
Benjamin Mahler commented on MESOS-4279:

I posted two fixes related to this ticket.

The first is to send terminal status updates in the same manner as the command 

The second is to eliminate the killing of the 'docker run' subprocess, which 
breaks the log redirection:

Let me know if you have any feedback, [~jieyu] kindly agreed to review.

> Docker executor truncates task's output when the task is killed.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MESOS-4279
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-4279
>             Project: Mesos
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: containerization, docker
>    Affects Versions: 0.25.0, 0.26.0, 0.27.2, 0.28.1
>            Reporter: Martin Bydzovsky
>            Assignee: Benjamin Mahler
>            Priority: Critical
>              Labels: docker, mesosphere
>             Fix For: 1.0.0
> I'm implementing a graceful restarts of our mesos-marathon-docker setup and I 
> came to a following issue:
> (it was already discussed on 
> https://github.com/mesosphere/marathon/issues/2876 and guys form mesosphere 
> got to a point that its probably a docker containerizer problem...)
> To sum it up:
> When i deploy simple python script to all mesos-slaves:
> {code}
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from time import sleep
> import signal
> import sys
> import datetime
> def sigterm_handler(_signo, _stack_frame):
>     print "got %i" % _signo
>     print datetime.datetime.now().time()
>     sys.stdout.flush()
>     sleep(2)
>     print datetime.datetime.now().time()
>     print "ending"
>     sys.stdout.flush()
>     sys.exit(0)
> signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
> signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigterm_handler)
> try:
>     print "Hello"
>     i = 0
>     while True:
>         i += 1
>         print datetime.datetime.now().time()
>         print "Iteration #%i" % i
>         sys.stdout.flush()
>         sleep(1)
> finally:
>     print "Goodbye"
> {code}
> and I run it through Marathon like
> {code:javascript}
> data = {
>       args: ["/tmp/script.py"],
>       instances: 1,
>       cpus: 0.1,
>       mem: 256,
>       id: "marathon-test-api"
> }
> {code}
> During the app restart I get expected result - the task receives sigterm and 
> dies peacefully (during my script-specified 2 seconds period)
> But when i wrap this python script in a docker:
> {code}
> FROM node:4.2
> RUN mkdir /app
> ADD . /app
> WORKDIR /app
> {code}
> and run appropriate application by Marathon:
> {code:javascript}
> data = {
>       args: ["./script.py"],
>       container: {
>               type: "DOCKER",
>               docker: {
>                       image: "bydga/marathon-test-api"
>               },
>               forcePullImage: yes
>       },
>       cpus: 0.1,
>       mem: 256,
>       instances: 1,
>       id: "marathon-test-api"
> }
> {code}
> The task during restart (issued from marathon) dies immediately without 
> having a chance to do any cleanup.

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