ff759fdee) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.000759  5795 master.cpp:2450] Status update TASK_LOST (UUID: 
> 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000 from slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 at slave(56)@ 
> (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:39.000841  5784 sched.cpp:620] Scheduler::statusUpdate took 
> 11418ns
> I0507 03:27:39.000849  5795 master.hpp:602] Removing task 0 with resources 
> cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 on slave 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 
> (hemera.apache.org)
> I0507 03:27:39.001313  5799 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:636] Recovered 
> cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024 (total allocatable: disk(*):1024; 
> ports(*):[31000-32000]; cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024) on slave 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0 from framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.002792  5778 status_update_manager.cpp:398] Received status 
> update acknowledgement (UUID: 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 
> 0 of framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.002831  5778 status_update_manager.cpp:530] Cleaning up status 
> update stream for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.002903  5778 slave.cpp:1539] Status update manager 
> successfully handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: 
> 4c8e572c-3fa7-43f3-aaf8-f82e77a70c1b) for task 0 of framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.002976  5778 slave.cpp:3470] Completing task 0
> I0507 03:27:39.002991  5778 slave.cpp:2480] Cleaning up executor 'default' of 
> framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.006098  5778 slave.cpp:2555] Cleaning up framework 
> 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.006105  5800 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/slaves/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0/frameworks/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000/executors/default/runs/de776bec-2822-4bbc-befc-eec40eb5f674'
>  for gc 1.00000000231788weeks in the future
> I0507 03:27:39.006146  5800 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/slaves/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0/frameworks/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000/executors/default'
>  for gc 1.00000000231788weeks in the future
> I0507 03:27:39.006211  5786 status_update_manager.cpp:282] Closing status 
> update streams for framework 20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000
> I0507 03:27:39.006299  5786 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling 
> '/tmp/GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest_DiskUsage_A9Pxks/slaves/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0/frameworks/20140507-032738-453759884-58462-5758-0000'
>  for gc 1.00000000231788weeks in the future
> I0507 03:27:39.010058  5777 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (18 bytes) to 
> leveldb took 15.533184ms
> I0507 03:27:39.010144  5777 leveldb.cpp:399] Deleting ~2 keys from leveldb 
> took 64787ns
> I0507 03:27:39.010154  5777 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
> I0507 03:27:39.010160  5777 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action 
> at position 4
> I0507 03:27:39.029413  5789 slave.cpp:2801] Current usage 90.00%. Max allowed 
> age: 0ns
> ../../src/tests/gc_tests.cpp:658: Failure
> Value of: os::exists(executorDir)
>   Actual: true
> Expected: false
> {noformat}

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